<br />I, Eva J. Zlomke, of Grand Island, N��ra�ka, make, constitute and appoint mg daughter,
<br />Judy �. Mia�r, of Grand Island, Nebras�a, �y true and lawful attoraep in fact for me and in
<br />my nam�, place and stead, on my b�half, �nd f�r my use and benef�t:
<br />1. To deposit in mp aame and for mp account wi�h any bank or oth�r financial iastitution all
<br />moneys pa�gable or b�loaging to me, including checks and all other commercial instruments, and
<br />to siga m�* name and endorse all doctuaeat� far deposit or collectioa or any other purpose.
<br />2. To withdra�w all maneys depo�ited with any bank or other financial institutioas aad to
<br />draw ch�cks, sign withdxawal slips andl ex�cut� any other instruments n�cessarp for
<br />withdxawiag moaeys belonging to me.
<br />3. To sell, fcraasfer, exchange, mor�gage, �ncumb�r by securitp agreement, a�r atty other form
<br />or encwabr�nc� my real e�tate and persoaal property, and to execute and d�liver deeds,
<br />includiag d�eds of warrantp, contracts, bills of sale, mortgage�, securitp agreement� and
<br />o�her cloeum�nts necessarp to act in carrping out these powers.
<br />4. To coll�et, su�, compromise or ath�rwis� elispose of any claim or debt du� or payable to
<br />me, and ta pag, compromise or otherwise discharge and secure releases £rom anp obligations
<br />ow�d to m�.
<br />5. To �old, manage, invest, reinvest, tr�de, �xchange, bup and sell investmeats and
<br />iavestment securities.
<br />6. To l�a��, reat, manage, t�rminate le�s�s, contract as to, and qenerall� de�l anel use my
<br />real ��tst� asel int�rests in real estate, upon covenants, canditions, and t�rm� my attorney
<br />in fact shall det�rmine, receive and coll�et all rents and alI �ther amounts due me as
<br />seaurity for the faithful performance of leases aad all rents due and pagable to me, and
<br />�x�cut� �11 n�ce�sarp document� and oth�r papers pertaining to my real e�tate.
<br />7. Ta p�rform any ac�, power, duty, right or obligation t��t I now have, or may hereafter
<br />acesuire th� le�gal right, power, or capacitp to ex�rcise or perform, relatiag to anp person,
<br />tran�actian, thing, business property, real or personal, tangible or intangibl�, or matter
<br />whatso�ev�r .
<br />Thas Durable Power of Attornep shall not b� affect�d by mp disabilf�y as principal.
<br />I re��rv� the right to revoke this Durabl� Power of Attorney in writing.
<br />A phatacopy �f this Durable Pow�r �f Rttora�p has the same force and effect as the original
<br />aigneel anel acknvwl�dged by me.
<br />S' aed. at Gr nd Island, Nebraska, on Se= tember 29 , 2004.
<br />(Eva J. Z mke
<br />Th� faregaing instrum�nt was acknowlectged before me this Sentember 29 , 2004, bp Eva J.
<br />Zlomke.
<br />.,?
<br />,r - � � ����Z
<br />otary Public �� � � � � ,� � �
<br />Mp commission �xpires
<br />C�IERAL MOTARY• SffiGa ol Nebra�t�
<br />MY Go+mn. Exp. Sspt�ar i5, 2�
<br />