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<br /> G. ASSiGNMENT OF 1.EASES.Upon Lender'�requcst.Borrower shall assign to[.endar a!I leaus of ttte
<br /> p�operty ancf all�ecurity dcposits mude in connectian with Ic:.ases uf the Propeny. U{wn the assignment,Lender
<br /> sl�all huvc thc right to modify,cxtend or terminute the existing Icases and to exccute new I�ases. in Lender's soie
<br /> discrction. As uscd in thi5 paragrnph C3,the word"le�.tie"shuU mcan"subleusc' if the Sr.curity Instrument is on
<br /> a leasclwld.
<br /> Borrower abso(utoty und uncnndltionally assigns and trnnsfcr.s to Q`cerA'able.rBorro er authorizes Lender or
<br /> the Property, regardless of to wham thc Rents of the Property p y
<br /> Lendcr's agents to coUect thc Rents, and pgrees thut each tans�nt of the Property shuU pay the Rent�to Lettd�r ar
<br /> Lender's ugents.However, Borrower shall receive the Rents until (i)Lender has given Borrower notice of default
<br /> pursusnt to paragraph 21 of the Securiry Instrument s►nd(il)I.e►�der ha5 given nottce.to the tenant(s)that the Rents
<br />- are to be paid to Lender or l.ender's age�►t.This ussignment of Rents canstitutes an absolute assignment ard nat
<br /> � an nssignment for addttional security only.
<br /> If I.ender gives nottce of breach to Borrower: (i)all Rents received by Borrower shull be hold by Borrower
<br /> as trustee for the benefit of I.ender only,to be npplied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(ii) Lender
<br /> shall be entitled to collect and receive ull of the Rents of the Property:(�ii)Borrower agrees that each tenenc of C�e
<br /> . Property shall pay ull Rents due and unpaid to Lendcr or Lender's ngents upon Lender's written demand to the
<br /> tenant; (iv) unless applicuble luw provides otherwise,nll RenGS collected by Lender or Lender's asenis shdl be
<br /> applied first to the costs of taktng control of and managing the Property and collecting the RenGs,including,but
<br /> ) not limited to,attorneys' fces, recciver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds, repair snd maintenance rosts,
<br /> : insucance premfu�cns, taxes. ussessments and other charges on the Property. and then to the sums secured by the
<br /> Security Instrument:(v)Lender.i.en�er's agents or any judicially appointed receiver shall be liable to accoun[ -for
<br /> � anly tt�ose ttents accuuity ne Fro �rt�and•collecPt the Rent nd pro�derived from the Property��w�hou►�anY
<br /> ? �ossesston of and manage t pe Y
<br /> - showing as to the inadequacy af the Property us security.
<br /> - If the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover the costs of taking oonuol of and n�anagin� the
<br /> _ PropeRy and of collecting the Rents 1ny funds expended by I.ender for such purposes shall become indebtod�ess
<br /> af gorrower to L.ender secured by the 5ecurity Instrument pucsuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> 'gorrowcr represents and warrants that Borrower has nat executed any pdor assignnxnt af the Rents and Ues .
<br /> �t��,�,;��no�perform any act that would prevent Lender from exercisiag iu rights uader this paragaph.
<br /> Lender,or Lender's ag�nts or a judicially appointed receiver. shall not be r�qulral to enter upon,talce
<br /> conuol of or maintain the Property before or after g[ving notice of default to Borrower. Howov�r.Lender_ or
<br /> L,ender's agents or a Judtcially appointed re�eiver. may do so st any time when a default occurs•Any ipplicaiton
<br /> of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalidnte any other right or rcmedy of I.ender. This assignmeRt of
<br /> Rents of the Property shall terminate when all the sums secured by the Securlty Instrument are paid in fu11_
<br /> I.I:.ROSS-DEFAUL.T PROVISION. Barrower's default or breach under any note or agrament in which
<br /> Lender hus an interest shall be a breach under the Security Insteument and Lender may invoke any of the reaiedies
<br /> permitted by the Security Instrnment.
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and provisions oontainGd in this 1-4
<br /> Pamily Rider. _
<br /> _ � .
<br /> �_(�) (Seal)
<br /> •8orrowe�
<br /> LOREN TILL , •eo►roWO* .
<br /> (Seul) (Scal)
<br /> DURA IUY T EY •9orrowcr � -Bormwcr
<br /> � .
<br /> . Fam 311a 31l3
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