<br /> reqnired by RESPA, u�d Borrower sl�all pay Co Lender the amounf nweasary Co malco up tlia deficiency in
<br /> aecocdance with R�SPA, but in no more then 12 monthly payments.
<br /> Upon paymaiti iu full of all stiuns accared by this Secutity Inefaumenti, Le��dcr shall promptly refund do
<br /> Borrowc.K-tmy Punds held by Leiider.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowei ahall pay all taxee, assessments, oharges, fincs, and impoaitions attributable to
<br /> the Property which caai attarn priority over Uiis Sccurity Hish'wnent, lcaeehold paymaiits or gronnd rents on
<br /> the P�roperly, if any, uid Coinmtmiry Associatio�T Dues, Fees, and Aesessments, i�F any. To the extent tliat
<br /> thcsc ifeu�a nca Pscrow ICems, Borrower el�all pay them in thc n�anner provided in Section 3.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly diseherge any lien wliich has priority ove� thie Secttrity h�strLunent unless
<br /> Borrower: (a) agrees in writing tc>the payinent of the obligation secm�cd hy tlie lien'in a nianner eccephable
<br /> to Lendcr, but only so long�s Boxrower is peePorming auch agreement (b) contests tl�e lien in good faith by,
<br /> or deYeuds agahist enforoenxent of the liai in, legtil procccdings which in Lender's opinion operato tn pxevent
<br /> Elie enforceinent of the lien while Uioae proceedings are peuding, Unt only until sttch procecdii2gs nre
<br /> concluded; or (c) sectues from the holder of tho lion an agreement satisfactory to Lendcr eubordivating thc
<br /> lien to this Security HistrwnenC, If Lender deYc�7nines that�i1y parC of khe Property is su6ject to a lien wl�ich
<br /> can attuin prioxity over tl�ie Security InstiumenE, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying fl�o]ien.
<br /> Within 10 days o�F tho dahe on wluch that notioe is given, Borrower aha11 satisfg the lien or talcc one or more
<br /> of the nctions set Forlli nbove in this SeaHon 4.
<br /> Lender may requirc Borrower to pay a on�rima charge for a real estate k�x verif cakion and/ox xeporting
<br /> service used Uy Lendar in connccfion with this Lunn.
<br /> 5. Property I nsurance, Borrower shall keep tl�c in�provements no�u existing or lieroafter erected on tho
<br /> Property insured agaialsC loss Uy fire, haa,ards included within the term"extcnded oover2ga," and any other
<br /> haza��cls including, but not liinited to, earthquakes and floode, for w]�iclr Lender requires insur�noe. Tlris
<br /> insuranca s1�a11 be maintained in the�mouuts (including deductilile levels) �nd f'or the periode that Le��dc��
<br /> requires. Wh�h Lender requirce�ursuent ta thc preceding sentcmces cau chenge d�iring the term of Nie Lonn.
<br /> The iusuranoe c�rrier pr�viding the uisuranco aha11 bc choscn by Borrower sabjecl to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprove Borrower'e ckoice, wluch righ[shall not bo cxeroised tuu easonably, Lender may require
<br /> Borrower to p�y, in comiection with fhis I,oan, either: (a) a one-timo ohflrge for�tlood zone deterroination,
<br /> certification And tracl<ing services; or (U) a one-time chargc far flood zot�o delexminakion and cer6ification
<br /> services and subscquent charges er�di tiine remappings or similax'changes occur wluch rcasonably inight
<br /> ¢ffeet such deferminaCion or cerCification. Borrower sha11 also be xesponsible frn'tlie paymenT of any Pees
<br /> imposcd by the Federal L+mergency Management Agency in connection with Ihe review of any'flood zone
<br /> determination resultuig fi•om au objection by Borrbwer.
<br /> If Borrower fails Eo main[�in eny of the cover�ges describul Abova, l.e��der inay obtain iilsuruice coveragc,
<br /> ai Lender's option ainci Borrower's cxpense. Lander is under vo oUl'rgaSion to purchase any particular typc or
<br /> nmount of covcrage. Therefora, such coverage ahall cover Lendor, Uut might or mighC noti protect Borrower,
<br /> Borrower's cquity in the Proporty, or Uie contents of the Proparty, against any risk, haz�rd or liability and
<br /> miglit�7rovide greater or lesaer covere�ge. Chan was previously in aflect. F3orrower acknowlcd�e.s Cheti the cost
<br /> oP Ihe insuranco coverage ao obtained might sigiificantly exeeed tho cosl of insurance Lhat Borrowe�'could
<br /> hava oUtained. Any amouiite ciisbursed Uy,Lcncier under this Section 5 shall Uccun�e¢dditional debY o£
<br /> Rorrower secured by tihis Securitiy Instrui�nexit. The,se amonnts shall be�r inCerest at the Notc rate fi•oin the
<br /> d�te of diebtitrsenisnt And shz71 bc payable, witl� suoh interest, upon notice from l,encler lo Borrowar
<br /> requesting pnyment.
<br /> zaoozsn
<br /> NE6RASKA-SIn91e Family-Fannla Mae/Freddie h1ac UNIFOkP.d WSTRUMfNT Form 3028 1l01
<br /> VMP� VfdP6(NEI(17a51
<br /> Woltars Iquw er flnancial Servlaas Page 6 0�71
<br />