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<br /> ihat,except for ordinnry wear end teer,lhe Trutt Fanta ah�ll no1 detedorate. fn no ovent sluil the _
<br /> Tn,slor eanmit wsste on or to tt�e Teust Fatde.
<br /> 1. �CT10Nc ARFE�'(jg�l TRLlST�T�Tnator ehdl appear in and eontat�ny -
<br /> ation or prouedin�pwportt�ro dkct the�ecur(ry Asteof a the ti�hq or powers of HeneOciuy a
<br /> Tru�tee,ud shdl p�y tll cosb and expensw�,includins wan of evidence of title u�d attomeyt ka,in
<br /> my such�etion a proceedini in wAich 8enalktary or Tnnke may appear.Should Twtor fail to
<br /> make any p�yment a to do�ny aet u in the mumer provided in�ny otthe Loan Instrumenb,
<br /> � Aenefid�ry�ndlor Tnutee,ach fn Iq o�m discretion,wittaW obit�tion.m�y m�ke or Eo the wne in --
<br /> such manncr and W mch extent u eitixr rtNy deem naasey b pentat the xauiry hercof. Tn►stor
<br /> shdl.tmmediaky upon demmd thercfa by Bmelkl�ry.paY dl co�ts ud experoes incurrcd by
<br /> Benefictuy tn w�wKCNon with the exercise by Henetieiry of the fore�olnQ ri�hes,Ineludtn�,wtthout
<br /> • limiution,eo�ts otevidenee of tid0.�+R ooan.+pDrtl�l�.turveYs�nd Rtmmoys fea.Ar,y sueh
<br /> eosu a�d cxperoe�not p�id withie trn(IO)diya of writtm demu�d�hdl dnw interat�t the defiult
<br /> rue provided Tn the NMa
<br /> 5. FMINEtJT DO�VIIN�Shouid the Tnnt F.�ute,ot�ny ptt tlrcneofar itNerot tlKrttn.be .
<br /> . nken w drn�ed by reawn of any puDik tmprovement a eondemnWon proeeedin�,a In ny ahn
<br /> m�nner Includi�deed tn Iku otCademnatla�(•Cademnrtion'y.a thould Trwlar nalw�ny
<br /> noNce or atl�intbrmation rcsndit�aueh ptooeedl�.Ytuslorihall jtve prompt w�itta�notfoe
<br /> thereotto Beneticiuy. Benetici�ry�I�be rnHtkd to dl compawdon awrd�md otl�a p�ymmts or
<br /> rclief thaefoc�md sMll be cnHlkd to m�ke my canpranix or settkmeM M ea+nection wHh weh
<br /> nlcina a d�mqe.AIl sueh canpensKion.awed�,a.��,�na or,caon.�a pneeee:aw.raee�o
<br /> . Tnutor(ihe"ProceeQt")aro hereby utipted to Brnetkiry;md Tnntat a�rses 10 axacuk such
<br /> funher aulQ�mnk�otthe Proceed:n Brneikiary a Twtee mq roquUe.
<br /> . 6. APt4Q!RMEM'O�$UCC[SSOR 7RUSIFE BenetkLry may.fiom dme to dme,by
<br /> �wrltten(mtrunent executed and scknowlad�ed by Benttkiuy,m�INd W 1'nntor�nd reootded In the
<br /> ' Counpr tn whieA the Tnut Esnte b loatad md by ahenWx eampiyi�wlth the proviekro of the
<br /> �ppHcabk law of 1he Shte of Nebmka subsdtute�successor or suaeno�t ro the Tru�ta nrned
<br /> Merc(n or�etina hereur�du.
<br /> j -
<br /> T. SUCCES�ORS AND ASSIONS.Thi�Deed of Tnut�pplfw to,inum to the benetit ot
<br /> . md binds ilt prtiei hereto,their hetrs,le�tea,devlu.es,pertonal rcpraenutiva,�uecessora u�d
<br /> essigns.The Tetm'Benefleiary•shall man the owner�nd holder of the Note,wfie�her or not named
<br /> u Beneliciuy hercin.
<br /> !. QJSPEC7'IONS. Beneticiuy,a tts agrnti.iepraenntiva or workmen,ue wthoriaed
<br /> ' to enter�t my reeanble time upon a In any part of the T�ust Est�te for the purpose of IntpaQn4 the
<br /> � s�me ud for the p.vpose of perfom�ins tny of the�u it ta�uUarined lo pafam under�hc te�m of
<br /> � my afthe La�n instrwnaiq.
<br /> �; 9. EVENi'S OF DEFAULT. Any of the followin6 eve�ts�hrtl be decmed�n event of
<br /> { dtfautt Ixrcunder:
<br /> �i p) T�stot shatl iwve fiikd to make p�ymrnt otany Irotailmmt of intaest,prineiqi.or
<br /> ! prinetpai mA iMe[est or�ny other sum xcmed hercby wfien due;or.
<br /> . (b) thera hat occwred�brach or defiult under�nY tmn,eovew�,��reemenf.eondition,
<br /> : povision,rcp�x�xion,a wamnty conutncd in my ofthe Lan I�ntt.
<br /> (c) tf Tnntor sMll eell,convey,tnrufer,or ditpose ofthe ral prope�Q�dacriMd in the Note
<br /> ' xcurin�tAe debt evideneal by the Nooe,or my prt otsueh ptoperty.or�ny tnk�at ti�erei�or�ree .
<br /> eo to do without the priot wrfnen conxnt of Bmetki�ry.Ba�etielary ilnll h�ve the ri�M,+r1 dN option
<br /> � af Benefki�ry.to dectue tAe eruice bdinoe otthe u�k intaat due drceean tan�ediMdy dne�nd
<br /> pey�ble.Failuro M acercbe auch aptian sh�ll not corotilute a wiiva of the�ht to aoaei�n k in the
<br /> event of ny subxquent defiuh. .
<br /> 10.�'�ATfON UPON DEFAULT.AUDITIONAL ABMSDiES.5houid an ereM o�
<br /> defiult occur.BaKficiiry may declaro�ll(ndebt�xcuRd het�eby b 6e due md p�y�bk,�nd the
<br /> sune shall tl�ertupon becane due and payabk widaut any prxntrna�,dem�nd,protat,or notke of
<br /> �ny kind.TAereafEer the Brneficluy rtuy:
<br /> (�) Etther in perton or by�ent,wtth or without brin�tng�ny ictian or proeeedi�,or by a
<br /> rccetver�ppointed by a Court and wfthout rcp,�rd ro the�deqwcy of tb�ecurity.a�ter uQon�nd hke
<br /> ' possession of the Trust Estete,a any put thermf,tn ib own nane or in the nnne of Tnptee,a�d do
<br /> � any acts whkh it deems neceuary or desirabie to prcserve the vitue.m+ricete6itiry or rcnubiltry of the
<br /> Trun Esu�e,or pan thercof or interat thercin,fncrcue thc income therefrom or proteet the�eeuriry
<br /> hercof,and with or without t�ktng possession of the Tnnt Estete,sue fa ot othetatse eollect Ihe
<br /> �
<br /> Z `:
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