� CEN � 109573819, OR BK 47364 Page 927, Page 1 of 4, Recorded 09/09/2010 at
<br />� 02:43 PM, Broward County Commisaion, Deputy Clerk 2160
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<br />33n1�� ��o �.4�.�.0 44�
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<br />When Recorded M�il To: - , :;� : _ - --
<br />" .1� _
<br />Financial Dimensions, Inc. � �..,. � . - .. .
<br />1400 Lebanon Church Road
<br />Pittsburgh, PA 1�3� Z ?� � -
<br />U.S. Benk Nationel Assodetion (°U.S. Bank°), a natioiral banking association organized and existing under the laws ot the United
<br />States of America. 60 Liviuguon Ave, 3r Flaor, St. Paul, MN 55 t07 hereisy constitutes and appoirts Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC, a�
<br />in its �rtre, aforesaid Atromey-In-Fact if such documems are required or permitted u�er [he tertns of the "Agreemems" listed on the
<br />attached Exhibit A, by a� through a�ry o�cers appoi�aed by the Board of Directors of Ocwen Loan Servicing L1.C, to execute aM
<br />ackoowledge in writi� or by facsimile stamp all documents customarily and reaso�bly necessary a� appropriare tor the �asks
<br />d�ribed in items (!) through (4) below; provided however, that the documems dacribed below mey oNy be executed a� delivered by
<br />such Avorrteys-Io-Fect if such documents are required or permitted umler the terms of [he related servicing agreemeMS and no power is
<br />gramed hereuraler to take any aaion Ihat would be adverse ro the imerests of [he Trustee or the Holders. This Power of Attorney is
<br />6eing issued in �nnectioa with Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC's responsibilities to service certain mongage loans (the "Loare") held by
<br />U.S. Bank in its cspacity as Trustee. 71mse Loans are comprised of Mortgages, Deeds of Tn�st. Deeds to Secure Debt ami other forms
<br />of Seeuriry I�atrumenrs (colleccivety the °Security Instrumems") aM the Notes secured [hereby.
<br />1. Dema�rcl, sue for, rewver, collect and receive e.ach and every sum of money, debt, account and iiaerest (which �row is,. or
<br />hereafter shall become due and payable) belonging to or claimed by tJ•S. Bank Natiorml Assaciation, and ro usr,•er �alce any la�vful
<br />meat�s for recavery by legal process or otherwise.
<br />2. Transact business of any kirtd r,egarding the Loans. a� obtain an irtterest therein a�/or buildings thereon, as U.S. Baak
<br />Natia�l A�ocialion's act a�ttl deal, to convact for, purchase, receive a� take possession and evidmce of title in aM w the property
<br />aarUor to secure payment af a promis�ry note or performance of any obligation or agreement.
<br />3. Execute bonds, aotes, mortgages, deeds of trust and other comracts, agreements (i�luding subordinatlon agreements) aml
<br />iretroments regardi� ttre Borrowers and/or the Property, i�rcluding but irot limited to the execution of releases, satisfactions,
<br />assignments, a� other instn�ments pertaining ro mongages or deeds of trust, and execution of deeds a�rcl associa[ed instrumems, if aay,
<br />eomeying the Propeny, in the interest of U.S. Bank National Association.
<br />4. Emlorse on behalf of the undersigned all checks, drafrs a�/or other �regatiable icstruments made payable to the u�ersigrred.
<br />Wim�a my hac�d and seal this 11'" day of lamrary, 2007.
<br />(SEAL) NO CORPQRA7'E SEAL U.S k Nado Uon,
<br />W it�ress:
<br />��f/�U N e: Shannon M. Rantz .
<br />Title: Vice President
<br />Na Susan utdick, rust O �cer
<br />Nar.ie: Kri Frideres. Trust ufftcer
<br />On this l lt day of January, 2007, before me. �he u�ersig�l, a Notary Public in and for said Coumy aml State, perso�lly appeared
<br />Shannon M. Rana, personally krrown ro me (or proved ro me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to 6e the person who executed tlu
<br />witdin instrumem as Vice Presidem, of the rnrporation ihai executed �he wi�hin instrumem, aml k�rown to me ro be the person who
<br />executed the within i�crument on behalf of the corporation �herein named, and acknowledged to me that sixh corporation executed the
<br />within instrumem pursuant to its by-laws or a resolmion of its Board of Directors. '
<br />WTfNESS my I�arM and ofticial seal.
<br />Sigaaw
<br />TifFa M. J n
<br />My commission expires: Jam�ary 3l°. 2009
<br />Notary PuWic
<br />Mhmeaota
<br />(NOTARYS L ' MyCm�mnF�es,Wmrary3f.20p9
<br />i
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