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<br /> Lmd�r rru�y, ot �ny tkri, ooli�ct end hold �mounts for Etcrow It�ma In �n rpqrp�tp�mount not to �xcMd th� m�c4num
<br /> amount th�t may b� rYquk�d tor BortowK's oscrow account undar th� FNd Eent�S�ttwmmt Proc�duns Aat of 1974, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> B 2801 !j�g,and knpk+mmtinp royu�lbne, 24 �FR Part 3500,as lhey mey bo �m�nd�d hom tlms to lkn� ("RESPA"),�xcrpt
<br /> Ihd th� cuehbn or n�erv� pemkt�d by RESPA lor unant�c�pated dlsburbem�nt� or dlsbura�mant� W�on th� Borcowar't
<br /> paymant�an�v�IkbN in lh��ccount mty not b�b���d on pmounls duo lor th�mortp�p��sunnc�pnmlum.
<br /> It ths amounte held hy Lendar lor Hsc�ow Items excued lhe amounta permftitd to b� h�ld by RESPA,L�r►dK nhall acaount
<br /> [o Bortow�r(or th� excoas�unds as nquk�d by FESPA. if lhe amounfs ol tunds hald by Lander at uny tkrw are not suHbf�nt to
<br /> p�y th�Escrow Ilems when due,Lsntlw m�y notlly tha Borrower and requre Borrownr to mak�up th� short�p��s p�rmNt�d by
<br /> RESPA. r
<br /> The Escrow Funds an p4d{�d at addkbntl saCUrity tar all sums eicured by thb S�aurity In6trum�nt. If Borrow�r t�ndK�
<br /> to Unda th� tuA payrtwnl o! aN such toms, Borrow�r's acoount sh�ll b�ondlt�d wRh th� btMnC�nmahinp lor�M InittlMn�nt
<br /> k�s (�), (b), and (o) and any moAp�y� hsur�nc� premlum h6tallmsnt lhat LsnWr h�s not b�corrN obNpl�t�d to p�y to th�
<br /> Socntary,and L�nder shrp prompty nlund�ny�xc�tta tunds to Bartower.Immedlst�y prbr to t fonobsua saw of th�Prop�Ay
<br /> or kt acquhkbn by UndK,Bonowera�caount shnll b�cndRed wAh nny baiance nmalnln0 tor all instaltn�nri for Rsms(a), (b),
<br /> �nd(c).
<br /> 3. Applic�tlon ot PaiyPr►ontt�All p�yments under Puraprephs�and 2 ahdl be app�►�d by Lend�r aa tolbws:
<br /> Firat,to th�moR�yo insurar.c�premlum to be paid by Lender to Ihe 3ecretary or to the monthly oh�rp�by th�S�Cr�t�ry
<br /> instwd af ths monthy moA�ape insurance premium;
<br /> SECODd, t0 any tazas, 6pealal �ssassments, leasehold payments or pround rents, and fire, fbod and other huud
<br /> hsuranC�pnmiums,a� nquk�d;
<br /> � Third�to IntorQSt due under the Note;
<br /> FOUfIh,to amortiratbn ot the prNafpal of the Note;and
<br /> FI?�h,to I�t�oharps du�under the Nots.
<br /> now In sxist�en el oOdubsequantry ewocte�d apainst�aey hasardso c�s alleselln�d ont!np�nciYS�oiudtnp fin, for v hb�A L�nd�r
<br /> roquiros hsuranca. This hsurance sh�Y da rtwhtained fn the amuunts and lor the periods that Lendar rsquires. Bortow�t shiN
<br /> niso hsure al1 Mnprowmrnts on ths Proparty,whether now in existence or subsequentty enct�d, �p�„st bss by fbods to tM
<br /> extent �apulred by the Secrettry. AA inaurance shall be carried with companies epproved by Lendar.Ths hsurancs poYcNs and
<br /> any r�wals ahiil be held by Lendsr md shau hctude loss payable clauses h tavor of,and h�fortn accapWbN to.L�ndsr•
<br /> In th9 eveet of bss, Borrower shall pbe Lender immediete notice by mail. Landar msy rr�kt proot of bss M not mad�
<br /> prompty by Bortowx. Ewh Insurana compony concemed is hereDy outhorized end directod to msk� paym�nt for wch bss
<br /> dit�Clly to Li(ItlYr, hstY�o of to 8ortoww u��i+ t'v :d1dG jC:�t!,• '�!�! ^r anY �nA uf ths klsurBnCi ptOCMtls rtKY a �PP� by
<br /> L�ndK, nt Rs optbn, eRMr (a1 to the rsduatbn of tha hdebtedness under ihe Nota en0 this Securky Instrummt, 11rst to �ny
<br /> deNnquent amounts�ppY�d in th� orda tn ParaqnPh 3,and then to prpayrtwnt of prinalpai,or(b)to tha�tontbn or nWY of
<br /> tM dartyq�d Propwty. My epplioatbn of th� proceeds to the princqat ahaU not axtw►d or poatpon� th� du� d�t� of th�
<br /> monthy payrn�nts whioh an reTernd t4 in Panyaph 2, or ohan�e Ihs amount of such paymmts. AnY �xcas hsurana ,,
<br /> prpcMds ovor m unount roquM�d to pay�a outstandhq hdebtedness under the Note and this Sacuriry Instru�nent shaN b�p�ld
<br /> to 1h�entqy NWNy�ntitMd tMnto.
<br /> In ;M ovrnt of tarocbsun ot this Sacurity Inatrument or other trans(er oi tRla to the Prop�rty that �cthpukM� 1h�
<br /> Ind�bt�ss,aN r(pht, tiN and k►tarsst ot Borrower h and to Insurance policbs fn force shan pass tn ths pureh�Wr•
<br /> b. Oecupanay, Preservstton� Melntenance and P�otectton of the Property; eonower's Loan
<br /> A�l�11ICt�1011; Ll�h01�It. BortowN ihaN oCOUpy,�st�blish,and ute th�Proparty as 8onovwrs pr�c�W�r�s��Wkh„
<br /> sbcty d�ys aMr th��pu�tutbn of this S�cur'dy Instrum�nt(or wNhh sbcty days of a Iat�r sal�or tnnslK ol th�PtopKtyl M�d tMM
<br /> continu� to xcupy th�PropKty �s Bortow�s principel r�sidw�co fa at la�st on� year efft►tM d�N Of occupancy� unNts
<br /> ��nd�r d�btmk�ss thAt qRulrwnant wil Ctus�undw h�rdship for BortowK,or unMss�octanuatinp otCUmstanas�ockt whiah Ir�
<br /> b�yond Bonow�s ao�uol. Borrow�r shaN notNy L�+dw et �nY �MSnW��+9 cMcumsbnces. Borrow�r sM1 not Cort�mk w�et�or
<br /> d�supy, d�maq� or substant�Ny Chonpe the PropKty or albw th� Propsrty to detubrat�, rwson�bM ww and tw acrl�Md•
<br /> L�ndK m�y inspeat th�Propety M th� Propwty fs vacant or aWndon�d or th� ban b a dMo�R•i.�^d�r m�y t�lC�naso�6w
<br /> actbn to protxt and pns�w such v�aant or abandoned Proporty. Earowrr shaN alao b� h dNauk If Barow�r�durhp the k�n
<br /> �ppli�atfon procsss,pave matertauy talsa or Ineccurate htormatian or s►ttemunta ro Lend� (or hiMd to provkN LrndK wkh tny
<br /> mat�rlal Nfomwlbn)In conn�otbn wkh tha ban avidvnced by the Note, includinp, but nOt I�nkad to, npns�natfons cona�minp
<br /> 8ortow�s oCCUpanCy ol tha PropMy as n prinCipal resklenCe. Ii this Security InatrurtNnt is oo a Mat�hob, BorrOwN sAaM
<br /> compy wkh th� provhbns ot th� leaso• It 8orrowar acquk�s tee title to the Proporty, tho Maaa�oW and N� ikM �h�N not b�
<br /> mupad uniass Land�r�prees to the mrxqer h writing.
<br /> 6. Candemn�ll0rf.Ths procoeds of any award or ctekn tor damaqes, dksat or conseqwntkl, in Conn�albn wkh my
<br /> condMnn�tbn or other hkinp of any part of th�Praperty. or for conveyancs In pl�c�of condeMmlbn,an h�nby asslpn�d�nd
<br /> shal b� paid to L�ndu to Iha extant of the tup amount ot tn� MdWtedn�sa that nmaMs unpaW undK th� Noa �nd thk
<br /> Security Instrument. L�ndar shall appy auoh prxesds to the reductbn ot the hdebtedn�ss und�r ths Nob andtth�M��ky
<br /> Instrument, fktt to any dethquw�t Omounts �ppMed k► lhe order provided h Panqnph 3,end thM to propaym�►
<br /> My �pplfcatbn of the proceeds to lhe princtpal shall not extend or poslpone tha dua da:n ot the montAy p�yrtNnts,whbh�n
<br /> nfsrtM to h Panpraph 2, or chinp� ths amount ot suah peymer►ts.My exc�u proce�ds owr a^ �tkNdrth�to pey eM
<br /> outstondinp indebtednesS under th�Note and thls Security Instrument shali be paW tc the sntity kpaliy
<br /> 7. Cheirpes to Borrower end Protection of Lender's Riphb in the Property. 8orrowK thaN p�y aM
<br /> aovamm�ntal or munfcipal charqas, fines nnd fmpositbns that are not included in Panyraph 2. Bortowsr shaN pay lties�
<br /> . _..__.�-- --.L.�..r.► �.
<br /> ob1lQ�tfcns on ttme dtr�cty to the entity which Is owed ths payment.ir rei�ure co pay .rvu�;:�.::�.�� -��--•--�•_-�--•---• --
<br /> ths Property�upon Lend�'s request Borcower ShaN prompty lumish ta Lender reCSipts evidench9�hesa P�Y�TN^ts.
<br /> If BoROwK hlls ta mak�thssa payrnents or the D�Y�^ts roquired by Panyr�ph 2, or talls to psrlorm�ny otl+K cownants
<br /> �nd�pr�mmts contahod h thls Security Instrument,ar then ts a lepd proceadin0 that may sqnific�nty aM�ct L�nd�►'s riphts in
<br /> - th�Prop�rty (6uch �s�proceadiny h bankruptcy,tor condemn�lfon or to entorce I�ws or requktbns),thM L�ndK m�y do�►d
<br />--- p�y wh�tw�►Is noCOS54ry to prOtYCt th�volue ot th�P�operty and LendePs ri�hts in th�Propxty, 1nCludinp paym�nt ot t�oa,
<br />'"-' huard Vnsunnce tnd other Nems menttoned fn Perapreph 2.
<br />�� F6�t�.LMO(E/i7� Pap�?ol 6
<br /> �� s�e
<br /> � - _ __ _ __ - -_
<br />