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<br /> . S. Hiiiiu•d or Ih'u�xrly In+arnucc. Il��rruarr .hull Aerp ihc impruvcmcnt� nuw exi�ting un c�rcuftrr crcrted on thc
<br /> Pr��perty m,uir�l �itiain+i lu�ti hy tur. Icv,ud, inrhi�lyd wnliin thc ternt "cxtcnded rewrragc" an�l anp uthcr ha�ard�, including
<br /> flund,�u' Ilu��dinp. lin��vluch I rnd��r irqwirti iutiur;�n:r. �I'hu in,urancc shaU he muintuinrd in thc amuunt�and ti�r thc peric�ds
<br /> �, t� thut Lrndcr rrquirr,. 'I'hr in�in:in�e run��i �,i„�ulin�� tlur in,in•:uuc �hall hc chu,rn hy Burruu•cr ,uhjrct tu Lrndrr'� apprcival
<br /> whi�h ,hall nnt hr unre��,nnahh ���uhlu•I�I. li N�nrnwrr t:ul,tn maintain cuvc�u�:c dc�rnhrd abovr. l.rndcr may. at Lcndcr's -
<br /> :��,�'�`� uptiun.ohtuin ruvrr�i};c tn prutrrl I.cnd��r',nhhlr in Ihc F'ru�xrty in ncconlanrc with paragraph 7.
<br /> „N All in�urimcc pulirir, and ren��w;dti tihull I,r arr►ptuhlc tu I.cndcr und shall �nrludc :� tilandard nu�rtgagr rlau,c. I.cndcr
<br /> �hiQl h.rvc thc ri�;ht tu huld thc pnliri.ti,ind renr�wdti. If l.cndcr rcyuircr, B�rro�vcr shall prompdy givc tu l.cndcr all rcceipts o(
<br /> ��� h:
<br /> puid prcmiums iind rrn�wul nutircy. In ih��l'VL'l1I III IUS\. Nurruwcrshull givc prompt noticc to thc insuranrc carricr and Lendcr.
<br /> ��" LcnJcr muy mukc pruof uf lus,il'nnt m��dr pnnnpUy hy Hurro�v�r.
<br /> Unlc,ti Iw�ndcr imd F�orruwcr uthcrwi�c a�;rrc in writing,insurancc procecds shall be npplicd to restora[ion or repuir of the -
<br /> • ' Proprrty dnmaged,if thc resturution ur rcpi�ir i.cuunumlridly fcusihle und L.ender's secwity is not Iesscncd. If the restorstion or
<br /> • ' repuir i�not cronomirully fcasiblc ur Lcndcr'++ccurity would hc Icssened, thc insurance proceeds shall bc upplied to thc surns -
<br /> , • , securrd by this Security Inytrument, whethcr ar ni�r then duc, with uny exeess puid to Borrower. If Borrower ubundans the =
<br /> . Property, or daes not unrwcr within i0 dayti u uoticc fmm lAn�lcr thut the insurunce carrier has offered to settle a claim,then
<br /> ��� • Lender muy collect tlic insuruncc prucecd�. l.endrr muy u,c the pru�ecds to rcpair or restorc thc Property or to puy sums -
<br /> ' ' • �''' secured by this Security In+trument,whcthcr ur ni�t then�lue.'I'hc 30-duy periuci will begin when the notice ix given. -
<br /> «� •� �" Unless Lcnder und B��rrowcr utlurwi.r ugrce in writing, uny upplicution of proceeds to principal shall not extend or ;;
<br /> `''',^=.<;,�,;;�� postpone the due dutc af thc monthly puymcnt, refcrred tu in purugruphti I und 2 or change the amount of thc paymcnts. if _
<br /> � unJer puragraph 21 the Property is ucquired by l.�ndrr, Hurruwcr's rizht to uny insurunee policies and proceecis resulcing from -
<br />. �' ' damuge to thc Property prior to thc ucquisitiun shull pu�s tu l.cnilrr iu U�c exteut of the sums sccured by this Securiry Instrument =
<br /> � ��'� � immcdiatcly prior to thc ucquitiition. _.
<br /> � • 6. Occupancy.Pr�rvatlon,Mulntenance und Nrot��adnn of the F'rupeny;Borrower's Loan Application;Leaseholds.
<br /> ,��-��r Bonower shall c�ccupy,estublish,und u�e th�Prupeny ii, Hurrower'�princip�el rcsidence within sixry days after the execution of
<br /> b,"�' '"�� this Security Instrument und shull continur to occupy thr I'riip�rty n. Burruwer's principal residence for at leatit one year after
<br /> _'•�-k-y•,• the date of occupuncy,unlexs I.ender othcrwise ugrccs in writin};,whirh run,cnt�hall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> " extenuating circumstunces exist which ure beyond Borruwcr'� contr��l. Hi�rruwer shall not destroy, damuge or impair the
<br />""`���'��`�'� Property, allow thc Property to dctcrinrute, or rotnmit wustc�m �hc Prn}wrty. Burrowcr shall be in default if any farfeiture
<br />��;`.+;:r,M�.�!' action or pracec:ding, whether civil or crimimd, is begun thnt in l.cn�ler'+grnxl fuith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> �=`"'�"^"` Property ar otherwise muteriully impuir thc Ilcn rrcatcd by this Sccurily Inytrument or I.ender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> =-V=��^j�t�^ cure such u dsfault and reinstute, us prnvided in purn�;n�ph IA,hy cnutiing thr urti�m ur praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />_�;:-$�:r�I..,t� that, in Lender's good fuith dcterniinution, prcrludcs tiirfciturc al'thc Horruwer'r intcrest in the Property or other material
<br /> -,���±?�:'•� impuirment of the lien creutcd by this Sccurity Instrument ur I.ci�ler'� ticcurity interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> s��n-� ` ?� Bonower,du�ing the lonn applicAtion prixess,gave muteriully fultie ur fnaccurnte infiirmutinn or stutements to Lender (or fail�d
<br /> =_�^�+ to provIde Lcnder with uny muteriul informudon)In ronucctlun wi�h thc lium evldcnrcJ bv the Note, includine. but n�t limitecl
<br /> —'�-"?�-� to, representatians concerning Borrow�er's ixcupuncy of the Hroperty:AS ii princfpul rewidenre. If thls Security Instrument is on a
<br /> '"'" �'� leasehold, Borrower shull com I with i�ll the rc�visiuns uf the Icu+c. If Ilorrnwer ucyuires fee title to the Property, thc
<br /> —:�--�f*u'••'� P Y P
<br /> ��°� leasehold und the fee title shull not merge unlcsti l..endcr n�rccs t��dic mcr�er in writing.
<br /> a-- 7.Protectfon of Lcndcr's RightK(n the Property.ll'Elurr��wcr tidlti to perti�nu thc covcnants and agreements conGtined in
<br /> --- this Security Instrurnent, or therc is u Icgal pr�xccding thut muy �ibnilicunUy nl'fcrt Isnder's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> -�--_ proceeding in bunkruptcy, probate, far condemnution or ti�rfciture or to cnliirrr lawti ar rcgulations), then L.ender may do and
<br /> —___= pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Pro�rty nnd l.�nder', rightr; in the Propeity. L.ender's actions may �
<br /> `�_�,y�� include puying uny sums secured by u lien whirh hns priurity uver thiti tierurity Instn�mcnt, appearing in coun, paying �
<br /> `_�^°��!� reusonable attorneys' fees und entering on the Propeny to mukc rcpair.r.AUlwugh l.ender muy tuke action under this paragraph
<br /> _._`=�� 7. Lender does not huve to do so.
<br /> -�` ��"' Any umounts disbursed by Lendcr undcr thiti purugruph 7 shull hccomc �idditiun�d debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> ����F-'=_� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender ugrec to othcr tcrm�nl'puymcnt, Ihcsc iimounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> -- date of disbursement ut the Note mte und shall be puyublc, with intercrt, u{Hm uudre fr��m I.cndcr to Bonower reyuesting
<br /> =__+� � payment.
<br /> W�;�u °•" 8.Mortgage Insurunce.If l.endcr rcyuirul mortgugc insurunce uti�i conelltiuii ul'inuking thc loua secured by this Security =-
<br /> �ti-'�' Instru►nent, Borrower shall pay the premiums requirul tu mainta�in thc mortgu��r insunmr�� in effuct. If, for any reason, the
<br /> - � �����" mortgage insurance coveruge requircd by Lender lup+cs ur cen�cs to hc in et'fcct, Ilurrowcr tiludl puy thc premiums required to
<br /> '` .�-i obtain coverage substuntiaUy cyuivalent to the murtgugc intiurnncc prcviuutily in c(fcc�, nt u ru.t�ubstuntially e•quivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mnrtgage insurance previou.r•ly in effect, from un idtcrii�ur uwrt�;u}te irmumr upproved by Lender. If
<br /> substantially equivalent mc�rtgage insurunce coveruge is not uvniluhle, Hurru�ver�hull p,�y�u Ixnder eurh month a sum eyunl to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly moiKgage insurunce premium being pni�i hy Hurruwcr wl�rn thr in,urunce coveruge lupsed or ceused to
<br /> • be in effect. Lender will accept, u�c And retain thetie payments iir u loti, rrYerre in liru ��f mur��;u�;e insurance. Loss reserve —
<br /> Farm 3028 9/90
<br /> I�oJr Y �il 0 —
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