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<br />`•r (218.85) Feet, to a point on a Westerly line o Lot
<br />` '�;�''�,"� Eleven (11) , Birch Subdivieion, Thence Southerly
<br />��._� along said Weaterly line of Lot �leven (11) , a
<br /> --- distance of Twen�y-four and Twenty-six Hundredtha
<br /> ----� (24.26) r'eet, to a point One tiundred Sixty-five
<br /> *�'� ' (165.0� Feet North of a Southwesterly Corner of rtaid
<br /> _=— Lot Eleven (11) j Thence running Northeasterly
<br /> --_- parullel to the Southeasterly line of said Lot Eleven
<br /> --_ (11) , a distance oE Eight Hundred Thirty-eiqht and
<br /> _ Sixty-three Hundredtha (83B.63) Feet, to the Eas� `
<br /> --- line of said Lot Eleven (11) , alao being the Weaterly
<br /> line of said Northeast Quarter (NE}); Thence
<br />""����-' Northerly along said Weaterly 13ne of the Northeast -.
<br /> Quarcter (NE�) , a distance of Thirty and Thirty-four
<br />- - - Hundxedths (30 .34) Feet, to a point on the Centerline
<br /> � of the North Channel of the Platte River, said point
<br /> � beinq One Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-five and
<br /> ��•= Sixteen Hundredths (1,365.16) Feet South of the
<br /> Northwest Corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE�) :
<br /> Thence deflecting Right 53°30'40" and running Nar�th-
<br /> - - . Aa�tArly along said Centerline, a distance of Two
<br /> Hundred Forty-six (246.0) Fee�.j Thence deflecting
<br />-- � Left 12°26'90" and running Northeasterly alonq said
<br /> Centerline, a di stance of Eiqht Hundred Ninety-nine
<br /> • and Seventy-nine H�ndredths (899.79) Feet= Thence
<br /> deflecting Right 30 O1'20" and running Northeasterly
<br /> alonq said Centerline, a distance of Seventy-twa and
<br /> . Eighty-five Hundr$dths (72.85) Feetf Thence
<br /> � deflecting Right 19 35'S0" and running Northeasterly
<br /> a long said Centerline, a distance of One Hundred
<br /> • Sixty-six and Twenty-four Hun�lredths (166. 24) Feetj
<br /> • Thence deflecting Left 21 10'20" and running
<br /> Northerly alonq said Centerline, a distance of '1'wo
<br /> Hundred Fi.fty-one and Eighty-four Hundredths (251.84)
<br /> Feett Thence deflecting Left 41°03'40" and running
<br /> Northeasterly along said Centerline, a di stance of
<br /> One Hundred Sixteen and Thirteen Hundredths (116.13)
<br /> `' Feet, to the PlacP of Beqinning and containing
<br /> 140.834 acres more or less.
<br /> ��
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