<br /> All insurance policies required hy Lender and renewaLs of auch po7icies shall Ue subject to Lander'e right to
<br /> dieapprove suoh policies, sliall inolude� si�ndarci morlgaige clause, and shall nati�c Lct�dcr as mortgagec
<br /> and/or as an additionril loss payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal oerlificates. If
<br /> Lcnder requires, Rorrawer shall promptly give to L,ender all receipts of paid premiwns 1nd renewal notices.
<br /> If Boirower obtains any form of insurancc covor�ge, not otl�erwise rcquired Uy Lender, for dumaga to, oc
<br /> destructiou of, the Pxoperty, such policy shall inchide a standard moregage cl�use acid shall name Lc��dor a�
<br /> inortgagee azid/or as au additional loss payee.
<br /> In the event of loes, Borrower shall give proinpE notice to tlie insureiiee carrier anc{Lender. Lender may
<br /> make proof of loss if not made prouzptly by Borro�ver. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ngree in
<br /> writin�, auy insurauce proceeds, whether ar not tlie miderlying insurance was required by Leuder, shall Ue
<br /> �ppfled lo rest�ora[ion or repair of tl�e Properly, if Che restoxation or repaix is econonvcally fepsi6le�nd
<br /> Lender's saeurity is not lessened Durin�auch repair aud resYoration period, Lencler shall haue Yhe right to
<br /> hold snch insurance proceeds until Lender has h�d an opporhuiity to inspect such Property to eiasLu�e the
<br /> work l�as bccn comk�lcted to Laudcr's satisfaction, provi�ed thaf st�ch inepccfion shall bc undertaknn �
<br /> promptly. Lender n�fly disburse pTooeeds for the repflirs And sestoration in a single payment or in e series of
<br /> �rogress pnymerits as the worlc is completeci. Unless a�i agreeinent is m�de in writing or ApplicaUle L�w
<br /> requices interest to Ue paid on such instuance proceeds, l.ender shall not Ue r�uirad to pay 8orrower any
<br /> intorest or earnings on sudi proceeds. 1^'ees for public adj ustcrs, or�thcr third parties, reCained by Borrower
<br /> ehall not he paid out of the inetn�ance proceede and shall be[he sole o6ligation of Borrower. If the restornkon
<br /> or repair is not economicelly feasibie or Lender's security would bo lessened, the uisurance proceeds ehall Ue
<br /> applied to the�atuns secured by fliis Sectuity Ilistrwnent, wlieflier or uot U�en due, with the excess, if any,
<br /> }�ard to Ron•ower. Sucl� insuranco procc�eds shall be applieci in Che order provicied for in Section 2.
<br /> if Bon�ower al�andons the Yro���n ty, Lendor ma�+filc, negotiate and sett'le any avnil�ble inettranoe claim and
<br /> related matters. If Borxowex does uot respoud�uithin 30 days to fl notice from Lender that the ineurance
<br /> oarrier has offered Yo settla a claim, tlian Leuder may negoEiate aiid,9etYle Uie claiin. The 30-day period will
<br /> be{,*in wlre�i the notice is giveri. fn either eve�it, or if Lendcr acqiures H�c Properly undcr Seetion 22 or
<br /> oCherwise, Borrower here�y assi�s fo Lencier(a) Borrower's xights Eo�ny insurance proceeds in�n atnount
<br /> not to exceed the emounts unpaicl under the Note or this Security Inetrument, �uid(b) any other of
<br /> Borrower's rights (oYlier Yhttu tha riglrt Co any ref'und oY unearned premituns paiel by Borrower)under all
<br /> insnranoe policies covering fh�ProperCy, inaoPar as such xights are Applisable to the ooverage o£the
<br /> Property. Lenc1er may use the insurance proceeds aithar to repair or restore the Property or to pay�amomrts
<br /> nupaid tmder tfle Note or tl�is Security Hi�truine�it, whether or not then due.
<br /> 6. Oe¢up2ney. Borrower shall occupy, estiablish, and use the Property as Rorrower's priucipal residence
<br /> �vitivn 60 days aftcr t7�o execution of tl�is Scciuity Hiet�umeiat nnd shall epnl'imie Co occupy Lhe Property as
<br /> Borrower's principal residence for nt lens[osie ye�t•after the date of occup�ticy, unless Lender otherwise
<br /> agrees iu writing, which consant shall not be wueasonably withheld, or unless extenuaCing circmnatTnces
<br /> exist which are Ueyond Borrower's control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, MainCerranco and ProYection of the Properfy; Inspections. Boriower sl�all not destroy,
<br /> damage or impair tlie Prope�•ty, allow the Yroperty to detcrior�tc �r cornmit wastc on thc Vroperty. VJl��tl7cr
<br /> or noe Borrower ie residing in Uhe Properly, Borrower ahnll m�in[tiin lhe Property iu order to prevent Ehe�
<br /> Properdy fi•om deterioi•atang or decreasing in vA1Lie due to its couditiou. Unleas it is deYennined pursuanC to
<br /> Sectiou 5 Uxat repair or iestoratiou ie not econo�»ically feasiblc, Borrowe�' sha11 promptly repair tho Property
<br /> if dtuvaged to avoid furthec deCeriorafion or dam�ge. IP insiu��uioe or condemnation prooe€ds are paid in
<br /> cozmection with dmm�ge to, or the takiug of, tl�e Property, Borrower sl�all Ue responsiUle f'or repairing or
<br /> restoring flie Property only if Lender has releayed proceeds for such purpoaes. L,e��der�n�y disUurse proceeds
<br /> 24002344
<br /> NE6RASKA-Singla Famlly-Fennle Mne/Freddle Mac UNIFORfd INSlRUIdEM Form 3028 1/01
<br /> VMP �p VMPb(NE�(17a51
<br /> Wollers Kluw er Financlal Services Par�a 7 0(1 Y
<br />