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201208581 <br /> EXH�BIT "A" <br /> -- <br /> A ta-act of Iand eomprising a part of the i�Tort�east Quarter of �he Southeas� QPuartEr {NEl/4SE1/4) af <br /> Sectioa One (1), Township 'II�vvelve (IZ} Narth, Range �ei�� (12) �V�st of fhe 6th P.11'fi., HaIl County, <br /> Nebraska, �ore particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Wes� l�ne of said <br /> Northeast :Quarter of t�e �out�east Quarter (NEI f 4SEZJ4) saa€i point being �i�hht.Humdred F'�fLy-three <br /> and Efghty-aae HuncIredths (853.81) feef North af �he Southwest corner of said l�Iortheast Quarter of <br /> the Southeast Quarter (NEl/4'�S�If4); thenee Norfherly along the �est�lixie o€ said Northeast Quarter <br /> of �e Sout�east Quarter (NEl/45E1,4), a clista�►ee of�'our Hundrecl �ixty fee�; to the North�vest coruer <br /> of sai� I1Toa-fheast �uar�er af the SautTaeast Quarter (NEl/4SEI/4); thence EasterIy �Ioug the �az-th <br /> Iirxe of said Norfheast �uarter of #he Scsutheast gtiarter (NE1,/�SEI/4}, a distance af Five Hu�di°ed" <br /> Sea�uteen ,and Sixty-�ig�t �undredt�s {537.58) feet; ta ti�e Westeriv right-Qf�vav lage of�3aghway Na� 11s <br /> thence riefiec�ng right 53°OZ'�d" and runniug SoutheasterIg aiong said rig�t-of-way line, a dis�auce of <br /> Twa I��ndred Thirteeu and E�ghty-eigh# Hundr�ths (213.88) feet? thence Sautheas�eriy alQng saa� <br /> right-of-�ay line aud on the arc a�a curve vvbose radia�s is 2,7$4.79 feet (the loug chord o€wIucta deIlects <br /> ri�ht 03°37'20") fram �he Iast described course), a Pc�ng chord dis�ce of TI�ree Hundred Forty-fa�e and <br /> Ninety-sIIt Hundred�hs (345.9� fQe� f�ence deflecting right I23°19'S�" and run$img WesterIy, a distance <br /> of �.ight H�n�red Forty-three a�d Suc Tenths ($43.6) feet ta the pIace of begianirig. <br />