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<br /> ' „� "� oonflbts wilh epplloabb I�w, such oonflfct ohall not eflect olher provlslona of this SocurRy Inslrument or the Nob whbA CIn W
<br /> � plven eHecl without Ihe Contlictk+q provi8lon. To thfs end the provislnna of Ihfs SeCUrity Instniment end Ihe NOt��rs d�loMnd t0 t"
<br /> i
<br /> ' u be nevsrabb. -
<br /> :..
<br /> t� 16. Bo�rowar'� Copy. Borrower ahall bY phron one conformed copy ol Ihe Nolo nnd of t�ls SeCUrity Inblrum�nt. �
<br /> ,;... .. �; 16. Hazerdaua SUb8te11CQ6. Borrower shuu not cause or perm+t the presonce, use, dlsposal, storaq9, or rpleua ol p
<br /> •� ' Y ony Haxardous Sub�tences on or tn the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor eqow anyone else to do, anythlnp �HYCtk�p th� �
<br /> PropeKy thIIt IS In vlolation ot nny F.nvlro�mentnl Lnw. The precedinfl two sentences ahnll not aDP�Y �o the presena, u6e, or ��
<br /> �'��� ator�p� on ths Property ol small quantities of Haurdous Substances that are penerelty recognked to bs �ppropriat�to norm�f -
<br />''� rssldwitlnl uses end to malntenanae of the Praperty. —
<br />¢-�ry��� Borrower shali promply pNe Lender written notk:e of any InvastlgaUOn, cla�rn, demand, lawault or other tctbn by any _
<br />- - y ouvemmantal or regulatory nqency or private party hvolvinp the Property and any Hazardous Substence or Bnvaonmanpl I.�w ot
<br /> whlah Borcowor hes actuol knowledge. If Bonower leams, or Is notified by any governmenlal w reyulatory authority,that any _
<br /> • removel or other remedtat�on of any Hezardous SubstanCes aHe_ti��the Property is neCessery, 8orrower shall prompty take all
<br /> neCessary remedlal aCtbns h ac�ordanCe wRh Environmental LaN. -
<br /> •••�r�•` AS used In Ihis paragraph 16,'Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined es toxb or hezardaus substanas by
<br /> - ;�..;;�,
<br />. -- :;.Y Envkonmental Law and lhe lonowing suhstances; gasolina, kerosene, other flammable a toz�c petroleum products, toxb
<br /> ;,r.;
<br /> pest�ides and Aerbkides,votatile soNents,materlais conta�ning asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive matarlals. AS usod h _
<br />_''r',•�'1���
<br /> .� ths parnyraph i8, "Envkonmental LQw" means tederal laws and laws of the jurlsdictlon where the Property Is bc�ted that r�lat�
<br />_,��."r,
<br />_ �.�.,�� to heaRh,sufety or envlronmqntal protectlon.
<br /> '"°`%�'' •' NON•UNIFOFIM COVENANTS. 8orcower and Lender further covenent and agrae as follows:
<br /> u.y�tF���t
<br />_-�:•?;�.€ 17,Asalgnment of Renta. Borrower unconditionally asslgns and transte�s to Le�der aY the rents and nv�nuYS of th�
<br /> ' � � Prapa►ty.BoROwer author@es Lender or Lender's agents to collect the re�ts and revenues and hereby directe each tenant of the
<br /> '�.�f�� Pre�ty to pay tha rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However, prior to Lender's not�e to Borrower ot 8orrower's breaCh ot
<br /> :°.��
<br /> any covenant or agreement in the Securily Instrument, Borrower shali collect and recelve all rents and revenues of the Property
<br />- as trustee for the benefit of Lendet and Bortower. This nssignment ot rents Constitules en absolute flSSipnment and not an
<br /> �_���� essipnment for edditbnal seCUrity on:,.
<br />=`��;�;.�� If Lender pNes notbe of breach to Borrower. (a)eu ren�s receHed by Borcower Shail be held by Bortower as Wstee tor
<br />�``=-�;�r� benefii of Lender ony, to be apptied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument: (b) lender shaA be entitled to collect and
<br />...;_`�a�-rf'
<br /> ,:;;:�;? rACONe aY ot the rents of the Property; and (c)eech tenant o� the Property she11 pay all rents due and unpaid to LendM or
<br /> - - �..�5�'!'�QQE(it C^ !lYIdEr9 wf�k!9n riamanA tq fha tanenf.
<br />- --:'�;.1P�� Borcow6r hes not executed any prior assgnment o}the rents and hflS not end wIM not pe�form eny 8ct that would prevent
<br />_-=-u'::�� Lender Nom exercising its rlghts under thls Paragraph 17.
<br /> r;::'';-•
<br /> _-.�!�,�� Lender 9hall not be requtred to enter upon,take controi of or malntain the Property betore or efter qHinq notbe of bre�oh to
<br /> ,i
<br /> — = 8omower. However,lender or a Jud�laUy eppointed receiver may do so at any tirtie there �a breaoh. My appNCation ot rants
<br /> — � shall not cure or waNe any detauk or tnvalidate any other right or remedy ot Lendor.This aasipnment of rents of th� Property
<br /> _� shap t8rminate when the debt secured by the S9ouiity Instrument is Mal� In tull.
<br /> 18. Foreolosure Procedure. If Lender requtrea Immediate peyment In full under Perapraph 9,
<br /> Lender may Invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permttted by sppilceble Isw.
<br /> ?' Lender ahali be entftted to collect atl expenses tncurred in purautng the remedfes p�ovided in
<br /> = thia Paray�eph 18, including, but not Itmited to, roasonable ettorneys' tees and cosU of title
<br /> � evidence.
<br /> . If the powar of sale le Invoked, Truatec shall recard a notice of detault in eaoh county in
<br /> • which eny psrt ot the Property ts loceted end shall meil coples ot wch nc�tice in the mmner
<br /> presoribed by appltcable law to Borrower end to the other persona prescribed by eipplic�bte law.
<br /> Afte� the Ume required by appllcable law, Trustee shall qive public notice of se�te to the per�o�s
<br /> end in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Truatee, without demand on Borrowe�, d�all scll
<br /> � the Property at public euotion to the hiqheat bidder at the time end place and under ths terms
<br /> dealgneted In the notice ot aale 1� one or more parcels end in eny order Trustee determine�.
<br /> � Trustee may po�tpone saie of e11 or eny parcel of the Property by public announeement et the
<br /> ttme and plece of eny previously scheduled sale. Lender or Ite designee mey purche�e the
<br /> � Properly at any sale.
<br /> _ Upon receipt ot payment of the price bid, Trustee shall del(ver to the purchaser Truttee's
<br /> --= deed conveyyng the Property. The recitels in the Trustee'a deed ah�ll be prima t�cie evtdence of
<br /> ��--�� • the Vuth oi the atatements mede theretn. Truatee shall apply the proeeedt of the sale In the
<br /> ;� : followtng order: (e) 4o atl coets �nd expenaes oi exerctainq the power of aale, and the �ale,
<br /> __ ---— Includfng the pnyment of the Trustee's feea ectuelly ineurred, not to exceed 3 %
<br /> �;��'-�'{ of the pNncipal emount of the note a�t the time of the declaratlon ot deiautt� and reasonable
<br /> �'-��=���� attorneys' fees es perm(tted by lew; (b) to all 8urris secured by thls Securtty InaVument; snd (c)
<br /> ---_==���'�'� any exceaa to the person or persona Iegaily en4itled to it
<br /> �.���.
<br /> :�„t_�;�' If the Lender'a Interest (n thta Securiry Inatrument is held by the Seeretery end the Seeretary
<br /> '°`''�:�,:.r requires Imrreedlate peyment in tull under Paragraph 8, the Secretery may invoke the �onjudictN
<br /> �,;,,.•.
<br /> =''~ ` power of aale previdod in the Single Femily Mortgege Fo�ealosure Act of 1994 ("AcY) (12 U.S.C.
<br /> �:����] 3761 q� g�q.) by requestUg e forealosure commtesioner destqnated under the Act to commence
<br />___.�. .d�l4i u_.t�_�t_ �L� �.tt�� ���w�
<br /> - -- ioreciosure bna ib aeii ine �r6pe"riy 8s pP6Via'�u in ii�o r►vi. nvio���y n. a.v '/�VVRY�tty q.......o
<br /> �:;�i,.,:�;t; shall deprtve the Secretery of eny rights otherwise aveflable to a Lendtr under thls Pera9raph 16
<br />._ or eppltcabie law.
<br /> 19. Reconveyance. Upon peyment ol ell sums secured by this SeCUrity Instrument,lBndYt 6h11N rsquas�Tru�ces co
<br /> reCOnvsy the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and ell noted evtdenchp debt 6eCUrQd by thls S�CUrity
<br /> Instrument t0 Trustee. TNStee shall reconvey the Property wRhout warrenty nnd without cherpe to the pe+son or peroons 19gtYy
<br /> -., entkied to it.Such person or persona shall pay eny recordutbn costs.
<br /> • , .
<br />. �+ ,'.i
<br /> , . Fbl18.LM0(6/07) Pape d o�5
<br /> h
<br /> S10
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