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<br /> 1 . �' �Q�� �
<br /> not person�lty liable an the Note or under thi�Deed of Trust, and lc) sqrecs that�1.a�6r d�ny''olheh c�onower.
<br /> � hercunder may�grco to extcnd,modify,forb�ur,or make o�y other accammodntions with reg�rci to 4he tetms of this
<br /> lleed of 7'ru�t or the Note,witliout thut Iiorrower's constnt and withaut releasing that Borrower or enod ifying thia Deed
<br /> of Trust u to thtt Borrower'a Interest in the Property.
<br /> 11. Notloe.Faccept for �ny notice requircd under appllc�ble law to be glvcn ln�nother manncr,(a)any notico to
<br /> Borrower provided for ln this Deed of Truet ahall bd given by deHvedng it or lsy mailing:uch notice by certl8ed mail
<br /> addressed to Botrovrer at tho Propctty Addresa or at such other sddress�8orrower mRy dcsign�t�br notire to L.ender
<br /> �s provided hoeeln.�nd(b)�ny notice to Lender shsll be given by certilled mdl to Lender'i addtes�titstcd herein or to
<br /> sueh other�ddraa as I.ender may d�ignate by nottca ta Borcower as provided heroin. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Deed of Truat shdl be deemed to h�vo been given to Borrowee or Lender when given In the m�nner dalgmtod herein.
<br /> 13. Dore�niet Lawt Se�enblUt�.The at�te md locsl laws applicable to thls Deed of Trust shall be the I�ws of the
<br /> �"""'� jurladietion in which the Property is loaated.The fongoing sentence shsll nat limit the applic�bllity of Federal lAw to
<br /> ' �� this Deaf of Tru�t. In the evont that any provialon or clatue of this Deed of Trust or the Note conllicts with tpplicable
<br /> law,such conflict shell not aCfect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given ef'1'ect wlthaut the �.�_
<br /> rnntlicting provisian,�nd to thls end the provisions of th�s Deed of Trust and the Nota ata declued to be sererable.As =
<br /> used herein."costs"�"expenses"�nd"attorneys'fees"include all sums to the extent aot pmhibitai by appltctble I�w or �
<br /> I[mtted herein. �
<br /> � 14. Borrower'�Cap!•�otrower shall be furnlshcd n conformed rnpy of the Note and of this Deed of Trus1:xt the
<br /> time of execution or after rec�rdallon hereof.
<br /> 1S. ReLabtlttatbn Loaa A�ceemeat.Borrower shAll fulftll all of Boreower's obligatlons undec anr home rehnbllita• � :-
<br /> tion,improvement.repair or other loan agran►ent which Borrower enters inta with Lender.Lender.�t Lender's optton. _
<br /> may require Borrower to esecute and dellvor to Lendee.ln a farm acceptable to Lender.�+n Assignmcnt of iny dghts, �
<br /> clalms oc defensa which Bo�roMer may have agalnst parties who supply Isbor,matedals or seNfces In cannation wtth s;_.
<br /> impmvements made to the Pmperty.
<br /> ` 16.Tnas[er of the Property or s Benetkisl lntete�!in Borrower.If all or any pazt of the Pnsperey or any intarest �=
<br /> re _;
<br /> '' in It is sold or transferred(or tf a bensfictal interest in Bonower is sold or tranaferred and Bonower ia not a natural _
<br /> person)without Lender's prior wrltten conaent,Lender may.at its option�require immediate psyment in full of aU �:�
<br /> sums sxurGd by this Deed of Trust.Howevcr.this option shall not be exercised by Lender�f exerclae le prohtbited by �
<br /> f�cieca�t�►es.o�spe date a[thi Deed of Trust. �°
<br /> � I{f�� d•t�i�•opt n. L.ender shell gi��c Bonower nottce of acceleration.The nodce shall provide a _.
<br /> d ������}q�`��'30 daYs fr m the date the notice is delivered or mailed within wh�rh Bonowermuat p�y all sums
<br /> S�{� .; Bonower faIls to pay these sums prtor to the expiration of this pedod,Lender may
<br /> — - invoke any remedies perruiiic��y it�ls Bxd af Tru:i with��! f�!��±��not�ce or demand on Borrower.
<br /> f NON-UNIEORM OOVENANTS.Bon+ower and Leuder further covcaant�utd agree as follows:
<br /> "`• 17. Acrekratbni R�edla�Ezeept�u pro�lded In parr�npb 16 lue+nt,upon Borro�er'�be�eub o[aa oouo�ust
<br /> mr�p+esme�t o[BoRO�er[n t6b Deed o['l�t,laclodlna Borrower'�[dlure to P�7.uf tl�e�nd�(1 O ale�da�d�r dtee
<br /> • � . �' ltx�are due.wy�wm�ecared i�inj�i�1 tbeb�reachi(Z tbe�cHon reqalecd to cure sach bracb (31��,aot
<br /> pro�i�fw p�r�P
<br /> � less diaa ZO dqs firom the date 16e aodoe Is sdled to Boero�ver,6y whtdi�aeh breaah mrt be csredi a�d (4)t6�t
<br /> � fillae W c�ee��h bca�4 on or belun tb�dste�peclBed in tlie rwHa syT rau�t W�ccelaRtloa oE ttie s�s iecnred b�
<br /> W4 Deed of 7il�o�t�nd�le oi�6e Propert7.lbc natice s6dl tuether Intorm BoeroMer�t tb�rttYt to eaWtatt dter
<br /> -� �ecdeeatkn�ad tbs ri�ht tA brla�s coart�ciloe to wert tLe nonesMtmce o[s dstsdt er aq�olbes def�w�[�re�r
<br /> to�oceleraHod�nd uk.If We bnac6 v aot cmed on or be[vee tLe date tpeci0ed tn tde oatbe.Lender. u�.e�ier'�
<br />�p i� . . optlea�es�declare�11�[tLe su���ecnred by t61s Iked ot Tru�t to be tmmavate�dne asd p���bl��Itl�t[�et6er
<br /> .-` �'''�• ;�• den�nd�nd ma�latob t6e poMer ot�ale�ad Ml otbee e�emedia P�emttted b��pplkable Iw�+.Leadee�hdl be e�tlHed
<br /> ��,•�.,. to colkct dl n�wmble cosb aed e:penra Incaned in pannl�t6e remedia Prodded W Wls P��R+�i�`17,L�ctedini,
<br />�'` ' . bat no!Ilmlted to.eeroe�bN stt�e�e7�'fea.
<br />_;�':•T:.._` I[t6e power ot ade Is ta��icedr T�a�tee sh�ll record a noNce ot detadt Ia e�ch coMnt�r In�►Nc6 tY Pnp«4 ar oome
<br />=:; p�ut tb�nst Is t�ahd aed�ball mall copla of nc6»oHoe ta tbe aw�ao�x prMCdbed Y�applk�bl�Yw t�B�enw�e�wd
<br />- :•.,`.�. to tha otbes peewar pewedMd by appikabb lse.After.tbe lap�e of toch tima�ms� be swplesd b7�P[���la�r,
<br /> p..':.� '# Tea�ta�6d1�ire p�Wk ootke�[�afe to tLa paw�ud ta fiM waner pe�dbed b�applleaWt br.'TertM,Mitb�at
<br /> ,i�`•'-.;�:,f"
<br /> deswd oa Heero�re�,�hall ull the Propertl+tt P�blk sactbn to tb�W�iwt bidder�t t6�dmt ad plia�a�l udet tl�t
<br /> � ' ��''�•.• teew daip�shd la We eolSos ot�ale Ir are oe�ore p�roela�ud!n�NC6 ordes M Tr�ta my detee�l�.7�s1�rsJ
<br />—:-�...•:
<br /> -;,'`�--.�"'�- � b �blk anaoaacaneat at the lime�ad plaa ot�nJ Predowtl,Y
<br /> L;y;r .• _ po�tpou�wle e[�Il or�aa p�rcel oi the Properf,► 1 P
<br /> -. -:r`:..• • ' �c}red�kd ule.Le�der er I.esdec'i dasipee mxy porc�e t6e PYOpeet7�t�nr uk.
<br />�;...�. .. ..
<br /> � .��., (Jpon eeaipt d p�renent o[the pdce bid�Tantee slull ddlar to the purchMer Trndee'�deed conreylo�t
<br /> r � � Pe�perty told.The eerltals tn tue Tra�tee's deed �hall be primn t�cM erideuoe o[tbe tnt6�i tw�t�ter�sb made
<br /> •'' thcaii.�4ustee slull apply ibe proc�dt ot tLe ale ta tl�e trliowln�ordea(a)to dl reuo�uble cosb uad espe�se+et tbe
<br /> �t'. �de,incladln�,bat not Ii�nita!to,T�vttee'�[ees�cta�lly Incurred ot eot moe�e th�n ........... ..'.L ot tlw fr�w�a1e
<br /> � � price,reawesbb+�ttorne�s'[ea�nd cab o[Ntle e�idenoe;lb)to dl�ams ucnred b�thls Deed oS Tcasq usd(a)t6c ei-
<br /> ceu,If any,to tbe peeso�or peno�u Ie�tW eatitka fyeeeto.
<br /> �u
<br /> I8. Bonrower•�R1�6t to Relnstate. Notwlthstnnding Lender's acceleration of the sums aecured by thi: Deed of
<br /> Trusi,due to Borrower's breach,Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by�.eader to enfarce this _
<br /> . ' Deed of Trusi discontinued at�ny time pdor to the esrNer to occur of U)the tiRh day befoce the s�le of thc Propeity _
<br /> pursuant to the power of sale contained in thls Deed of Trust or(il)entcy of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Trust if: _
<br /> (a)Borrower pays Les�der all sums which would be then due under this I?ad of Trust and the Note dad no tcceleratton _
<br /> '� '_� M�u.e�d�tb)Borrower cum all breaches of anY other covenu►ts or agreemeuts of Borrower contalned in this Dad of =
<br /> �1
<br /> � Trust; (c) Bonower p�ys all retsonable e:penses incarnd by Lender and Trusta 1n enforcing iise cv.�i��.�W �..�. " o
<br /> agreemrntt of Borrower rnntdned In this Deed of Trust and in enforcing Lender':utd Ttustee's�cemedia as provided in �3
<br /> par�grRph 17 hereof.inciuding,but not timited to,reasonable attorneys'fees;and(d)Borrower t�ka such scHon�s _
<br /> - Lender may t�etsonably tequi�+e to assure that the Itet�of this Deed of Trust, Lender's intetest 1n!he Property aad �� _
<br /> � ' tton to a the sums sxured by this Deod of Trust shdi continne unimp�ic+ed.Upon such piyment wnd � . _
<br /> BorroMer s obNga p y _
<br />-. cun by Borruwer.this Ueed of Trust�nd the abligatfonr�secured hereby shall rem�in tn full forn and efixt�s if no `:
<br />-� I acaleration h�d occurnd. _
<br /> 19. A�Ipreat e[Re�b;Appotnhaent ot Receirerq Lender In Paaadon• As additional secudty henunder,
<br /> Bortower hereby usigns to Lender the rents ot the Property,ptovided that Borrower shall,pdor to acaleration u�der _
<br />_� par�graph 37 hereof or tbsndonment of the Property,havc the right to collect and ntain such rcnts�s thcy become due =
<br /> � .
<br /> and psyable. ' _
<br /> i Upon accelentbn under ptt�gnph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property,Lender,ln peraoa,by�gent or'by' . _
<br /> judicially appolnted receiver sh�ll be entitled to enter upon,take possesston of nnd mnnage the Prapecty and to rnllect, •� � ,
<br /> .
<br /> . y�'E"�.—trn�.�
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