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<br /> � 17.'Trnnsfer ot the Propaty or�Bendtcl�l lnterest la Borro�ver.lf ali ot auy part of th�perty���n��t iu it _ ___
<br /> iN sald or tr�w.9ferred(or if A beueticial intarest iu 8arrower ia sold ar trAa9ferred aad Borrower is not x nxtural person)witliout �__
<br /> -•-�"''' L.ander's pdor wrlttea conseat, Leuder mAy. at its op don, req u ire imm e d Iate paymen t in f u l l o f a l l s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s _ __.
<br /> ^y���� Secur�ry lnvuwnent.However�this apdon ahAll uot be eaercised by Lepder if exercise is pmqibited by federal law as of the date :,�'•°�-
<br /> � of thla Securlry Iasm�ment. -
<br /> I If L.eader exerclses this opdan,l.eader shell give Bonower nodce of acceleradon.The aodce sball provtde a period of not
<br /> 1 les.v tlwn 30 dstye from the dute the twdce is dellvoml or mailal wlthin which Borrower must pay all sums securecl by tWs
<br /> � SecurIry Inguument.If Borcower fails to p�y t4ese sums prtor to the expirAdon of this perlod, L.euder muy invoke auy remedies
<br /> peimitted b thls Security Iastrument wlthout fu:ther mHce or demand on Borrower.
<br /> I tm y
<br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Rdmtxte. If Borrower mats cect�in candidoav. Borrower shall have the r3ght to have
<br /> enforesment of this Sccurity Iasm�ment discoudaued at any dmo prlor to the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or such ather pedad as _
<br /> appHcable law may specify for reinstatement) befon sale of the Pcoperty pursuant to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> "' Security Inst�umenr.or(b)entry of a judgment enforciug this Sxurtty Iastn�meni.Those condltions nce that Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due w�der thi.s Security Insuument aad the Note ns If no Accelerxdon had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures say default af any other covenants ar agreaneats; (c)pa s all expenses incurnd ia enforcing this Securlty Insuument, .
<br /> includiag,but aot limitai to, reasonable attome�rs' fees; and(d�takes such acdon as L.ender may reasonAbly requlre to assuce
<br /> tLet the lien of this SecurIty Insavment, Lender s rights in the Propeity�nd Borrower's obligadon topay the avms secured by
<br /> this Sxurlty Instiument shall condn�e unchaaged. Upon ceinstaument by Borrower� this Securlty Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall remaia fvlly effadve as if no acr,ele�adon had occurred. However, this rlght to reinstate shall '�
<br /> � ' not apply In the case of acceleradon uacier paragnph 17. �`�'
<br /> 19. SAIe of Note= Chan�e of L,c�an Servtcer.The Nute or a partjal interest in the Note (together wIW this Securlty
<br /> - Iastcument)may be sold one or mon dlues without prlor nodce to Borcower.A sAle may nsult ia a change in the endty(known -- :_
<br /> as the"IAan Servicer')that coUects monthly payments due under the Note ancl tl�is Saurlty Iasuumeat.Then also may be one _
<br /> � or more changes of tha Loan Servtar nnrelated to�sale of the Note.If there is a change of the L.oan SeavIcer,Borrower wiU be
<br /> glven wrluen nodce of the chaage in accordance wltL paragriph 14 above and applicable law.The nodce will stau the name and �
<br /> addness of the new L.oan Servlcer aad the�addnss to ahich payntents should be made. The nodce wIll also contaia any other _
<br /> . .,
<br /> infotmadon roqutred b appHcablc law.
<br /> ---- �. ..�• ����. g�iw►yy�r �twtl na�cuuce or permit the pnsence. nse. disposal. storaSe, or relwse of any -
<br /> Ha�srdous Substances oa or ia the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyoae else to do� anYthinB a�'xtin8 We - —
<br /> Property tl�t is in violadon of any Hmrironmental I.aw. TLe preceding two senunces shall not apply w tfie prese�e. use, or _ -
<br /> storage on the Property of s�naU quaatides of He7ardous Subst�nces that are generally recognizod to be appropriate to nomial _
<br />-. � residential�ses and to maintenanc�s of the Properry.
<br /> Borrower shall pmmpdy gtve I.ender wrltun nodce of any invesHgadan. claim,damand.lawsuit or other acaon by any ,�
<br />_,a; :: governmewal.or regulatory agency or prlvate party involvIng die Pmperty ancl any Hardrdous Substance or Bnvironmental L,aw ,
<br />-� of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Botrower leams, or is nodfied by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that +
<br /> any removal or other remediation of any Ha�.ardous Substance affxdng tlie Pcaperty is�cessary,Bocrower shall pmmptly taloe �="
<br />-=`�==- - - ��;�
<br /> y" .' ali necessacy remedial acdons in accorclance with Bnvlronmental Law. q
<br /> •-�:=�.-, ps�sed in this paragraPh 20. "Ha�cdous Substoaces' are those subst�nces deSned as toxic or h�zardous substances by . -
<br />� � 8nvtronmental I.aw and the follovvIug substances: Basoline, kGrace�+ other flAmmable or toxic petroleum prod�cts, toxic �_
<br />_ � � peccoicides ancl herbicides.voladle solvents,matetials contaiuing asbesws or forn�aldehyde,aacl radioacdve materinls.As used in !_-
<br /> p oi
<br /> tLis�wragcaph 20� 'Bnvlmnmental Law'mean4 federal laws und laws of the jurisdlctton where the Property is located that �--
<br />�::r .�-Tf. . q —�
<br /> �••.: ' relau to health�safety or e�rvimnmental proucdoa. _.
<br /> .� �P- NON-IJNIFORM COVBNANTS. Botrower aud Lender fvrther covenstnnt and agroe as follows: �=.-
<br /> 21.Accderation;Rm�edies.Lenda'sh�ll�ive notia to Borrowar pdor to acoderallon followin�Borrower's breach ��.
<br />'�' ' of any co�ensnt or a�nent ta thls Secudty L�trumant (but not prior to acoderation iwder �ph 19 unles� ��,-
<br /> w para _ _
<br />- � Rppltcable law pm�id�othawtse).T6e notia shall apectfy: (a)the defaulti N)tlu xd[on reqWred!o cure tbe defiulti —,.�
<br /> j��`'°' . (c)A date,not less than 30 days from the dsttct6e notice is�iven to Borrowa�by whlch the det'adt m�ut be cund=and �:.
<br />- . • (� that tailun to cure the d�'sWt on or belare the date specifled in the notice may result in accderatton of the sua►s �-
<br /> secwYd by tWs Securlty lnstrument aad sale of the Proparty. The aotice sh�tU further taform Borrowar of tbe ri�ht to �"
<br />-�';:;-; �� rdn4tate afta�acceleration aad the riQl►t to brin�a court actioa to�.ssat the non�axx of a default or any other !�'�---
<br />_' � defense of Borrower to accderatton and sale.If the defAUlt Ls not cured on or before the dnte specitied in the notioe, �`'-'
<br /> _ • ' I.ender, at tts opt[on�mayrequIre immediate payment ln full of xll sums aecured by thLs Secur[ty Instrument without ��=`---_
<br />- furtl►er demand and may in�oke We power of sale and nny other remedies parn�itted by applicable lsw.Laider shall be —
<br /> � entitled to colled all expenus incun�ed in pursufnY the raaedies provided in this parafraph 21,includtnY,but not Wntted �
<br /> to�e�e�wnAble attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> If the powa of sale Is invoked, Tnutee shall record a notice of defadt in each coonty 1n wt�tc6 any pArt of the _--_.
<br /> Yropaty is locwted and shall mail uopics of such iat[ce in tt�e matukr prescribed by appl[cable ls►w to Borrower and to ' -��,�z=�-_
<br /> the other paaon4 prescribed by appUc�ble law.ARer the time reqWred by appltcable law,Tnutee shail give public twtia ,�_
<br /> of sale to the person4 and[a the nwrmer prGSaibed by applicable law.Tnutee,withont danand on Borrower, shAll sell ;:;t;+�. �-=
<br />_ the Propaty at publte auctton to the hl�hest bidda�at ttx time and place and under the tavng designated in the notice of '�t�..�.__ _ _
<br /> a�le!n one or mere parcels and tn any orda Trustee determines. Tnutee mAy postpone sale of all or any cel of the ;�.:.t;��r:
<br /> Propaty by public aanouncement at the time and place of aay prevlouSly scheduled sale. Lendex or its esiQnee mxy � �"." -w
<br /> purchace the Property at any sale. ``'�''r. -M�'�
<br /> �`�-�: ' ,i` .
<br /> _J Form 30�9190�, � ."
<br /> . — -- _
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