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<br /> ,� TO(3BTHBR WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected ott the ro ��_/�a /nan�cs .?�',
<br /> fixtures now or hereafter a art of the m P ��•���IIlents,appurte .aad �"''
<br /> ' P P getry. All replacenients aad addidons st�nll also be covered by ttus Security
<br /> Insmuuent. All of tht foregoIng is refemd to in this Security Iusuuwcut as thc "Property." __ -
<br /> .�:' BORROWBR COVBNANTS tlutt Bomower is lawfnlly selsed of We estate henby canveyed and has the dght to grant�nd � .�s�
<br /> .�,,,,,,�,�r� coavey the Property aad that the Pmperty is uneacumbend, eacept far eacumbratscr.s of recard. Borrower warrnnts und wlll : .4."
<br /> ,�.,.�,,.;,�s defend geaerally the Ntle w the Pmperry agxinst�11 claims aad demand.9,subject to aay encumbraac;es of record.
<br /> THIS SHCURITY INSTRUMBNT cambine�uniform caveaauts for mttioiwl use and nc�n-uniform cuvenapts with Iltnited �
<br /> varI�dons by Judsdicdan to cansdtute K uuSfaim security invttument covedag real pmperty. .
<br /> ' UN[PORM COVBNANTS.Bonower atx!Leucler covenant x�ul agrce�.s follows: - °
<br /> �. 1. Payment of Princlpal end Inta�sti Prep�yment �nd I.�te Chtr�a. Hormwer xhall pmmpdy pAy whca due the ���:--_
<br /> . p r itk ip�l a f A n c!intemt an t he de bt ev i deike d by Qte Nnte�►�xl�u�y pnpxyruent und Irte cdargcs duo u�xler the Notc. �' '''�
<br /> 2. �ncM for Tiucee and Insur�nc�. Subjrct to�ppllcxble IKw ur ta a writtcp wAiver by Lcnder. Borrower ehall pxy ta ��*--
<br /> , , ° l.e�xler an tUe�xy monthly pAyments�ue Quo uixlcr thc Note,until tl�e Note is paid in ft�ll,x sum("Funds")far:(A)ywrly taxes ���'Y
<br /> xnd Assessmente wdich may Attaiu pdodty aver thie Secudty In9uumeat as n liea on the Property; (b)yeacly leASehald payments �'
<br /> or Qmund rents on the Property.if aay:(c)Yesuly hazard or property insurance premlumet(d)Yearly tlood i�unu�ce premlums, =
<br /> ' if any; (e)yearly mongaQe insurance premintna,lf any; and(��ny s�ums payable by Bottower to I,ender.In accordance wlth
<br /> , :� the provisIons of paragrnph 8.in lleu of the payment of mortgage i�vrAnce premiums. 'l7iese items are called'Bscrow Items.' �,�
<br /> Lender mny. At any d�ae, coUect aad hold Funds in w amouut not to exceed the maximum amaunt a lender for a fcdsnlly
<br /> related mortgage loan u�y require for Bornower's escrow scwunt under the federal Real Bstate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as vnended from dme to dme, 12 U.S.C.SectIon 2601 et seq. ("RHSPA'), unless another law that applies to the Fw�ds ___
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any dme, collect attcl hold Funds in an unount not to eaceed tbe lesser amouat.
<br />; .� Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due an the basls of current data aud reasonablc estimates of expeuditures of future ___
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwjse in acwrdance with appUcuble law. �.�
<br /> � The Fuuciss shaU be held in aa Insdtudoa whose deposIts ere lasund by a federxl agency, instivmentality, ar endty �`
<br /> � � � (including Lender,
<br /> if I.ender is such an insdtution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. I.ender shaU apply the Pun�ds to pay the '-
<br />� Escrow Items.I.ender may not charge Bormwer for holding and applying the Funds,annuslly analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> -- - r�ei.fyiug thc&;�.iatv It�rus.iuiless Leadai�►uy�i Buc:vwcr incerest on the Fwids ana appiicable law pemiits Lender to make svch - -
<br /> - • a charge.However� I.ender mny require Horrower to pay a one-dme charge for an independent real estate tax npordag servlce -
<br />� . used by Lender ia connocdon with this loan, unless appllcable law providea othanvlse. Unless an agreement �S made or
<br /> applicable law raluires interest W be paid,Lender shall nc►t be requlreci to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br />_ : Borrower wsd Lender may agree in writing.howcver,that inurest slwll be paid on the Fuads. I.ender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> •� . . without cLarge, an anaual accoundng of the Funds, showing cndits and debits to the Fuads and the putpose for which wcu
<br />'`� • debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as udclldonal securlty for ell sums secuced by this Sa�urlty Iasttvment.
<br /> ' . q��'`; If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amauats permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall account W Borrower
<br /> _ for the exr.ess Funds in accordance wlth the requirements of appHcable law.Tf the amount of the Funds held by Le�er at any
<br />,; - � � time is not s�fficient W pay the Bscrow Items when due, L.ender may so notlfy Bomower in wridng,and.in such case Horrower
<br />����- •: :•f ` shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the de�iciency. Borrower shaU make up the deficiency in no mote than
<br /> ��.��;�`?� twelve montWy payments,at Lender's sole discndon.
<br />�,�;;�„�,:,,�'"' • Upon payment in fuU of aU sums secured by Wis Securtty Instrwnent, Lender s�ll prompdy nfund to Bonower any
<br />-�'_t":''1:_� Funds held by L,ender.If�under paragr�ph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Propeny� Lender.prIor to the acquisidon or sale
<br />- .-:r,:r�-•,�`, of the Pm
<br /> perty, shall apply auy Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisidon or s�lo as a cralit against the sums secured by
<br />_ ��� thLs Security Instivment.
<br />- _ � 3.ApplicxUon oP Paymmfa.Unless applicable law prnvides othenvlse,all payments receivod by Lender wsder pazagraphs
<br /> "- • , 1 and 2 shull be applial: first,to any prepayment charges due under tl�e Note; second, to amounts payable w�der paragraph 2; ���-
<br />�.. . third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,w any late charges due under the Note.
<br />- - "'`•"' 4. Char�es; Ueas. Borrower shall pay a11 taxes,a.ssessnneats, charges, flnes and impostdons amlbutable to the Property
<br />- ;.,��.., .. •
<br /> ��•,•-��"�. which mny attaiu priortty nver tLis Security Insaument. and leasehold payments or ground rents.if aay. Borrower shall pay =__
<br /> ti��,: "" � these obligadons in the man�r provided in paragraph 2�or if not paid in tbat manner,Boaower shall pay theat oa time directly - -
<br />_. - � � to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptiy furnish to L.ender all notices of amounts to t+e paid under this paragraph. '-
<br /> . If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receIpts evidencing the payments. -
<br />_ Borrower shall prompdy discharge any llen which has priority over this Security Instcument unless Bomower. (a)agras in �
<br />� � wridng to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a wanner acceptabie to Lender;(b)cautests in guod faith the lien �-
<br />' by, or defends against enforcenaent of the Iten In, legal proceedings whteh in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the �
<br /> enforcement of tl�e llen;or(c)secures fcom the holder of the liett an agreement s�ustactory to Lender subordinatiag the Ilen to "-_=--
<br />= thLs Seeurity Insuument. If Lender determines that any part af the Pmperty is subject to a lien which may attain prIor.tty over , - ---
<br /> this Securl lnsavment, Lxnder ma '�w��f�..----'--`
<br /> ty y give Bonower a notice identlf}ring the lien.Borrower s1�all sadsfy the lien or take one or �"��4�
<br /> more of the acaons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. _ �.��;�,, .,�,:
<br /> . Form SO 9�80 � . .��'`�'i��M-�,::
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