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<br /> �, � paymcnts n�y no longer bc requirrd,at the optios of lxnder, If mortgage lnSUrance coverAge(in the`�iwonnt su�d far the pednd -_
<br /> that l.eixler tequlres)prav3dod by an Insurer Approvec!by Leadet agaiin bceomes avallable and Is oMtainal. Bortower sh�►11 pxy �
<br /> .� tiK premiurny rr.quired to w�int�in moctg�ge i�unwcc ln cffect.or to providc a loss reserve.untll�he«qulrewent for mortg�ge �
<br /> � insurance ends Iu accordance witb any writtea ngreement betweea Boaower And Lender or appltcable lAw. -
<br /> ,,.��,� 9.Inspedion. Letader or lts agent aiay make re�somble eauies upon and iru�ecdonv of the Praperty. Lcnder sPull give �
<br /> Borrower nodce At the ti�ne of or prIor to xn iaspecdon speclfying n�son�ble atuse for the inspxtion.
<br /> 10.Condemcu�tlon. 'Ibe procads of Aay nwud or clairn for damsgES, direct or coa�equeadal, la coanxHon wIth any _
<br /> �- condenuntdon or other nldng of any part of the Pcopetty.or for conveyancce ln ltcn of condaaaadon.u+e henby sssigaed urd
<br /> ''` shall be pald to Leader. _
<br /> In the eveat of a total taldLg of the Propeety,the procads shall be Applied w the sumfl saured by this Securlty Iastrument, —
<br /> whether or not then due. wIth any eacess piid to Borrovver. In the tvent of a parti�l uldng of tbe Property in wbich the fiir
<br /> market v�lne of the Property immediately befon the taldng Is equal to or gnater d�a the amawt of the s�ms secured by thls
<br /> . , Security Iasm�mcut immaliately before tLe ulnng�wiless Borrower aad Lender othecvvLse agrx in writiag.tLe sums secu�+ed by
<br /> , this Secudty Insavment sb�ll be reduced by the amwuLt of tha proceeds rauldplled by t6e followlpg firnctIon: (a) the wal
<br /> � amouat of the sums sxured Immodlncely before the t�ldng,dlvlded by(b) the f�ir warket v�lue of tLe Pmperty immafiately
<br /> before the teking. Any bal�nce stwU be psdd to Borrower. Ia tha eveut of a puti�l tal3ng of the Property In which the fiir
<br /> ' market value of the Property immediAtely t�efan tLe t�lcing is lsss than the smouat of the svms saured jaamaiivaly before tha _
<br /> taidng.unless Borrower aad L.ender orhervvlse �gree in wridng ur unless sppltc�ble l�w othe�wLve provldes. the pmceeds shaU
<br /> ,'� � ' be�pplial to tLe sums secured by this Securiry Insuument whether or aot tLe snms ue Wea due.
<br /> If the Pmperty is abandoned by Bonower.or if,ufter aodce by Le�er to Borrower ttut the covdemnor o�'ers to mak�e aa
<br /> .•,.Y' Awsrd or settle�t clsim for dim�ges, Bomower fiils w respo�w Lender wlthia 30 dnys�fter�he due tlse mdce is given,
<br /> Lender is authorjzed to collect and apply the pr�ooeects,at its opdon,either to restoradon or np�tr of t6e Property or w the sams
<br /> _ � '� �'' saured by thls Savrtty Instmment,whether or not then due.
<br />- '. ' Unless L.ender a� Borcower otherwise ag�ee in writing, anY aPPlicaaon of pmoeeds w prlaclpal stu11 mt eatend or
<br /> _� � postponc the due dnte of tha manthly payments nfrmed ta in par�gnpLs 1 und 2 or chuige the amount of such payments.
<br />_����� �� 11.Batnwa Not Rdeased;�orbairu�ce By Leader Nat a Watver.Bxtension of t6e dme for payment or modificadon
<br /> -.��.;�,.; . of amart3zadon of tLe sums saural by this Securiry Ins�ument griwtod by Irender to any succrssor ia interest of Bomnwer sh�ll
<br />��:,9`_ ' iwt opernte to nlease tLe IiabiUty of the oriRinal Barrowes or Bomnwer's successors ia intenat. Lender shall not be m�nired to
<br /> _-�-.:....-;:. ,
<br />_` comme�e proceediqgs igaiast�ny svc�ssor in iatac+est o�ie�'i�se to oxtend tlme for p4ym�ent or othe:wjse awdify�tUon
<br /> '°'"�'�:;.`; of We avms securod b this Securl Inst�uaseut by reacon of aa demind made b tt�e ori Borrower or Bormwrr's
<br /> :.=..Kc Y �Y Y Y 8�
<br />_= _��.���+ svocessots in intensG Any forbearance by Lendet in exeticicing stay dglit or rwudy sbaU aot be a w�iver of or p�zclade the
<br /> �...x:�-�:i:
<br />---,�:�:;� acercise of aay right or remaly.
<br /> —;;`,::��-` - 12. 9uax�ora aad Aaal� Bomd,Ja�nt�und Se�aal Liabilit�; Co-dgna�e. 'fhe cm►enaots and agneme�s of tbis
<br /> ---��,�:� �
<br /> =__=-����� Secudty Instcument sbxll bind u�d benefit the succescors md ass�gn9 of Lender aod Borrowar,eubject W tbe ptwidona of
<br /> �y;� 1�8h►Ph 17. Bomower's covenants s�and �g�eementa sh�ll be joint and several. Anp Borrower wlw co-sigos this Secudty
<br /> w:_«.-;,� . , Iasdmment but does not exxnte the Note: (a) is co-slgning this Secudty Instivment only w mortgage, S�ant and comey t1u�t
<br /> --_:::�r�� Boaowu's inte�t in tlu Propecty undei the texms of this Secudty Iamnment:(b)!s not persomlly obligated ro psy the mims
<br /> �-==�'`"° ` exvrod by this Secvri.y Ins�ument;wd(c)+8rees that I.ender sM any otLer Borrovrer may igrec to exswd,modlfY.focbear or
<br /> - -_ '" ; msloe any avcommaladons wItli regard W tl�e temis of this Secudty Iactcum�ent or the Note wlthout dwt Hortower's conseot.
<br /> _ 13.I.oan ClurQea.If the loaa sa.-urod by this Sxuiiry Iasuument is subject to a�tw wLich ects maximum laan�r�a.
<br /> --__ a�l that law is�n�lly intezpierod so tLat tLe intenst or othcr low chuges collected or to be colketed in oonna.tioa�vith tLe
<br /> —.— toan exceed tLe pecmitted livoics,aben: (a)�ay such iwn cbuge slvll be mluced by the amount nocesstry to red�ce the c�u�e
<br /> -- -- to tLe pecmitted limit; and(b)anY s�ms alzady coAectai fmm Bortowa wLich ea�ooeded pemtittal limits adll be refunded to
<br /> _ Bomower. Lender mxy choose to m�ke this refand by reducing the prinapal owed under tLe Note or by m�ldn�t dInct
<br /> �°'� PsY�� � Borrower. If a xefnnd roduces p:incipal, We nducdon wjll be trat�cd As a PartW Pt�aYmeat wItLout any
<br /> -- PnPxY�nt chuge iwder the Note.
<br /> 14.Notlas.Any roda W Borrower pmvided for in this Secudty Iasuument shsll be 8ivea by tklivedng it or by mailing
<br /> • it by fust cliss mu7 iwless applicable law requires use of wother method.Tbe notice alull be dincoed to the Pmlxrty A�ddreas
<br /> —�' •-� or any od�er add�ess Borrow�er desigoates by nodce w I,ender. Any mda w L.ender shall ba given by fust clus mAil W
<br /> --_-a t�'s address atated henin or any other�ddnss Lenda dtsignitac by nodce to Batowa. Any aodce pmvided foc ia this
<br /> --.� Seca�ity Iattcument stwll be damcd to�ve been glven to Borrower or Lender when givea�s prnvIdod In tLis pa�apb.
<br /> _—°-`'.�a 15.Gote:n[na Lw; Se�a�bWt�. 'Il�is Sxurity r„�+,,,�� s6all be governed by federal 4w and the law of the
<br /> �_��,�=-;�
<br /> .`�' ,"�' � jurisdiction ia wLicb.the Ptopecty ls located. In the event thxt uty pmvisiaa or clause of tLfs Seciuity Ia�uument oa tLe NoOe
<br /> =°-�,,::�,:.:
<br /> ;,���ti:'-=;°�� confllcts wlth appl3cable law,such conflict ahW not affxt other provLstoa9 of this Sectuiry In�uument or the Note whlch caa 6e
<br /> -•:���,�.....
<br /> �_ - � - gtven effect wlthout the conflicdng provL�Ioa To this e�the provLSIon4 of this Security Inmument a�Ihe Note are decLual
<br /> = u�be severabls.
<br /> - � 16.Borrowa'a Copy.Borrowu shall be glven one conformal copy of the Note and of this Security Instnmoent.
<br /> Foen►3023 8l90
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