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<br /> ��` �� APPLN 001-70917024
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<br /> ,,', � .:� 1-4 FAMI�Y RIDEA �
<br /> �,�a},— ���m�A�ore�pw ��/��0��
<br />-� THIS l�d FAIVIILY RIDSR iS RlBdC th39 26TH day of SEPTEMBER , 1997 ,�td is
<br />---;,.Y,.; �incorporated inw and shell be deemed to amend ond supplement the Mortgage,Deed of Trust or Sccurity Dad(the -
<br /> �. Sxurlty Instrument')of the same date given by the andusigned(the"Borrower")to securo Bacrowu's Note to f
<br /> ;;�-�'_
<br />�� :; :
<br />•'-��'"�`2'';�• HOME FEDERAL 3AVINQ3 & IAAN A380CIATION OF dRAND I3LAND *��
<br />�..ti-�V N �M•e�LF�IdU��
<br />'�`Y�:ti� of the sama dau and wvuing the Property described in the Soctulty Instrument and located a� —
<br />-�':�'.�' zso� �xxowxEan Roan Rn __
<br /> �:`^"� C�R7�ND Z9LAI3D, NEBRASXA 68801
<br /> �i`e
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<br /> '��'�` . 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addidon w tha covu�ants and agrameats made In ihe Security Insuumcnt,
<br /> `3' .. B�rrowu aad Lenda furti�u covenant and ag�roe as follows:
<br /> �=� Property descn'bed in the Socurity Tnstrument,the folbwing items are added W the Propaty descripHon.and sball
<br />'_=II1S`� eLao consdWtc the Pro�erty covued by tl�o Sxiuity Instrument building matuials,ePPliances and gooda of�very
<br />----� nawn whatsoeva now or hereafta bcatod in,on�or nsed,or intended to be used ia cannecd�a►wlth the Propaty,
<br /> —_._— including, but not limiWd w.those for the pucposes of supplyIug or distribudng heating�cooling,elec�icity.ga9.
<br /> - .X�tr.r,�ir nnd Ught�fine prevtntion and extinqWahinR aPP��.secutlty and access conGOl q�raws�Pliunbing,
<br /> b�wbs. w�heatas.wa6a clomets.sinke�ranges,stovea�refriga�tas.diahMa4hers.dl�ts.wa�hae.QrYera.
<br /> == awnings�stam wL�dows,storm doore.screau,biiads�shades,cunains and cumin rods,�pached mie:nra,c�binets,
<br /> --. p�nelling and ettached tloar cavaings now a tiereafta atmcried w iha Pcopaty,dl of which. inctuding
<br /> repl�oement�aad t�iddiitions thenw.ahall be dee,mod to bo and runain a p�rt of tha Propeiry covaod by the Security
<br /> � Inst�wna►i All of d�e faegoing wgethu with tbe Y�iroperty descn'bed in the Socurity Ins�uma�t(a ttie kasehold
<br /> � esnte if the Socurlty Inaaurnent is on a {ea9ehaW) are trfarod to in this 1�4 Fsimily Ftid�x and tha Socwrity
<br /> '. Instnunent at tha"Propaty."
<br /> B.U3E OF PROPERTY;COMpLIANCE WITH�.AW. aorrowet s1W1 not �odc. �g►ne to a� m�e 4
<br /> � cb�nge in the use of the Piropaty a its zaning clrusiC�catbn.unksa L�ender ha agra�d ln writing b d�o du�ng�e.
<br /> ( Barower sl�U comply with �ll laws. ordinances� �eguLtbns and ro4uirements of ny govemman�l body
<br /> ',� �pplicabie to tfie Propaty.
<br /> � C.SUBORDDVATE LIENS. Fycapt as pamiued by fakral4vv.Barower ahW not alluwr�nY�ien inferiar
<br /> -- , to tba Security Instrun►ent to ba petfxted against tUe Propaty wUfiout I�xla'a prlar wripdi pan�ission.
<br /> D.RBNT I.06S INSIJ�tANCE. Barower slull mainnin insuranoe ag�inst ra�t ba in dditbn b tde olh�er
<br /> h�r�rda fac which Lu�x ia required by Unifam Covewnt S.
<br /> E."BORAOWER'3 RIGHT TO ItFIIYSTATE"DFLETED. Uniform Coveaant 16 is dekted.
<br /> F.BOAROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unkss Lender and Bortower odra�wise apee in �vridn�� the tint
<br /> senta�oe in Unifocm C.ovenu►t 6 ooncaning Barowu'a occupa»cy of tt�e P�npaty b dele�od. All n�mainin8
<br /> � covenmts and�rs sa fath in Unifana Covemnt 4 stw►1 temaie in eft'oct.
<br /> MULTI�TAT81•4 FAMI�Y RIDER•Fannl�M��IFr�ddl�M�a UnHorm Instrununt Fo���170!f!�
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