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<br /> �;.ASSIGNMENT OF LI:ASF:S. Upc�n l.cixlcr's rcyucst. Borrowcr shull aysign to l.cncicr ull Icuses af the
<br /> Property And ull n�rurlty dc��sitr� madr in canncction with Icases uf thc Pruperty. Upon thc ussignmcnt. l,cnder
<br /> hhull huvc thc righl tu nu�lil'y,cxtcixl ur tcrntlnutc thc cxinting Ica+cs und to cxccutc new Icuseti, in Ltixicr'h Solc
<br /> diurctiun. AK uu,vl in tbis punigrupl�C1,11►�w�nd•'le��.re" shall me�m"sublcu+c" If the Sccuriry Instrumcnt iti an
<br /> u Icuwhnld.
<br /> H. AtiSItiNMIsN'f AF RM:N'1'Ss ��1IN7'MlsNT oh RF:CIsIVH;Ri I.�NDkR IN fK).S.Sk�.SInN.
<br /> tfarruwcr ��h.u�lutcly uixi unruixlftlunully u+;titgns iuxi tran�fcrh tn l.endcr uU thc rents uixl rcvcnuc�1"Rcn�n")of
<br /> � �he 1'ruperty, �egurdlesti nf' 1�� whom the Ncnir �if' tlic Property urc puy�uble. Borrower uuthorius Le�xl¢r or
<br /> l.e�xlcr'x ugents to�ollect thc Rcntr, uixl ugrecs that each tenant of thc Property shall pAy thc Rent�to L.cnder or
<br /> .. I.ender'E agents.Howevtr, fi�rrnwer shall receive the Rents until (i)Lendcr has givcn Honowcr notice of default
<br /> pursuant to peragraph 21 of thc Securlty instrument and(ii)Lender 6as glvcn notice tu thc tenant(A)ttxat tht Rents
<br /> urc to be p�id to I.cnder ur L.endcr's agent. This ussignment of Rents constitute.r• an absalute asslgnment and not
<br /> un assigmncnt for additionul security only.
<br /> If i,ender �ives notfce uf breach to Barrower: (i)ull Rents recaived by Borrower shall bc:held by Borrower
<br /> ns trustec for the benetit of Lcnder only,to be upplicd to thc sums secured by the Security Instrument;(ii) I.endcr
<br /> shall be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rents of the Property:(iii)Bottower agrees thut each tenant of the
<br /> � Property shall pay all Rents due and unpaid ta Lcnder or Lcndcr's agents upon [.ender's wrltten demand to the
<br /> tenant;(iv)unless applicable law provides atherwise, ull Rents collected by I.cnder or l.cnder's agents shali be
<br /> ' appliod first to the costs of takins control of und managing the Property und collecting the Rents,including, but
<br /> not limited to, attorneys' fees, receiver's fces, premjums on receiver's bonds, rehair and maintenance costs.
<br /> insurance premiums. taxes,assessments and other charges on the Rroperry, and then to the sums secured by the
<br /> ( Security Instrument: (v)Lender,l.ender's agents ar any�ud�c�atly appointc�receiver shali be iiabie to account[or
<br /> ' only those Rents actually received; and (vi) Lender shull be entitled to have u receiver appointod to take
<br /> possessfon of and manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits derivad from the Property without any
<br /> showi ng as to tBe inadequacy of the Property as secudry.
<br /> If the Rents of the Property are not sufficlent to cover the wsts of taking wnuol af and managing tht
<br /> . Propesty and of cotlecting the Rents any funds expended by Lender for such purQoses shall become indebtedness
<br /> of Borrower to Lender securcd by thc Securlry Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> Borrower represents u�d warrants thAt Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the Re.nts and luit .
<br /> • not and will not perfonn any act thst would prevent Lender fmm exercising its dghta under this par�graph.
<br /> I.ender, or Lender's agents or u judicfelly appointed rec�lver, shall not be roquired to enter upon, tnlce � �
<br /> contrdl of or malntain the Property before or after giving notice of default to Borrower. However, Lender, or
<br /> � Lender's agents or a Judicially appointed receiver,mny da so ut any time when a default occucs. Any appliation
<br /> of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalidste any other right or remedy of Lender.This assignment of
<br /> Rents of the Property shall terminate when all the sums secured by the Security Instcument arc paid In fult.
<br /> l.CROSS�DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or breach under any n�te or agroement in which �
<br /> ; Lender has an interest shall be n breach under the Secur+ty Instrument and Lender may invoke any of the remedies
<br /> � pennitted by the Security Instrument.
<br /> �� BY SI(}NING BELOW, Borrowar accepts und agrees to the terms and prov[sions contained in this i-4
<br /> Family Rider.
<br /> • (Seal) (Seaq
<br /> � Y F,�LS�� � .ga�w� -Borrower
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<br /> E FR TINA L NSL � �.rr -Borrower
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