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<br /> • � 'I'OOE'fHHR WITH aU thc improvcmcnts now on c�rcaftcr crcctcd on 1hc property,sind ull eascmcnts. appurtcnanccs, und `�
<br /> � flxtures now on c�ccafter a of thc ro
<br /> part p perty.AA rcplaccincr��v and additions shuU�sa bc covcrcd by this Socurity InstrumenG �
<br /> AU of tha[oregoing is rofcrnd w in this Scxurlty Instrumcn�as tho"Propccty." I _-i'
<br /> ;�,,,,,,,,,: BORROWBR COVHNANTS that Honowcr is lawfully seised of tho ostatc hcrcby camcycd and has tho dght to grant und � �"'
<br /> . �.. ..+w� convey thc Propertyr and thet tho Property�S unencumbercd,cxcept for encumbranccs of rccord. Borrowcr wArrants and will � -:;;.•;:C;�
<br /> dcfend generally thc dUo to tha Property ageinst all clelms ond demands.subject to any encumbrances o[rocord. �
<br /> THIS SHCURITY INSTRIJIu�NT combincs uniform wvenants for nadonal usa and non-unifam covcnants with limited . .
<br /> variadons by jurlsd3ction to consdwte a unlform socurity Instrument covcring rcal property. . ,,.��•°�-
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agrec as fopaws: '•'�'�'=.
<br /> • ,,,,;:��-
<br /> 1.Payment of Prindpsd and Interest;Prepayment and Ls�te C6s�rges. Borrowcr shall prompdy pay when duc the ��:�:�.•_
<br /> principal of and interest on tho debt avidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. �;��� �
<br /> 2.Fuads for Tstxes And Yasurance. Sub t w y p y '��'
<br /> ,�ec applicable law or tn a writicn waiver b Lcnder. Borrowcr shaU a w _�`.�_
<br /> <;. I.ender on the day nionthly payments arc duo under the Note,until the Notc ls paid In full,a sum("Funds") for.(a)yearly taxes t'�--
<br /> and assessments whlch may attain priority ovcr this Security Instrument as a Uen on the Property;(b)yearly leasehald payments �':
<br /> c or ground renis on the Property,if eny;(c)yearly ha7ard or property Insuranca premiums;(d)ycariy flood insurancc premiums,if �=��'��
<br /> � �Y;(�)Y�ly mortgege Insurance premiums,if any;and (�any siuns payable by Horrower to I.ender,!n accardance wIth the ':g,
<br /> • provisions of paragraph 8, �n lIeu of the payment of mortgage insarance premiums. '1l�ese items are called"Fscrow Items." -
<br /> Lender may.at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to eacacd the maximum amount a lender for a federaily relei¢ed -
<br /> c cd
<br /> '� mortgage loan may require for Bonower's escrow account under the federal Real Estaus Settlement Procedurts Act of 1974 as -
<br /> amcnded from time to time.12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to thc Funds sets a lesser
<br /> ,� amonnt If so. Lender may,at any time, copect and hold Funds in an amount not W exceed the lesser amount I.ender may
<br /> esdmate the amouat of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expendltums of fuwre Escrow Items or
<br /> otherwLse in accoMance with applicable Iaw.
<br /> , 'Il�e Funds shall be deld in aa institudon whose d sits are insurcd b a federal enc ,uiswmentalI ,or end �'
<br /> . •.. � �P° Y a8 Y � ty ty(including
<br /> Leadcr,!f Lender!s such an insfltution)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. Lendu shall epply the Funds m pay the Escrow �
<br />--- - - - �{ Icems.Lendu may not charge Borrowu for holding and applying the Funds,annually analy�ng the esa+ow eccount,or verifying
<br /> � ,��4 the Escrow Itsms,unless L.ender pays Eorrower lnterest on the Funds and applicablc law permits l.ender w mske such a charg�,
<br /> Howevu,Lender may roquire Borrowu to pa y a one-tirne cher ge for an inde p e nder►t real estate tax re p ortu�g service n s e d b y
<br /> L.e�der in connecdon wIth chis loan. unless appllcable law provldes otherwis�s.Unless an agroement is mede or applicable law
<br /> . rcqufires inte�est to be paid,Lcnder shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on thc Funds. Borrower and
<br /> • . ' � 1-onder may agree in wrIang,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shatl give W Sonrowu,without charge,an -
<br />_ annual accountiag of the Funds,showing credits and debits to thc Fundn end the purpose for which each debit to the Fnnds wag -
<br /> made.'IUe Fnnds are pledged a4 addItlonel security for all sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen�
<br /> ,� If the Funds hold by Lander eaceed the amonnts permItted to be held by appllcable law,L,ender shaU accourtt to Borrowu for
<br />` the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.If tha amount of the Fands h�ld by Lender at any time is -
<br /> nat suEticlent to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so nobfy Borrower in writing,and�in such case Borrowu shall pay
<br /> _ � to Lendu the amount necessary to meke up the deficiency. Bormwer shall meke up the deficiency in no more than twelve _
<br /> ..�. .� mont1i11Y PaYments.at Lender's sole discredon. --
<br />,- . . � tlpon payment in full of Ai!����by this Socurlty Inswment,Lender shall pmmptly refund to Bormwer any Funds �
<br /> , ��� ' held by Lendu. If,under paragraph 21,Lcnder shall acqulre or scll the Property,Lender,prior w the acquisition or sale of the �°_==
<br /> �--.
<br /> ,. �' Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the ti�ne of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums secumd by thi.g �
<br />._-,,. Security Instcument �.;'
<br /> ' ` 3.Appik�tion ot Paymenta. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,aU payments received by Lender under paragraphs �='-
<br /> T '• 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,eo any prepayment charges due under the Note:second, to amonnts payabk under paragraph 2; r-�
<br /> :,,.
<br />_ , . third,to interest due;fourth.w prIncipal due;and last,to any lau�charges due under the Noto, e;-
<br /> " 4.ChArges;Liena Borrnwer shall pay all taxes,assessments,chargcs,fincs and imposiaons attributabte to the Property =
<br /> . ' which may auain priority over this Seciuity Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if aray.Borrower shell pay these �'_::::_
<br /> � .� obligations in tha manner provided In paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bomower shall pay them on time direcdy w the =- —
<br /> person owed paymen� Bomower shall promptly fumish ta Lender all nouces of amonnts to be paid under this paragraph. If
<br /> Borrower mnkes these payments direcd y,Borrower shall prom ptl y furnish to L e n d e r r e ce i p t s e v i d e n c i n g t h e p a y m e n t s, -
<br /> 1 Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bo�rower. (a)agrees in -
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the llen in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the Uen �`:_�---�_-
<br /> ' by, or defends against enforcement of the Ucn in, legel proccedings which in thc Lender's opinion operatc tn prevent thc =---
<br />