" ;,, '
<br /> �� • . .�:;
<br /> • _ ,...�oilli�`. .
<br /> �5' _ -
<br /> " A' .. . � .�..•�yfff''i�-•�7Jf•vgq�.` —_
<br /> I,F3�,!,• •wU11P0�.'h1t:.k'i h1h1r1lFI�1���NM�AMIq►a0rw......_..r r•n!r^•:.,. - .. . - . . LL.
<br /> _ yy,^�� �iir.n�ur. .. ,....._ . .. .. . " ( �^_
<br /> . 9�-ia�a,�
<br /> � 3. Conetruotbn of Improv�t�.Tru�tor �h�n o th�tT st�Prop�Ay or�oont�nPk��d by th�ylan�wld��d�by lh�Not� °�_°_
<br /> reptke rol�tlnp th�nto whbh rtuy b�b�W -
<br /> e�aund hu�by, to paY wh�r► dui �N ooftf md �IabNttq� haurnd thKeton, �nd not to p�m+k �ny oonstruotlon INn
<br /> ap�h�t �uah Tru�t Propa�lY• �� �h� w�nt construolbn ol bultdinps, knprowm�+t� ar npafre u�cont�mpkt�d, Trusto► •'�
<br /> ° �RO �qrw�, �nythhp In Ihh OMd ot Trud to th� oantrary notwNhNandhp� UI�o Drompty oomrtwnc� any euah work , _
<br /> � , md to oompMt� lh� propo�N1 Impro��rt►�nls promply�wkh�all thni�t�rm��of a Duudinp btnr�yrMm�nt Mhi y,b�hN� "
<br /> •p�ollbtticn�u �p0�owd by B�nNbl�ry� (c) to aomp N
<br /> Tru�tor md B�n�fbilry� Ih� t�rms of whbh tr� Inoorporat�d hK�h by nhnnC� and mad� � p�rt hKwf, (d) to albw
<br /> g�ndbyry tp Imp�at th� Tru�t Prop�rty �t tN tima du�ina con�truotbn, and (�) to t�pl�c� tnY work or mtl�rkh
<br /> uneetlslaotory lo BmNb4ry wRhin fIRNn (16)days aMN wrRIM notb�kom F3MMbl�ry o1 tuoh taot. ���
<br /> .t�, 4. Fund� fqr P�ym�nt ot Charpa. SubJ�ot l0 apPlb�bM M►w or to a wri�icn welvar by Be�NNd by Ban�fbkry,"un1U tho �`.
<br /> �� 8�n��b k ry on th�IPat d�Y o��oh montl+,or�uoh oth�r dU� Moh month�s rtwy b�sP�
<br /> th� Indlbt�dn�ss h pald In IuN, � sum (hK�ha f lK ca 1 M d t h� 'F u n d t") p u�l t o t/t 2 t h o l th� year q tex�a r�nd
<br /> � plue _
<br /> ltfpsimMb whbh tnay �ttah prbrRy owr this DMd of Trust and pround rMits on th� Truat PropsrtY� M �ny,
<br /> '�' t112th ot th� yNry pnmfum het�lhNnts tor hwrd hsunnc�, plu� 1112th ot th� yKry pnmlum Instaumenls tor
<br /> mprtp�q� hluranc�, N any, aA�s rNeomby �timltW In�kfly �nd from tim� to tim� by B�nefbkry on !hs b�cls of
<br /> �����sm�nt� and bltla md rKtonabM �stlmtt�s th�nof. Th� Funds shtN b� h�W h an h�tltutbn, the depoelts or
<br /> � �COOUnts of whbh�r� htund or�uuantwd by a NdK���T�at d p ound rMits. BonNiolaryih�n�°b � �Q tedt� �
<br /> ' th� Funds to Wy t+id tluns��s����^t�� hsurarxa p►Mn
<br /> •� pQy Trustor any hUr�ft or �aminp� an lh� Fund�. B�nNickry �haA p1w to Trustor, wkhout aharq�, an annu�l
<br /> y �ccount�np of ths Funde�howhp cadlt� �nd dabits to tM Funde and th�purpoa�tor whbh �aoh d�bit to th�Funde
<br /> W�� ��. Th� Funds �re pNdp�d as addNbnal t�ourky lar th� Ind�bbdnas s�aund by thh Ds�d of Trust. If th�
<br /> amount of lh�Fund� hsld by B�n�fiokry,top�thK wkh th�tutun monthty InttaMn�nb of Funds payabw prbr to the dus
<br /> ' d�t�s of t�xh,uNSSmmts, h�uranc�pnmbms and pround ronri,shtM�xcMd th�amount nquWd to p�y aaid tax�e, .
<br /> �se�samanh, insunnce pnmbms and qround nnt��d th�y hM du�,woh�xcas shatl b�, �t T�ustofs option, �khK
<br /> prompty np�►d to Trustor or cndR�d to Tn�stor ayaN4t futura monthy InetnArne�ts oi rund�.If the amount of the t�unds
<br /> . � h�ld by B«►efblW shtY not b�auMblant to pay wus,a�HStm�nts,k+auranc�pr�miums�nd pround r�nts as th�y Rp
<br /> �'�, dus� Trustor�haA pay to B�n�fbwry any unount n�cafsW t�ma/h�not Upa►�p ym�nthln tlu�of alsl ndebtK'r►ee•
<br /> not�� Is mailad by 8m�tbluy to Trusror r�qwNhp p�Y
<br /> ' BYn�fbkry shall promptry nfund to T�usta any Fund� Mid bY 9�n�fbtuy'•�}th�Tru�t Pro�ktNy prio���h��M o,
<br />�. of stN or iho Trust Propaty Is othKV+l���aquk�d by B�nNfaNuy,8�ftokry thalt tpPN�
<br /> r the Trust PropKty or ks aaqubkbn by BmNbiary.�nY Funds hdd by B�n�tbkry�t th�tirtw ol�pP�t��„��Truator
<br /> �:� �pahst th�Ind�bbdnsse. If B�t►�tbwry sx�o�t�� ����^'"'a�°t Truators obtlpatbns under tha panpnp
<br /> �'S`-' a.:
<br /> � � • ooventnts tnd taws to pay,betoro the Iam� becom� delin4u�^t, �y��o���,�hst�th�ruatpP�psrty.Trustor
<br /> t., ��,..:,.".� rontt, and t8 other ohapes wh�t�ow�r IwNd upon or lst�s:�d, p
<br />�-:'.- lurth�r aprws,upor� w►ktsn r�Qu�st by Bm�IbMuy,to promptly dNNK t0 BMt�ti01it11 a���CO�P16 fOr the p�ymsnt ot+tuCh
<br /> charq�a. Trustor Ik�wis��prws to p�y tN wc�s. tts�stmMU a�d oth�chtrp�a Nvi�d upon ar asa�esed� pkc�d or
<br />-' ' : J rru�ds�pahst,or mrasund by,thb Daad of Trust or tho r�oordttbn hKlof.
<br />":-�°� ^`'��'1 � b. App�baticn of Payrtwnts. All p�ym�nn nc�NSd 'uy B:t�:i'azry:: !a:n;�!.IMhuxy or obno�tbn owed to B�nstbyry
<br />=`-•%:�.�.,�;�E.� � by Trustor may bs �pp�d b y ����' ro t h� p�Y m�n t o f t h� Ind�btWMSe or to iu►y suah othK d�Dt, IkbWRy or
<br /> ?�;�:�z°:'
<br /> -_.�,,�,�•�N � oblipUtlon, In a�y ordK or mtnn�r of applbatbn whbh BNNflcIuY� In k�ab�obt�dlsc�bn,ONms�pProp r i�t�.Un s
<br />�• <� othsrwise N�ated by 8�nafbkry�any suah p�ym�nt thali b� dMrtNd�PPIMd mt to th�p�yma►t of tny d�bt,IkbI111y or
<br /> '�= ` '� Obl tbn othsr than th�NOt�.
<br /> , :�4�•.
<br /> - x.:'�n5�•'• � kM trom tll INn�and�ncumbrtnca whbh In any way nuy� in th�
<br />—x` -:�?'a�.%.�:� 8. Chltip�ii Lf�(15.T�t1010�wlll kiKJ th�Trust PropKty
<br /> � Judpmmt of B�rnrictary.haw P►��Y o�K� or Ynpdr ths waurkY ot,thb Ds�d of Trust but Trustor nwd not dkch�
<br /> ___W;�.�� any woh Ii� �o bnp Rs Tru�tor shaW �prN, h wrkinp, to pay th� oblip�tion acund by auoh IMn b � mu+n�
<br />—.N;_� aac�ptabN to B�n�ffcfuY �d shaY h �ood takh cont�st 6uch IMn by�pproprMt�wW�P����t�to p�t
<br /> _.�,�,,,�,� th�enforc�nt ot ths Iien�nd the bsa of rny Intenst In or p�rt of th�T�ust Prop�ty.
<br /> 7. Huard {ntu�o�. Truttor �hall kep th� bufldinpf and othK knprowrtNnta now �xbtinp or h�nlit�r�not�d on tM
<br /> --- Trust PropKty Inwnd by In�unnc�c�urMra satktiotory to B�f1oIuY �Wh�t bs�by fin, h�by��kry�����
<br /> •�xbnd�d aownp�' �nd suoh othK hmrdf, aRSUtRias md continp�naMs ts rtiaY b�nqu
<br /> amounts tnd for suoh pwlod�as may b�n4uirod by B�K�O�Y•�po�y ot hsucar�G thaq b�M fot��ePotic�t0
<br /> � B�nNbkry, p�ovid� th�t th� sam� ►naY not b� ctncelMd or modi(Md wkhout fMIM� (�� �Ys � AN ium� on
<br /> '"' g�n�tfof�ry, and shaN haw bs� p�yabM provisbns in laor ot and h torm �����o�"�Mh•�h�Mr, by
<br />-_-- hauranc� Do�� �haN ba ptid In th�m�nnK p�ovld�d und�r Pan�n�p
<br /> � - T�ustor rtµkhp p�yrtNnt at Nast Wt�n (1b�d�Y�P�r to lh�du� d�t�.dkrcly to tM h=unnc�cartler-B�tb1uY sh�b
<br /> -- haw th� rlpht to hoid th� policNs and nnwrals thanoi tnd Truttor sh�N prcKnpty tumkh to B�nciuY tN ���
<br /> not��s and all pRid pnmium rsCdpts nc��d by k. In no 1nr�nt �haN B�nNbWY or TrustM b� hNd n�pOnsbN lor
<br /> — hl�un to pay Inwnnc�proroiuma ar for any bss or dart�pa trlsinp out of�doNct fn�u►y poliaY or�rkNp out oi�ny
<br /> - ------ -- hlluro of�ny imu�nco aomp�ny to P�Y tor any bss a damtp� h�und �p���t or for h�un by Tru�tor to�ttect th�
<br /> Insunnc�roqu►rod honu�dK. In the swnt of bs�,Tru�ta sh�ll plw promPt notic�by maN tA th�nhWnn�po��a�+o
<br /> ,.J:�� ����ry. ���p�k�y �y rt►�k� proo� of bss � not rtead� Promplly or h propsr torm bY
<br /> hsurenc�and �nY and �t�i Munda of unMrned pr�'twmt w h�nbY ��s� to B�n�fbluy ae 1�ddkbnal a�CUrRy ior
<br /> —� the paymmt ot th� Indebtedntse•In th�rwlnt of BN►Nb�ary����o}th�pow�r of aM aontah�d h�nk�,or in th�
<br /> event of forooiosu�s, �N iip�t,tRM�nd ht�tt Ot Ttustor h �t1d t0�ny klsurtnC�P�M4Y thM�UI tOtC� �haq p�ss to th�
<br /> �=-=� purohae�r at th� truntw's sl�M ar tonobsur� uN. In c�s�of anY bfs, th�Insunna�procNds maY�at th�option of
<br /> `� BeMtbitry, be�PP� bY ��fbkry upon th� Ind�bt�dr►M�� or�ny Wn th�riot, and M suoh ord�r and�mount�s
<br /> �;^�i.:�' Bonetbinry maY det�rmMr, cr ssld Insuranc� proeNds�tt th�optbn of B�fiatuY� may�khK W us�d in nphcMp or
<br /> •'.i."���i:��� nsrorhp th� 7runt PropKty partt�IlY or touly daVoy�d to a aondRton uUafaotory to B�rntbkry; or atd hsurana
<br /> �''�:�.",`•°;�} �� proCS�ds, or any poAbn thenot,msY be rNias�d to TNStor.UnMss BenefbkrY md Trustor othe�k��9►M h writkq�
<br /> :,�`s : : Y`.�.,: ,�; any suah appibstbn of heunnc�procNdt sha�not oxt�rtd or poatpom th�dw dat�ot th�Not�, or u►y hetalhNnri
<br /> oa�td tor th�roin, or ohanp�th��mount ot suah hstalMn�nt�.li tha Trust Property fs tcquwd by B�nNfofary P�nwnt to
<br /> � the sx�rolaa of tha pow�r ot atM or othK fonob�un,aIl rpht,
<br /> tkr and htsnst ot Trosror h tnd to any Insunnc�
<br /> , _ proCeed�ptyabM as a r�cult of dartwp�to th�Trust Prop�rtY prbr to ths sala or acqubkbn shaq p�es to Ban�fbluy
<br /> �nd shali bs applMd tkst to tha costs tnd eup�nsas. Includinp attom�y fs�e, incurcsd In colNathp �uch procMds,th�n
<br /> ' In tn�mtnnar and fn th�ordar provldod hmein.
<br /> .� �'. 8. Pr�servatbn and Mahton�nce�1 T o��a�d Qosnd�bn md wiN not om�mk o ap�k�t�,Y wW not alt�r th�tNsipn
<br /> __ ��_ sroat�d on ih�Trust Property Q `,_�� �W M�*��� ��d Qpn�tkuthq th�Trust Proplrty wlthout
<br /> .`_� � _ -� ; Ot 6trUCturat OtllraatH aonscmii:ry i�•r w�•�r•�^ ^.. _-
<br /> ��� 't�`��� th�prbr wrkten comont of B�nNbiary�wiN not do any�ot or thlnp whlah wouW unduy Imptir or Wpna�a in.vaiu.6�
<br /> � � tha Truat Property �nd wAI not �bandon th� Trutt Prop�Ay
<br /> Truator w!p not nmow �r►y tixtuns aonstltutinp tt►�Trust
<br /> Prop�ty unMss th� tsrtN�n ImrMd�by nPYC�d wkh Nc� P►�PMY ��b�c wNh heN�prosent end�Nt dt o��.
<br /> � Do�d o( Truet and of nt lanst �7utl vtlue ond ut�ly. Trustor wiq compy
<br /> Rpu�tlons �nd r�qulr�ments ot any powmmmtal body which �n app►icabte to th� Trutt PrOpMty �nd to tM
<br /> occuptnoy and uu thenaf. It thK O�d of Tru�t fa on a unk In a condominium or a p�nned unit dw�bpmK►t,Truftor
<br /> " lh�up�ad unft�dwobpmYnt,blhitbYkws tnd n�ul�itlons of th� Condomhlum othpknnid unit�d�wbpm�nt,��nd t�
<br /> oonstkwnt docurrNnt�.
<br /> 9. Inep�otbn. B�n�ticiuY or R6 ap�� �Y. 4t ����son�bN tirtNS� �ntor upon lh� Trust Prop�ty for th� puryos� of
<br />— �� 1 Inspeatbn. BenetiaWy shoq have no duty to m�ke euah Hfp�atbn and eh�ll not b� Iftbq to Trustor or to tny puaon in
<br /> posseasbn N k mak�s or Itlls to make�ny �uah h�p�olbn.
<br /> . Fsoa�.iMO cerw� raa�t o��
<br /> .�
<br /> I
<br /> ; _ _
<br /> � _ _
<br />