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<br />�L� RE}�L� ESTATE MORT�AGE - 7�ega1 Description �,
<br /> -- � � 9?�l��/U�
<br /> " � � act of land aompriainq Farta of Lots Two (2) . Three (3) an�
<br /> A tx
<br /> ;;,;s.;,. Four (4) Ialand, toge�her with the accretion land theretot par
<br />-.'�.;,.���,.�: , of Lot Eleven (11) Hirch Subdivisionj and all of the Northeast
<br />�:�..� ...... Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE�SW}) All or the above being
<br /> �::i`�.�;"�' situated in part of the North Hnlf of the Southwest Quaxker
<br /> ;°:�:F+:, �� (I�3gN�) p Part of the �:ast Hal# of the Northwest puarter (EiN��I}) i
<br />=4=;.�; ,; , and part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W3NU1�1t and
<br /> '`� �'`- �` �art af the West Half vf the Northeast Quarter IW�NE})t al l in
<br />��,;;,,,';� Section Twenty-seven (271 ► Townghip Eleven (11) North, Range Ninz
<br />= '�T'"��°'.; (9) West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska, more
<br />` � � � particularly described as followa: _
<br /> ry:'��''
<br /> _y',�.i , Beginning at a point on the East line of th�
<br /> ,: r::G
<br /> West Half of the Northeast puarter (W�NE�1 , said
<br />._ ;�;:. point being Three Hundred Twenty-one and Twenty-f ive
<br /> '�'�� ' ' Hundredths (321.25) Feet South of the Northeast
<br /> �'`''� � Corner of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> `�::.��"�
<br />_,_.�;� - (W}NE}) = Thence Southerly along said East line of th$
<br /> -:n��z� �,�st Ha 1 f of the Northeast Quarter (�1�NF}1 ►
<br /> -��''�� distance of Two Thousand Five Huncired Fvi�� ant:
<br /> =��•Y Seventy-two Hundredths (2,54 0.7 Z) Feet to �he South-
<br /> °'.�='�:--'
<br /> east Corner of said West Half of the Nort eas
<br />- �-�=�;:� Quarter (W�NE�) , Thence Westerly along the South Line
<br /> =°'-=� of said West Iialf af the Northeast Quarter (W���) . a
<br /> — distance of One Thousand Three tIundred Twelve and
<br /> - - � Eighty-two Hundredthe (1, 312.82) Feet, to the Center
<br /> ------ of �caid Section Twenty-seven (27) f Thence Southerly
<br /> __
<br />