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� • � . 201208202 <br /> Any auiounts disbu�sed by Leuder under this Sectiou 9 sliall become additional debt of Borrower secured by �� <br /> this Security Instrument. These amounts sliall bear intecest at the Note rate from die date of dishursement I <br /> and shall be payable, wiCl� sucli interest, u�n notice from I.eude� to Bonower reyuesting payment. <br /> If tliis Sc�;u�ity Ivstrument is on a leasehold, Borrowe�shall couiply with all the p�ovisions of the lease. If <br /> Ba�ower acyuires fee tide to die Property, the leasehold and the fee title sUall nM merge unless L.ender <br /> agrees tn the merger in wiitivg. <br /> 10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the I.oa��, Borrower <br /> sliall �ay the prenuunu reyuiied ro maivtain the Mongage Insurance in effec[. If, for any reason, the ' <br /> Moctgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage iusurer that <br /> previously provided such iaturance and Borrower was required to make separately desigitated payments <br /> toward the prenumns fo�Mongage Insu�ance, Boaower shxll pay U�e premiums required ro obtain coveiage ' <br /> substantially eyuivalent to N�e Mortgage Iusucance previously iu effect, at a cost substautially equivalei�[to <br /> the cost to Boirower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insarer <br /> selected by I.endee If substautially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is unt available, Borrower shall <br /> contiuue ro pay to L.endec the amomrt of die separately designated paymeuts[hat were d�e when the <br /> ii�surance ewerage ceased to be in effuL Lender will accept, use aud retaiu these paymeuts as a <br /> non-refundahle loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve�lull be non-refundable, <br /> uotwitlistanding the fact tl�at tlie I.oav is ultin�ately paid in full, and Le��der sUall not be requiced to pay <br /> Borrower auy interest or earniugs on sucl� loss reserve. Lender can no bnger requice loss reserve payments <br /> if Mortgage Iacarance coverage(in the amount and for d�e pexiod that Lendec reyui�es) provided by an <br /> insurer selected by L,ender again becomes available, is obtaineJ, and L.ender reyuires xparately desig��ated <br /> payments toward Hie premiums for Mortgage Insura�ice. If Lender required Mor[gage [nsucauce as a <br /> coiidition of making tlie I.oau and Borrowe�was�equixed to make separarely designated payments[oward the <br /> premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the prenuums reyuired to maintain Mortgage <br /> I�uur:mce in effect, or to provide a non-�efundable loss reserve, until L.ender's requirement for Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accorclance witl�any writtev agreement between Bo�rower and Lender proviQing for such <br /> temrinatiou ox uutil ternuuatiou is cequired by Applicable I,aw. Nothing iu this Sc�:tiou 10 affects <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. <br /> Moctgage Insutance ceimbaxses Lende� (or any entiry that purcliases tlie Note) for certain losses it nuiy incur <br /> if Bo�rower does uot repay the Luan as agreed. Borrowec is uo[x party to the Mortgage Insurance. <br /> Mortgage iusurers evaluate their total risk on all such insuravice in force from time to time, and may enter <br /> into agreements with otlie�parties tl�at sliare or modify tl�eir risk, or reduce losses. These agceements a�e oi� <br /> tern�s and conditions that are satisfacroxy ro the moctgage iusarer and die odier guty (or parties) tu these <br /> agreemeuts. These agreements nnty �equire the mortgage insu�er[u mnke paymen[s using any soarce of funds <br /> that tlie nmr[gage iusurer may have available(which may include funds obtainrd from Mortgage Ivsurance <br /> premium5). <br /> As a �esalrof these agreemen[s, Lender, any purcl�aser of die Note, ano[he�iusacec, any reinsurer, any <br /> odier eutity, or auy affiliate of any of the focegoing, may receive(direcdy or iudirectly) amounts dut <br /> derive from(or nright be charac;[erized as) a portion of Borrowei s pa9ments fo�Mortgage Insurance, in <br /> excliauge for sharing or modifying tUe mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agxeement <br /> provides tlut an aftiliate of I.ender takes a share of the insurer's risk in exchange for a sliare of the <br /> prenuums paid to tl�e insurer, the arrangement is ofren termed "captive reinsurance." Further. <br /> tosANE o0068]94322o Sevtember11,2o12 <br /> NEORASKA�Single Family-Fannie Mae/Fretldie Mac UNIFOFM INSTRUMENT WITH MEFS form 30261101 <br /> VMP� VMP6AME1111061.00 <br /> Wolrers Kluwer Financial Services Page 9 of 1] <br />