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<br /> �.4R�}f�M� . . . . . . . . . . � �:'.E!#�ft�•M?'�.!h.M1''o'MA"�l�NWM�l�iQl��F':�'l:�lj.', , � .. . . .. . . . .��z .='S�:
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<br /> RE�1L ES�'A'�'� MORTGAG� - Legul De3cription
<br /> _�.;,`��� 97-�OPI�� „�.
<br />:� . ; -
<br /> ` .. A txact of land comprising parts of Lots Two (2) , �hree (3) and -
<br />"`� Four (4) Island� together with the accretion land theretaf part __
<br /> of Lo� Eleven (11) Birch Subdivisionj and all of the Northeast =
<br /> Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE�SW�) all of th� abave being ``i
<br /> situated in part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter —
<br /> �:• � (N�SW}) i Part of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E3NW�) t
<br />-� and part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W�NW}) t and
<br /> _� � part of the West Half oE the Northeast Quarter (W}NE}) s all in �
<br /> ��'�' �` � Section Twenty-seven (27) , Township Eleven (11) North, Aange Nine __
<br />��t.���"1'= y Nebraska more
<br /> �r:;�.,;.� .�� (9) West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall Count , r
<br /> . , � particularly described as follo�,►s: _..-
<br /> �
<br /> ,, `���� Beginning at a point on the East line of the ---
<br /> " West Half of the Northeast Qunrter (S�1}NF�) , said �,`-
<br /> '�y�'�:�. point being Th.ree Hundred Twenty-one and Twenty-five --
<br />= k,�,., �: Hundredths (321.25) Feet South of the Northeast _
<br />� Corner of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> . �. �• ' (W�NE�) j Thence Southerly along said East line of the
<br /> =���:;.. ;,: West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W}NE�) , a
<br /> �,;•. ��r �iistance of Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty and _
<br /> ��`� Seventy-two Hundredths (2,54 0.7 2) Feet to the South-
<br />"'�,{..:,;{:
<br />- - aast Cc�:.cr of said WPat Ha] f of the Northeast
<br />=4��•�� `�.����. Quarter (W}NE}) , Thence Westerly alang the South Line
<br />�ti;�:��;,;'� � of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W}NE31 , a
<br /> ���° � t distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Twelve and
<br /> �=: .� �Ai'� Eighty-two Hundredth�s (1,312.82) Feet, to the Center
<br /> =•,.�,��.��
<br /> ='=`���T�c,�.; of said SQCtic�ii Twsnt�y-seve�i f27) t Thence Southerly
<br />���;�.
<br />�_����,�;�, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the
<br />�.��:,
<br />�::;::;3� Southwest Quarter fNE}SW�) a distance of One Thousan
<br />'°'�"���' ThreQ FIundred Twenty-two and Forty-two fiundredths
<br />�:�-�,:�,��
<br />�r�=��'-"°�� (1,322.42) Feet to the Southeast Corner o� said
<br /> -� �:_�'�
<br /> -.-��:�i_°��� � Northeast Quarter of �he Southwest Quarter (NE}SW 1 t
<br />--�_-__;�� • Thence Westerly along the South line of the North
<br /> e�:..-,•�_:,� Half of the Southwest Quar�er (N�SW�) , a distance of
<br /> �'�'�:LL>�r� One Thousand Four Hundred Forty-seven and Eighty-
<br /> �`¢:��'�"r� three Hundredths (1,447.83) Feet to a Point One
<br /> Y-�- ,�x
<br />�a',�`�+��,�:� Thousand One Hundred Fifty-aeven and Four Tenths
<br /> �`ti`:�:�;�- (1,157.4) Feet Eas� of the Southwest Corner of said
<br />� "�"-=�� North Half of the Southweat Quarter (N�SW}) t Thence
<br />=�..�,+t....�
<br /> '=��:.����, Northerly parallel to the West line of said Southwest
<br />_��:*��;= Quarter (SW�1 , a di stance of Five Hundred Thirty-six
<br />=-R;��... and Fifty-one Hun�redths (536.51) Feett Thence
<br />�.:��'"�';�:" deflecting left 88 46'10" and running Westerly a
<br /> � �"�`�' distance of Two Hundred Sixty (260.0) Feetj Thence
<br /> � � 7 � Southerly parallel to the West line of said Southwest
<br /> - Quarter (SW}) , a distance of One Hundred Sixty =
<br /> (160.0) Feett Thence deflecting Right 91°13'S0" and �;�;
<br /> �.:
<br /> . �:_-
<br /> ;`.''
<br /> �'z-
<br /> -- � '
<br /> -_ t
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<br /> �� . ....... ... ..... .. . . .�._. _ :.,...�;
<br /> Y
<br /> 1 1
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