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<br /> Said Village shall cause any trench made on aforesaid easement area tv b�properly rofilled,
<br /> and shall cause grass seod W be sown over eaid easement,and shall cause tho premises to be restored
<br /> to ita origiaa]co�ndition,and shall cause the pninises to be left in neat and orderly condition;and in
<br /> the futuro, if and when mainteaaace is roquired. This easement is also for the benefit of any
<br /> contractor,agen.t,employee and representativa of the Village and aay of said construction work.
<br /> Saict Grantors for themselves and their heirs,successors and assigae does or do confirm with
<br /> the said Village and its assigns,that they,the Grantors are wdll seized in fa ofthe above described
<br /> proptrty and that they have the right to grant aad convey this easeinent in the matmer and form
<br /> aforesaid,and that they will,hold harmless said Villaga and its assigas again�t tha lawful claims and
<br /> de�ands oF all persons.Thia easeraent runs with the land.
<br /> The sole pwrpose of this easement is to grant the Village the right to drain aurface draina8e
<br /> waters un,over, across,but at all times un.der the land in the easement area,and solely o�
<br /> covered culverts,now contemplated by the parties W be two 24 inch adjacent culve versing
<br /> the eascment erea from West to East,wluch are w be covered with approximately six(6)inches of
<br /> dirt.Upon couzpletion of said constructloa,tho Village shall cover said ea�sement area with dirt,
<br /> restore fhe pnmises to approximately its original condition,as to topography and elevation,and
<br /> reseed tl�ee erea with suitablo lawn grass ssad, all of such canstruction and reseeding to ba at the
<br /> Villaga's e�cpense.At all times,tiia culvert shall be covered and nv'�uu,g u�;�,a�iu�y��!�a
<br /> settlement doc�arneats exxutod simultenoously herewith,ahall be construed W allow the Village to
<br /> drain surface waters in an open or uncovered ditoh,after installalion ia cornplete.
<br /> Th�considoration recited includes damages for change of grade,if any,and a�y aad all
<br /> claims for dun$ge arising fram ahaage of grade or grading are hereby waived.
<br /> IN 11VI1�lESS WI�REOF,said G�az►tors have hereuato set lus ortheir hands aud seala the
<br /> day ead y�ar fizst above written.
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