<br /> Anq app1ication of puymc�its, insuranccprocecds, or Misccllancotiis Proceeds to principal due under tl�e Note
<br /> shall smt exWuc�or poslpone the due dnte, or change the amounC, oP fhe Periodic Paymclits,
<br /> 3. 1lunde for liserow Itema. Borrower�ehall pay to Lender on tihe day Poriodic Payme�tts are d�tite under tlie
<br /> No[e, uutil [fie Nofe is paid in fiill, a surn(the°Pimds") to provide for pnyn�enC of an�ounls due for: (a) I�xes
<br /> and aeaessments and other items which can aLtein priority over th'rs Security Instrument ns n lien or
<br /> encumbrauce on the Properdy; (b) leasehold paymentis or gromid revts on the Proparty, if aziy; (c)premiums
<br /> for a�ry and all instu�anw required by Lo��4iar unc�cr Scct3on 5; and(d)Mortgagc Ittsurance preu�itiuns, if any,
<br /> or atry Fums payable by Borrower to Lender in lien oT t'he payinenti of Mortgnge Insrn��noe premiuma in
<br /> flocardance k�iYh the pxovisions of Seotion 10. Theae items are called "Pscrow Iteme." At origination or at
<br /> arry tiine during the term of the Loan, I.ender�nay require that Community Aseociation Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessmeuts, if any, be escrowed 6y Borrower, uid such duea, feee and assessments sh�ll be an Sgcrow
<br /> Ttem. Borrower sha11 promptly f'urnish to Lender all notices of amounts to Ue paid uuder tlus SecYion.
<br /> Borrower sha11 pay Lender tl�e Ftmds for F:scrow lte�n9 unle,ys]�ender warves 13orrower's obligation to pay
<br /> the 1=unds for any or all �+:scrow Itcros. Lcndor may waivo Borrower's obligation to pay to Lend�r I�und�for
<br /> zny or all FSscrow Iteme aC any lin�e. Any such waiv��may only be in wriL�ng. Hi lhe evenC o�f such wniver,
<br /> Borrower shall pay directly, when and where p�yable, the nmounts due for nny Lacrow Ztems for which
<br /> payment of Puuds hAs been waived by Lender and, i£Lender iequires, shall funush to Lander raeeipTs
<br /> evidencing such payine�it within sud�Yime pc��iod as L���dcr may ra�iurc. Borrowcr's obligation to malce
<br /> sucPi papi�onts a��d to provide receipCs shnll for all purposes be deemed to be n eovenanC and ¢greement
<br /> cont��ined in this Secuxity Iiiatrument, as the plu�ase"covenant aud agreemenY' is used in Section 9. If"
<br /> Borrower is obligated tio pay Pscrow ICems directly, pur5uant to a waivei', and 13orrower fai7s Eo pay the
<br /> amount due for an 8scrow itom, Lcnder may crercise ifs righte �mc�er Sec��ion 9 and pay such ainnar�t a��d
<br /> Borrower shall th�,n be obligaCed under Section 9 to repny to Lencler eny auch nmount. Lender mey revoke
<br /> tl�e waiver ris to any or all E+sorow Items at any tima by n notioe giuen in accordance with Saction 15 and,
<br /> upon such revocation, Borrower shall pTy to Leuder all Fmids, and in such amowrts, Uiat are Uien required
<br /> under this 6eotion 3.
<br /> Laader may, at any lime, collect aud hold Funds in an emount(a) su�cicnt tc>permit LeFider to apply the
<br /> � Fnnds at the tirnc s�ccificci iutdor RLSPA, nnd(b)not to exoeed the maximum Amount a lender cnn require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shall estimnte the amount oP Funds dne on tlie basia of current data aud reasonaUle
<br /> estimafes of expcudituroe�f futiu�e L�scro�v Ileins or otherwise in accoxdanne with Applioa6le Lnw.
<br /> The Funds shall be heid iii an institufion whose depoeiCs are insured by n federel agenoy, inatrument�lity, ox
<br /> e��City (including Lender, if Lender is an inatitudon whose de,pos�its aie so insured)or in any Federal Home
<br /> Lo2n Bank. Lender ehall apply ttxe Fuuds to pay the Escrow Items no later Uian the time specified undar
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha11 not charga Borrower for l�olding aud applying thc Nunds, anmially analyzing fhe
<br /> escrow accounC, or verifying the N.scrow 1tcn�s, unle.�s Lender pays Borrower inCeresL on tl�ie Ptimds�nd
<br /> ApplicaUl�Law permit�Lenc�er to n�ake such a oh�rge. Unless an agreement is mnde in Nn•iting or
<br /> Applicable Law requires inCerest to be pmid on tha Fwids, Lender s1�a11 not Ue required to pay IIorrower an,y
<br /> interest or evnings on 11ie Ftuida. Borrower a�id I,ender can abn'ec iti writiing, howcvcr, tlia4 interest sl�all be
<br /> p�id on tlie Pmxds. l �ndcr Eliall give�lo Borrowec, wiChout charge, nn atmuel t�ccounting of tlie Tunds ae
<br /> requireci by I2L9PA.
<br /> If thcae ie a surplus oEPunds held in escrow, es defined tiuider RESPA, Lender ahall accomit to Borrower for
<br /> Lhe excess fimds iu accorduice with RESPA. If there is a shortage af Fuuds held in eecrow, as defined undcr
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall notiEy Borrower ay requirecl by RH'SPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lc�idor Che amoUnt
<br /> necessary to malce up tho sl�ortagc in accordaiicc willi It�SPA, bi�f in no n�ore lhan 12 monChly paynnents. I£
<br /> there is a deficiency of Funde held in escinw, as def ned under RESPA, Lender shall uotify Borrower es
<br /> zaooznz�
<br /> NEeRASKA-&Ingle Femily-Fannle M eelFredAie M ec UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Pofm 3U28 1701
<br /> VMPOD VMPB�NEJ(1106)
<br /> W ollere Kluw er finanolal Sarvices Pa�e 5 nl 9]
<br />