<br /> satisfaction, provided fliat such inspeotion shall be undertaken prompEly. Lender may pay tbr the repaira
<br /> and restoration in a single disbtu'semeut or ui a series of progress payineirts as tho work is complctcd.
<br /> Unless en lgxeement is macle in writin{;or ApplicaUlc Law requires inlereal Co be paid on such
<br /> Miscell�uieons Prc>cecds, Lcnider ahall not be reqnired to pey Barrower any interest or earnings on such
<br /> Miscellanco��s Proceeds. If the xesWrafion or repair ie not econoinically feasible or I.ender's secutity would
<br /> Uo lessened, the MiscellAneous Proceeds shall be applied to tl�e suins secm�ed by this Sacurity instruinent,
<br /> whelilier or not Yhen due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Mi�ccllaneous Proceeds sl��all be
<br /> npplied in the order provided fo� in Section 'l.
<br /> In che event o£a tiotal taking, dest�uctiion, or loss in value of Yhc Yrc�perty, thc Miscel}ae�c;ous Proceecls shnll
<br /> be ap�lied to tha smns�secured by�thus Security instri�ment, wkelher or noC then due, with the excese, if auy, �
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In tUe cvenL oE a parlial taking, destruction, or loss in valtte of T1�e Proper[y in which thc fair madcef aalue oP
<br /> lhe Property immediaYely bei'ore the partial ta1cing, dcstruction, or lo�s in value is equal to or greAter Hian tha
<br /> amount of tihe suine secured by this Securily Inslrument itnmediFttely before tlie�peu�tial taking, destruction, or
<br /> loes in value;, w�lcse Borrawer and Lendec otherwise agree in writing, the sLttns secured Uy this SccUrity
<br /> Inshwncnt sh1i16e reduceci by the amounti o£tl�e Miscellat�eotiis Yrocceds�inulCiplied I�y the�Pollowing
<br /> fr�ction: (a) the total amount of tha swns secured immccliatcly bePore Che paxtial tnkittg, dest�uction, or loss
<br /> in vnlue divided by(b) the fair marlcet valtiie of t'he Property ilntnedi�tely before the parti2l k�aking,
<br /> deaftuction, or loss in valuo. Any bal�nce shall be p�id to Borrower.
<br /> In the evant of a partial talcing, destrttction, or loss in value of the ProperCy in wl�ich Ghe fair mzrkct value of
<br /> flie Property iminediafely before the pau�Yial talting, desTruction, or loss in valuo is less th�n Cl�e an�onnt of the
<br /> sums secured immedietaly bafore the partial talzing, dcsY�uction, or loss in vAlue, unless Borrower aud
<br /> Lend�r oYherwise agree in vn'iring, N�e Miscellaneous Proceeds shall ba applied to the sums secured Uy this
<br /> Security InsYrwiicnti whelher or not the snms are theai dua.
<br /> If tha Propexty is abandonctl by Bon�ower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that thc Opposing Par6y
<br /> (2s defined in tha next sonCence} offece to mal�e au awacd to settle a c1avn for damagcs, Boirower fails to
<br /> respond to Lender wiHiin 30 days eftei the daCe tlie n�rticc in givcn, Leuder is anthorized to eollect and apply
<br /> Che Miscellnneous Proceeds either to restoraHon or repai� of the ProperLy or to the sume secuxed Uy Uiie
<br /> �Sectiuity instrmnenti, whether or net then due. "Opposing Pacty" means the third�7tuLy t1iaC owea Boirower
<br /> Miscellnneous Proeeeds or the party against whrxn Borrower has a right of action in regard Yo MiscellaneoLts
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> ]3orrowar sliall be fli defeult if any act'ion or pror,eeding, whether civil or criinii�al, is be�m that, in Lender's
<br /> jud�ment, could resulC in forfeiture of the Propertig or othar material impaiin�ent of Lender's ixiterest in the
<br /> Property or righta under tl�is Secttrity Histrmnent, Borrnwcr can cuxe such a default and, if acceleratiai has
<br /> 000urred, reinstate as provided 'vi Section 19, Uy cnuaing the nction or proceedii2g to be disrnissed witli a
<br /> ruling�thaf, in Lende�'a judgmcnti, preohicies forfeiture of the Property or other material impairmont of
<br /> Lender's inter�st in Yhe Proper[y or rights under tlus Seotu'ity Insh�ti�meut. 'I'he procceds of uiy awnrd ar
<br /> claim for cialnnges that ar€attributabla tio�the impainnent�of Lender'� inCerest in the Property ue hereby�
<br /> assigned and shall be paid to l,ender.
<br /> All Miscellnneous Proceeds that are not applied Co restor�rion or repair oPthe Proparty shall Ue applied in tl�e
<br /> ordei providea for in SccCion 2.
<br /> 24002385
<br /> k[f3fNSKASIngle Pamlly-Fannle Wee/Freddie Idac U�IFORM INSTRUMMT Po�m 3020 1101
<br /> �pq p VM PB(NE)(11061
<br /> Wollare Kluw ar Flnenclel 3ervloes Paq210 of 17
<br />