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<br /> � �i 7-�O�PU�� `-
<br /> , � TOOSTRBR WlTH all thc improvcrttcnl4 naw on c�reaftcr crccted on thc prop�rty, and all casemcnts,app ,and =
<br /> • , tixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All rcplxements and additions shall also bo covered by thls Security InstrumenG _
<br /> � � All of�ha foregaing ia referrod w in thi�Socurity Inatrum�nt a+the"Property." �
<br /> . SORROWBR COVBNANTS Ihat Borrowcr �91aWfuUy aciscd of the cst�te hcrcby convcycd nnd has Ihc right to gra�►t and �
<br /> � canvoy Ihe Prn{xcty and ihat thc Property i�unencumbered,except for encumbrances of rccord.Bonnwcr warrent�and wiU �
<br /> , . defcnd gcnerelly the dib w�he Prnperty agalnst aU claim�end demands,subject to any encumbrances of record. :
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMHNT combincs unifam wvcnants for nadonal usc end non•+iniform covenants wlth Wnited =
<br /> variarions by jurlsdic�on to consdtute a unifam socurity Nstrument covering real property. �
<br /> �,. . UNIFORM COVSNAN'1'S.Borrowa and Letidec covenant and agree as foAows: �
<br /> 1.P�ymrnt otPrinctpal and Interest;Prepaymeetand Late Charges. aorrowcr ahall promptly pay when due the '
<br /> � pri�cipQl of and inuress on the debt evidenced by the Note and eny prepayment and late chargcs duc undcr�hc Notc. -
<br /> ' �� t.Fundt for Taxea And Iasuraaca Subjoct to epplicable law or to a wriucn waiver by L.endu, Borrawu shall pay to
<br /> , Lender on tbe day moAtWY PaYments are due under�t�c Notc�undl the Notc is paid in full,a sum ("Funds")for.(a)Yettrly texes
<br /> and a�sments which may ettajn pdority ovu thls Sceurlty Inswment as a lien on the Properry; (b)yearly le�asehold payments
<br /> or grnund rents on the Propectv.if any;(c) Yearly hazard or property insuraace pt�emiums:(d)Yearly flood lnsurance pretplums.if
<br /> � any:(o)Yeu1Y mortBaBe insurHnce premtums,if any;md <�anY sums payabk by Borrowu to I.enda,3n accordaua wIth the
<br /> 3 provisions of psiragranh 8. in lieu of the payment of m�rtgage insuranoe premiums. 'I1use items are c�lled "F.scrow Items." -
<br /> Leader may,at any time,collxt and hold Fuads�n an amount not w ea�ceed the maximum amount a lender for a federelly related
<br /> �" mortgage loan may require for Borrawu's escrow acwunt undu the faleral Real E4tat�Seulement Procedwres Act of 1974 ag
<br /> ° amended from dme to dme.12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et rrq. ("RBSPA"),unless another law Ihat npplles to the Ftu�ds sets a lesser
<br /> _ .' amouat If so. I.e�dei may,at eay t�t�te� coUect md lald Funda in an amaunt not to eacetd the lesscr amoun� L.ender may
<br /> estlmau the amount of F�nds dae on the basic of currcnt dara and reasonabk csdmates of eapendit�ues of fuwre Bscrow Items ar
<br /> oth�xwise�n�cxordanoe wiW epplk�bk law.
<br /> -- � � � 'Iha�nds stwll be held in an insdwdon whose deposits ace insured by a federal ageacy,instrumentallty�or endxy(includiag
<br /> Ler�der,if Leader is such an insdwtion)or ln any Fedaul Home Loan Bank.Lendu sball apply the Funds to puy thc Fscrow
<br />- � , " Items.I.ender may not charge Borrowu for lalding and applying the Funds.annually aaalyzing the esaow account,or veaifying
<br /> �;'�°•' the S�aow Items.orless Lender pays Bamwa inte�+est on tbe Funds and applicable law permits Lecider W make such a charge.
<br />- � F� Howeva, Lenda maY m4�Borrowes to pay a ona6me chargo for ea ladependu►t resl estate tax renorting servke usod by
<br />--=r'K;�+G�; ` L,a�ckr in connxdon wIth Ihis loan.onl�s�pplicable Itw ptovldes othawLgt. Unlesg en agroement is mad�e or applicabk law
<br />�,:, ...,• ro9�ires intaest to be paid,Le�►der shaU not ba nquirod to pay Barowa any intaest or ea:nings an tt�e Funds.Borrowa aad
<br />��`,��',� ,�. I�xfa may�groe in wripng,howeva.that late�st shall be pdd on the flrnds.L�du shall givc w Bc►rrower,wIthout cherge,an
<br /> '1l fir
<br />---'_,_�.�.` mnwl�ocamdag of thte Funds.showing credits and debits w tl.�e Funds and the pmposo fa which each dabIt tn the Funds wa9
<br /> =_=n:,=:��'"�� , maide.'ii�e F1mds are gkdgod a4 additional socurity for�1 sumc sec�u�ed by this Socuriry Instrumen�
<br />�— _. '• If tue Funds heW by Lender ea�cad the amounts pamitted to be Gatd by applicabk law.I�er�da sl�ail account to Bomowa fa _
<br /> _�� the axass F1u�ds in a000rdana wIth the r�eqnirements ot�pplkabk Itw.If tht atnfltsnt of t�t Fasn�held by Leada at�tty tit��:
<br /> ��_��
<br /> - y:,„�—���, not suffickxit to pay the Bscmw Iu;ms wlx,n due.Lenda may so nodfy Barower in wridng.and�in such ca9e Barower shall P�Y
<br /> _,..,-,� to L,enda the amount aooes�sacy w make up the deficiency.Borrowu ahall malce up the deficiency in no more than t�velve �
<br /> —°-_— monthlY P�Ynxnts,at Lendar's sok discrUion.
<br />____._� UP�P4Yaaait in full of all sums secu�rod by ihis Sccurity Instrum.-a�t,L�endcr sl�all P�P�Y nfund to Barowa any Funds
<br /> ` he]d by Lendez.Tf.wida poragraph 21,i.c.�nder shall xquire or sell the Proputy.Lender,Prior to the accluisition a sale of the
<br /> �� Propaty.stull�pply any FYmds held by II.ei�der u tlie dme of acquisi�on a sak ag a credit against the sums sacucod by this
<br /> Security InsGumeaG
<br /> � 3.Appikatbn ot Pqmesb. Unkss applicable l�+v pmvldes olhawiso�all psyments recelved by I.cnder unda parAgraphs
<br /> � 1 md 2 shall be appliod:first,to anY P�A�Y�ent charges d�a unda the Nae;second,to emounts payabb under paragraph 2;
<br /> --- = third.tn in�a�t d�e;foiuth.to 1xLw�iPa1 due:nd 1ast.to ny We chsrges dne under the NWe.
<br /> _ T-.� 4.CYar�es;Liem. Borrowe�siwll pay dl tu�s��,srssments�chuges.fines and imposidons eun'Iwtabk to the Pmpers�
<br /> _�.�. — which nuy atain prioriry ova this Security 1nst�ument,�d lea9etwid paymenta a grouad rents,if any.Barower stwll pay these
<br /> i obligallors in the manner providod in paragnph 2,or if noi paid in that manna.Boraowa sh�ll pey tikm on dme directly w tUa
<br /> _ ,�.,� pason owed peya�en� Hamwu shall promptty fumisd to Lender�ll notioe,a of amounts w 6e poid under this par�giaph. If
<br /> _._.,..,,� Botrower m�ices these paytnents directly.Bortowu shall P�P�Y fumish to Leraler roceipts tvidrnc+ng the peyrt�ents.
<br /> -`_=�`'s � Barowa shall P�P�Y disch�rge�ny lia� which has priority ovu this Security lnsnumem unless Barowu:(a)ag��as an
<br /> �s.,;;�=� ; ariting oo the peyment of the obl�gation socuced by the liw in a muu�er acceptabk to Lenda;(b)contssts�n good faith the liert
<br /> '''��`�'� b ar defends st a►forcamcnt of thc liu� in, s which in the Lender's o lnion
<br /> --::-°.�.r n Y. � � P�8 P �� W prtvent the
<br /> �`��'��;�_" enforoement of the lient a(c)socuros from thc holder oF the lien�n agrament satisfectory to I.ender subo�dinating the liai w
<br /> -� "� � this Socurity Instrumait If I.ajder detamina that any prt of�he Propeny isi subjoct w a lien�vAich may attain prbrity over This
<br /> :,t-`;.::' �'"..�
<br /> . � • Sociuity Inswment,LRaKkr may give Barowar a noNoo id�ntif'fying the lkn.Barowu shall satisfy the lie,�a take oaa a mae
<br /> '°`'•�'y of the actbns set fath above within 10 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> Form�02� 9/D0
<br /> _ �,• �-ER{N�(Y2t2).Ot P�p��ol� Initlak: ---
<br /> .� • ' -
<br /> --;;� -_�:
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