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201208375 <br /> desigi�zted a aubatitute notice address by noYice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender oF <br /> 13oixower's ohu�ge of�ress. Jf Lende�'specifies a procedui•e for reporting I�orrower'a clivige of address, <br /> Shen Borrower sl�ail only reporf a change of acldresa through Chat specified proeediu�e. <br /> There may be only one dasigpaCed no�ice ndclress under this SecuriLy Inshruinent al any onc tiinc. Any n��ticc <br /> to Lender ehall be given by delivering iY or by mailing it by first claes mail to Lender'e acldress stated herein <br /> unless Lender has desi�;nated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in com�ection with this <br /> Securify Instrnment sha17 not bo d�romed to l�ave hcon given to Lmlder unti] acritally received by�Le��der, if <br /> any nofice required by Lhis Secm'iCy InsLr�unenf is also required tmcier Applicable Law, fhe Applicable�Law <br /> require�nent will snCisfy the oorresponding requirement nnder this Seourity Instriunent. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument slinll be governed by <br /> federal law and tihe law of the jurisdiction in which the Properiy is located. All riglits and ol�ligations <br /> conf�ined in this Security lnytriu��ont are suhjoct to any rcquircnnouts ttnd]imit�rtiotts of Appljc�l�lc <br /> Applicable Law might explicitly or im�licitly allow the parties to ngree by oonLraoC or it might be silenC, buC <br /> auoh silence shall nnt be constr�ued as a prohibition agnihst agreemenY by cont�•act. Tn the event that any <br /> proviaion or clausa of this Secttrity Insti•�unent or the Note conflicts with Applicable I,a�v; suoh confliot shall <br /> not affect othe��provisions of this Sccurity Insh�umcnt or the Noto whieh can be givcn cffect without Hic <br /> conilicting provision. <br /> As nsed ii� fhis Secur'rty Tnstrumciit: (a) worde of the�2�asculine gencler shall mcan and inchide corrosponciing <br /> neuter words or words of the �Fe�niivne gendec; (b) words in the eitigul�r ah�ll me�n and inolnde the plural <br /> �ncl vioe vecsa; nnd(o) the word "may" gives sole diseration witliouY ury obligntion to talca any action. <br /> 17. Borrow er's Copy. Borrower shnll Ue given one copy of the Note and of this Security Instruinent. <br /> 18. Transfer oP the Property or a 13eneficial InCerest in Borrower, As used in this Sectiou 18, "T�terest in <br /> � the Property" means auy legal or benelicial interest in thc Property, inoludirig, but not limitcd to, those <br /> beneficial iirterests transferred in a bo�id fox deed, conLr�ct for daed, installmenC sales contract or escrow <br /> agreemcnit, the intent of wl�ich is the lrnnafer of title by Borrower at a future date Yo a purchaser. <br /> If a17 or any part of thc Proper�y or�ny Interest in the Property is sold or hansferred(or iF Borrower is noC a <br /> natural person anci a 6eiiefioial interest in Borrower is sold or tir�nsfen•ed) wiPliouL Lender's prior wri,tten <br /> coi2senti, Lender may require iinmediatc payincnC in full oP all sums seoured by this Security Iastrument. <br /> However, this option sha71 not be exeroisad by Lender if such exercise is prohibiYed Uy rlpplicaUle T,aw. <br /> If Lander exercides this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. Tlie notice sha11 provide a <br /> period of not lese Chsn 30 cl�ys �•om the d'zte Yhe notice is given in accordance with Sec:tion 15 wiNziii whicli <br /> Bon•ower must�ay all smns sectiu'ed by this Seourity Instrument. IP Borrower �Pails fo pny these sums prior fo <br /> tlie expiration of this period, Lernder inzq invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Inatrwneiit withouC <br /> furH�cr voiic c or dem7nd on Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, ]3on�ower <br /> shall have the rigAC Co hnve en£oroement of this Security Ii�strument discontinued Ht ai�y�i�ne prior to thc <br /> earliesC of: (a) flve d�tys before sale of the ProperEy pursu�mt to any powcr of sa1c conTained iu lhis Securi6y <br /> Instrument; (b) sueh other period:�s Applicablc Law might speci�Py Por lhe lermivation of Borrower's iight to <br /> reinetate; or(c) ent�y of a j udgrncnt enPorcing Ltus Security InsUutnent. Those cariditione are Chat Borrower: <br /> (a) pays Lender a11 swi�s which then would be dua wider tl�is Secnrity Inst��tivuent and thc Note as if no <br /> aocelernkion had occurred; (b) cures amy defeailt oF any oLher covenauts or agreementa; (o)pflys nll expenses <br /> ineucred in enforcing this Security Insl�lui�ent, including, but not limited Yo, reasoiiable�aCCorneys' fees, <br /> property iiispecuon�nd vnluation fees, azid other fees incun'ed for U�e purpose of proh:cting LcM�der's interceT <br /> 2h002385 <br /> NFBRASKA-Single Fm�ity-Fannie�01 aelGreddle A�ac UMFORM INSI"ftUM EN I' Porm 3020 17�1 <br /> VMPOO VMP6(NE)(11051 <br /> W ollers Kluw er Ginancial Servlces Page 1 Z of 1 j <br />