., .
<br /> � .;,�"�'�' ' .. ,
<br /> � � � � .. , .„. .. _ _� � . .-,.�;r"�1�? ' _
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<br /> r�.,.-
<br /> : � � . 9���•i� ��:-
<br /> . 10. Rcin�uumeai. Bonowcr has a right to bc rcinstated ![Lender has rcquircd immediate paymenc in tLl
<br /> �.-
<br /> because of Borrowet's failure ta pay an amaunt due under thc Notc or this ScFUrtry Instrument. 'ChLs right applies �,_
<br /> . evea attcr forcclosure proccediag�are inatitnted. To rstnstate thc Sccudry Instrument,Bonower shaU tendcr in a lump �;
<br /> �:,.
<br /> � � sum all amounts reyuired to bring Borrower's account currenc iacluding,to the extent ehey are obllgatloc►s of Borrower ��
<br /> � under this Secudry tasuumeat,tareclasure cnsts vnd reasunable and castomary attorn�ys'fees and expepses properly `_--
<br /> � ; I associated with the foreclosure proceeding. Upoa ninstatement by Borrower� thts Secucity lnstrument and th�
<br /> obligattons that it secures shall temein in effect as if L.ender had not requized lmmediste payment in fuU. Howuver, g:
<br /> �Z � I.ender Is not required to permlt reiustatement ii:(i) Lender ha�acc�spteci reinstatemcat atter the wmmencement of �
<br /> • foreclosure proceedings within two years immedtat�ly preaedlag the oommencciment of a curnnt foreciosuro
<br /> �,,,�,,,,,r�•` procee�Jing,(Ii)reinstatement wW preclude fareclosure on ditferent grounds in the future�or(lii)reinstatement w1U =
<br /> �„�,.,:+M�.� adversely affect the prIodty of the Uen created by this Securiry Instrumenc.
<br /> . � 11. BorraNer Not Re3eaeed; FozbeaYano� bY I.e�der N°t �Wa�r Extension af che time of payment or
<br /> ,,.. � � modification of amortization oP the sums secured by tbLs Security Insu►►ment granted by Lender to any succ.�ssor in v
<br /> ; Interest af Borrower shaU not operate ta release the liability oP the orlginal Borrower or Borxower'4 succ�sors in
<br /> ;� interes� Lender shall not be required to commence proceedlnEs against aay suoc�ssor In interest or refuse to extend
<br /> ttme for paymenc or otherwise modify amorti�ation of the sums secur�d by this Securlty Instrurt►ent by reason of any
<br /> ' � 1 demnnd made by¢he odginel Borrower or Bonower's successors in interes� Any forbearanoa by Lender in exercising
<br /> ' a n
<br /> � � ':1s' aay right or remedy shall aot be a waiver of or preclude tbe exercLse of any rigttt or remedy.
<br /> . � L? Saooe�ois anQ Atsi�Bouud;Joint and SeMeral LJab�ity;Co-Siaaeis. The oovenants and agreemenu of this
<br /> l �� � Securiry Instn►menc shafl bind and bene�t the successors se►d assigas of Lender and Bormwer,subject to the provlsions
<br />.'�� �. oP paragraph 9(b).Borr�sver's covenants nnd agreem�ents shall be Joint and severaL Any Borrower who oo-sfp,ns this
<br />.'.' , Security Instrument but does not execute the Note:(a)ts oo-sigaing this Security Instrument oniy to mortgage,grant
<br /> ;,i and convey that Borrower's interest in We Properry under the terms of this Seaurity Instrument;(b) is not peraonally
<br /> �+.; �•� obllgated to pay the sums secured by this Secudty Instrumeat;aad(c)agcees that Lender aad aay other Borrower may
<br /> . y'� � agree to extenQ,modify,forbeac or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of Wis SecuNry Instrument or
<br />° ' ��. ' the Note without that�3orrower's consenL
<br /> 13, Not[aea. Any notice to Horrawer provided for in tlils Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or
<br />_'. . ,;.:E;� by mailing it by Hrst class mail unless applicable law requires use of anather method. Tbe notice shall be dtrected to
<br />.;, � . °":Y:;, the Property Address or suy other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Aay notice to Leader shall be
<br />- >> � givea by&st class mail to L.ender's address stated berein or any address Lender desigaates by notice to Bonower.Any
<br />-�'"'-�—_ _— notice pruvtded for in this Security Insuument sh�ll be deemed to have been given co Bonower or Lender whon gtven
<br />-;�_.-:-.=;r:i:,.: as provIded in this paraB�P�
<br />-���,,,.,..� ;�';' i�, p�{��,�,;�abjlity, T7�ls Secarity Instrumeat shall be govei�ned by federal law and the law of the
<br />--.� �.�����,;
<br /> , , iurLsdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provisioa or clause of tlils Security Instrument or
<br />�'��'�'r�,��:. the Note oonflicts wlth appliceble law,such wnflict sball not affect ot6er provisions of this Security Instrument or the
<br />�"'�''� ' Note which can be given e�'ect without We coaAicting provLsion. To this end the provisions of this Security Insuu�nent
<br /> ti�Si�•:•_:..:
<br /> � ;_�.�;�.��+ and ttte Note aze declared to be severable.
<br />�s�-"r.� �. gor�1�(,�opy. Bonower shall be glven one wnformed copy of the Note and of this Security InsaumeaG
<br /> ii�,;��" � 16� �Ia�Noo�Sdxtanoa. Bonov��er s4a11 not cause or permtt the presence�use,clisposal,storage�or release of
<br />�,.�_--,—�
<br />-_,;�;� � - any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Botrower shall not do. nor allow anyons else to do. wything
<br />-�;�'�.�� � affecting We Property that is in vIolation of any EnvItonmental Iaw. The pra�ding two sentences shall not apply to
<br /> „ We presence,use,or storage oa the Pmperty of smaU guantities of Hazardous Substanas that are generally reoogniud
<br />�:Y.�y,���,��;� to be approprlate to norntal residential uses aad to maintanance of the Proparty.
<br /> _����� Horcower shall pmmpt�y gf�+e I.ender wrltten notice of any investlgation,claim.demand,lawauit or other action
<br /> N�i by anY governmental or regulatory agency or pr[vate party iavolving the Property aad any 1-�s�ardous Substanoe or
<br /> =;'3�!%d EnvUonmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bonow�er learns,or is natl6ed by any grnroramenul
<br />-�:�� or regulatory authority,tt►at aay removal or ather remedtation of any Hazarflous Substances affocting the Property is
<br /> necessary,Borrower shall promptly take all neoessary remediul actions in ac�ordana with EnvIronmental I.aw.
<br />_--=--`�� ps used 9n tbis paragraph 16�"Ha7ardous Substances"are those substances deflned as toxic or ha�ardous substanas
<br />_- --_���= by Envlronmental Law aad the following substanoes: gasoline,kerosene,othar flammable or toxtc peuoleum products,
<br /> ----_= toxIc pesticides and herbic[des� volaWe soivents, materlals oontaining asbestos or forn�aldehyde.and radioactiv�
<br />�"�=°`�"'��� materiaLs. As used in this paragraPh 16.'Bavlronmental I.aw'taeans federal laws and laws of the jiuLSdiction where
<br />_'��� the Property is located thut relate to health,safety or envIronmeatal protection.
<br /> n,za3..r
<br /> _�:;�Tg=�,'-
<br /> �,.,��;,�"�: NOIV-UNIF'ORM COVLNANTS. Bonower and Lender ituWer oovenant aad agree as follows:
<br />;�_"' ''�.=':�:� 17, Asdpmeat otRaau Borrower unoondltionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the nnts aad revenuas
<br /> :�':;.:'�:s�rt . .
<br />� . ��•3 of the Propeny. Bonower suthorizes Lender or Lender's ageats to collecx the reats and nwenues and hereby dLraKs
<br />-�-,;� ^� each tenant of the Propeny to pay the rents to Lcnder or Lender's agents. However, prior to Lender's notice to
<br /> 4�. ., � Bonawer of Borrowet's breach of any oovenant or agrcement in Wo Security Instrument,Borrower shall oollect and
<br />--- � receive all rents and rsvenues of the Property as uustee for the beneSt of Lender and Borrower. Thic assignment of
<br />_ �� • rents oonstitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional security only.
<br /> ��' , If Lender gives notice of breach to Bonower. (a)all rent�reeeiv�ed by Borrower shall be helci by Bomower as
<br />_� �� trustee for bcnefit of Lender only,to be applied to the sums secured by the Security lnstrument;(b)Lender shall be
<br /> �*'� entitled to coUect and m.ceive all of the rents ot the Pmperiy;aad (c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all nnts
<br />-r• � � _� __ due and unpaid to Lender ot Lender's agent on Lender's wrltten demand to the tenant
<br />-- ", .'.<<�=� Borrower has not executed any pr�or asstgnmeat of the reats ena nas not aad wiu not pariorr.�a�r aei inai w�iuiu
<br /> prevent L.ender from exercising its rtghts under this paragraph 17.
<br /> • F Lender shall not be required to eater upon,take control of or mai�ttain the Pcoperty before or after giving nodce
<br /> �� of breach to Borrower. However.Lender or a judiclally appointed reatver may do so at any time there is a breach.
<br />� NIBBRA4CAd�DffiiD OF 1it[1Sl' �
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