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201208584 <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee stiall recurd :� nulite uf'default i�� each county in which any <br /> part o�'the Pro�erty is loc�ied anil sli�ll �ciuil COE31E'.5 4C SUCII ciotice in thc manner prescri6ed by <br /> applicable la�v to Borrorver and to tlie other persons prescrihed by applicable la�v. ATter the time <br /> required 6y agplicahle law, Trustee shall give public natice of sale to the �ersons and in the manner <br /> prescribed by ap�lica6ic faw. Tr¢stee, tvithout demanc� on 6orrowcr, shall sell the Property�t public <br /> �uctian ta the hi�liest bidder at the time and place and �nder the terms drsignated in the noticc of stile <br /> in one or more parcels and in any order Trus#ee de#ermines. 'Frustec may postPone sule of�11 or��iy <br /> parcel of tlie 1'roperty by pubIic announcemtnt at tl�c time and �lace of�ny �reviously setiecie�led sale. <br /> Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any s�le. <br /> If the Lender's interest in this Security Instrument is tield by the Secrelary orid the Secretary requires <br /> immediate payment in full under P�ragr�ph 9, Lk�e Secretary �iiay i[ivol<e flte nonjudicial po�ver oT sale <br /> provideci in t1�c Singlc Family Mort��ge Noreclos[�re Act nT 1994 ("Act^) (12 U.S.C. 3751 et seq.) 6y <br /> rnqucsfing� Porcclos��rc commissioner designateri undcr tlae Act to commencc foreclosure and to sell <br /> ti�c Property ns nrnvicied in the Act_ iVnthing in the�receding sentencc shall deprive tlie Secretary of <br /> �ny rigk�ls c7tl�er�visc available to a Lendee• under this Paragra�h 18 or a�plicable 1a�v. <br /> Llpon receipt of�ayment vf tke price bid, Trustee slutfl deliver to tl�e gurchaser Trustee's deed <br /> conveyin� tl►e Prp�erty. Tt�c recitaIs in the Trustce's deed sliall be grima facie eviden�e nf the truth of <br /> the statements madc tliercin. Trustce shall ap�ly the proceeds oT tl�e sale in tl�c Tollovving orcier: (a) tn <br /> aIl co5ts and espenses oF exercising ttie power of s:�le, �nv LF�c sule, i��cludiug#he p�yment of the <br /> Trustec's t'ces actualiy incurred and reason:�bie atturneys' fees as pernsitted by Ap�licable Law; (b) to <br /> ali sums se�ured by tlsis Securily ly�siru���eizt; and (c) any excess ta ttie person or persons legally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> 79. I�eCDnVeyaRee. Upon p�ytnenY of all sutns secured Uy this Secority Instrument, Lender shaiE rcquesC <br /> "I'rustee to reconvey the Property �nd sliall surrender this Security Instrument and a[E notes evidencing�f�bt <br /> sec€ired hy this Sec€irity Tnstrumenc to Trustee. Trustee sEiall recanvey the I�roperty without warranty and <br /> witho�rt charge to the�ersnn or persons leoally entitled to it. Such person or persons sEiall pay any <br /> recardation cnsts. <br /> 2p. Substitute �frustee. Lender, aL its aption, may from time to time remove Trustee and appnint a successnr <br /> �rus�ee tn any Tivstee appointed liereunder by an instevment recorded in the county in which this Security <br /> lnstruinent is recorded. Withaut canveyance aPthe Property, ihe successor trustce shall succeeci tn all the <br /> title, pp�ver and duties confeered upon Trustee ]terein and by applicaUle law. <br /> 21. Request for fVotices. Borrawer requests that capies ofthc natices of default�nd saie be sent to Borrawer's <br /> address �vhich is tEie Property Address. <br /> 22. Riders to this Sectsrity Instrument. If one or morc ridcrs �re executed by 13nrrnwer and recorded <br /> together with this 5ecurity Instrumcnt, tl�e covenants of ench such rider sha!! Ue inoorporated into and sha[[ <br /> amend and supplement Yhc covenants and �greem�nls nf�his Security Instrumenk as if tk�e rider{s)were a part <br /> af this Seeurity Instrument. [Cl�ecl:applicable 6ox(es)]. <br /> 0 Conctominium Rider � Growiii� Equity Rider [] Qt11er jspecify] <br /> � Planned UniE Develvpmrnl Fti�er � Liraduated Payment Rider <br /> ^o7z-z�z�zs2 1060497000�2039539 ❑`�$3 <br /> FFIA Mar[gage WITH ME7i5-NE Fievised 4796 <br /> VMP OD VMP4N[NE)(1 i�9} <br /> Wolfers I(luwer Fnenckal Services 10/9/2052 2:50 PM Page 8 of 30 <br />