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<br /> ('Lender)oi tha same date and cove�ing the property described In the Security Inswment and{ocated �
<br /> aC
<br /> [properly Address�
<br /> In eddition to the covenants and agreements made in the Secudty instrumenetFBo�oentitled'Transfer of
<br /> turther covenant and egr+ee W amend Paregraph 17 of the Unifam Nbrt9a9
<br /> the Propeity as a Benetidal Interest in BoROwer as by 3dding edd'�tionai grounds for axeleret�on as
<br /> tollowa: se rate instrument assume
<br /> �ender,or such ai(ts successors or assigns as may by Pa
<br /> responsibilil}►1�Cr assu�ing S�mP�tance bi► ful!of ar M s ms�securcd by U Security InsUume t ifi �andng
<br /> Rider,maY roquire irtune6iate PaYR+
<br /> (a) Ad or paR o}the PropeKy is sold a otherwise trensiemed bY Bomower to a
<br /> purchaser or other transteree:
<br /> (q � Who qnnot teasonabty ba expected to occupy the ProPertY as a
<br /> p�incipal restdence wfthin a reasonabb�me etter the sata or transfer,ali as provided tn Section 943(c)
<br /> and(Ij(2)of the Inbemal Revenue Code;or
<br /> (ih Wtw has had a preeent ownerahip(nterest in a prindpal rosidance
<br /> during any part af the three-year perbd endinS on tt�e daEe otthe s�{e or transfer,all as pro�►ided in
<br /> Section 143(d)and{ij��j or"inn iY���°o"'•��r-�"-'�"�"-�°t�'1�0 percenY shall be rubs�tuted for
<br /> �gs�t��ro'w�q��t�appea,r�in Sectlon 143(d)(1);or
<br /> At an acqutaftion cost whk�b groater than ttro maximum Nmits
<br /> estaWished by the Netxaska Imestment Fln�nce Autho�ih►(the�A�ho�Y�in connection with fts
<br /> program�P��t to whkh Program fhis Security Inatrumentis financed�or
<br /> �iv) Who has a gross fmlY inoome in e�tcess of the maximum lirr�ta
<br /> establiahed bY the Autho�ity in connectbn v�its Program:or
<br /> (b) Bortawer fails�o oa,uPY�e P��Y desaibed h the Security���t
<br /> without prior w�it�en oonsent ot Lender or ib successa+a cr asai9n�des�nbed at the be9irx�in9 of tl�is
<br /> Tax-Exempt Finand"9 Rider.or
<br /> (�j goROwer omits or m�aropres�r►ts a hct that is maee�ia�l�s�rnd bY thb
<br /> provlsions af SecUon 143 0�the Intemal Rwenue Code in an ap�iCa�on
<br /> SecurUy InsWment
<br /> Referonces aro to ths In�emal Revenue Code as ame�xled and in etfect on!he da�e ot
<br /> isauance of bonds�the p�'ooeeds of whk:h wiM be used to finance the Secu�tf►Instrumsnt and ar+e
<br /> deemed bo irx;lude the impteme�ting roguf�ions•
<br /> BY SIaNINd BELOW,Borrower�ocept�a^d 89�b0�e�������Tax
<br /> ExeQnP�Finandng Rider.
<br /> E{ortower
<br /> — Bat�ower
<br /> � .
<br /> :.
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