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201208501 <br /> is evidenced by Borro�i�e�'s nate dated the same date as thss Secur�ty [nstrument('Tiote"}, which prov[des for <br /> monthEy pa�rn�ents. ����th the full debt, if not pa�d eariier,d�ie and payable on NOVEMBER 01, 202? Tl1is <br /> Secunty Instrument secures to Lender: (a) tl�e reuayinent of the debt evEdenced t�y t3�e Note, w�d} interest, and all <br /> rene�vals,extensions an8 modifications o"r the Note; (b) the payment of aTl otl�er surns,�vith interest.advanced <br /> under paragraph '' tc�proteat lhe security ot�this Security ]nstrument; and(c)the perfor+nance of Bor7•o��er's <br /> covenants and a�reements tmder this Seeui�ity histrume'nt and the Note. For 1'h�s Uu-r-pose. Borrower�rrevocabty <br /> grants and conveys ta the Trustee, �n trust. w�th power of sale, the follo���in�*described property ]ocated in <br /> �A�� County,Nebraska: <br /> LOT 2�k, COIINTRY MEADOWS SECOND $UBDSVZSION =N THE CITY OF GRANA <br /> SSLAND, fiALL COUNTY, NEHRASKA <br /> TAX STATEMENT$ SFiOULD BE SENT TO: WEI,LS FARGO HONIE MORTGAGE, P.O. BOX 11758, <br /> 1JEWARK, NJ 071014758 <br /> Parcel ID Number:4�o415011 <br /> wltich has the address of 4146 WEST RTDGE LANE [S7rec:tJ <br /> GRAND ISLAND (CiriJ. Nebr�ska 68803 [Zip CocieJ <br /> ("Property Add,-ess"?; <br /> TOCrETHER R�ITH all the improvements now or hereaftei•erected on the pr�operty,and all easements, <br /> appurtenances and rixtures noH� or i�ereafter a part of the property. All repEacements�nd additions shall also Ue <br /> covered Uy this Security InsU-urnent. All of the foregoing is referred to in th�s Security histrument as thc <br /> "T'roperty.•, <br /> BQRRQWER COVENANTS thaY Bon-o�ver rs lawfully seized of the estate herel7y conveyed and has the r�ght to <br /> grant and co�n�ey the Property and that the Property is unencumUered, except for cncumbrances of record. <br /> Borrower warrants and �vi](defend generally the YiYle to the Property. aga�nst att claims and delnands, sub�ect to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH1S SE�URITY TNS"I'ATJMt.N''combines uniforn� covenants for national use and iian-uriifonn covenants���St7i <br /> lirnited variatians Uy_�urfsdictSon to constitute a unifonn security u}strument co��ering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants.Borro��•er and i,ender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal,Interest and Late Charge.Borrower sha31 pay �vhen due the�rSnc�pal of, and <br /> interest on,the debt evldenced by the Note and iate ci�arges due under the 1�lote. <br /> 2. Monthly Payment of Taxes, Ensuranceand Other Charges.Borrower shall �nclude in eacli rnonthly <br /> payment, together«��th the principal and iizterest as set forkh in the iVote and any Tate char�es,a sum for <br /> (a) taxes and specfal assessments tevied or to be]evied against the Property, (b) lease3iotd payments or <br /> graund rents on the Properry, and(c;premiums for �nsurance reqwred under paragraph 4_ In �ny year in <br /> u�h9ch the Lender must pay a mortgt�ge u�suranee prem�um to the Secretarv of t-iousi���and Jrl�an <br /> Development("Secretary"), or in any ye�r in wh[ch sucla prernium cvouid have l�een required if Lender still <br /> held Yhe Security lnstrument, each monthly�ayment sh�fl also include eitlier: (i) a sum for the annaal <br /> FHA Deetl of Trusf-NE '�' 4/gg <br /> VMP� VMP4R(NE)(7'105).00 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financlat Ser,oces Paga 2 of 1D <br /> �(C V V <br /> J <br /> ��� <br />