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' . • . 201208202 <br /> If Lende�exe�cises this option, Lender shall give Borcower noGce of acceleration. TUe notice sliall provide a I <br /> pexiod of not less dian 30 days from the dare the notice is given in accordance witl� Sectiou 15 widiin whicli � <br /> Borrower nmst pay all sums sewred by this Security Instrumeut. If Borrower fails[o pay these sams p�io�to <br /> the expi�atio��of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by [his Secu�ity Instruroent without <br /> furtUer uotice or demand on 8orrowec <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower rueets certain conditioiu, Borrower <br /> sl�all have the right to l�ave enfoxcemeiu of this Security Instrument disrontinued at:ury time pcior to die <br /> ettrliest of: (a) five days before sale of d�e Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security <br /> Instmment; (b) such other period as Applicable law migl�t specify for the terurination of Boxrower's xigl�t to <br /> reiit5ta[e; o�(c)eutry of a judgment enforcing tliis Security Ius[rument. Those conditioas are that Borrower: <br /> (a) pays L,ender all sums which dien would be due under this Securiry Instiument and the Note:u if no <br /> acceleration had ocwrred; (b)cures any default of any othe�wvenants or agreemeuts; (c)pays all expenses <br /> incurred iu e��forcing this Securiry Instrumen[, including, but not linvted to, reasonable attoxneys' fees, � <br /> properry iuspectiou aud valuation fees, and otUex fees incarced for the purpose of prntecting LenQei s interest <br /> in the Property and rights uudec this Secuoty Instmment; and (d) takes sueli action as L.ender may <br /> reasonably require to assure U�at L.euder's interest iu the Prope�ry a��d �iglus under tl�is Securiry Instrument, <br /> and Borrower's obligatiou to pay tlie su�r�s secured by d�is Security Instrument, shall contiuue uuchauged. I <br /> Leude�may reyui�e diat Borrower pay such reinstatement swvs and expei�ses in oue or ivore of the following <br /> forms, as selected by Lender: (a) casl�; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's clux k ur <br /> casl�ier's check, provided any sach check is drawn upon an i»stimtion whose de�sits are insared by a <br /> fede�al agency, ivstrumentality or entity; or(d) Electroiric Funds Transfec. Upou�einstatement by Bo«owe�, <br /> tl�is Security Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remaiu fully effective tts if uo acceleration l�ad <br /> occurred. However, diis right ro reinsta[e shall not apply in the case of accelera[ion under Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in the <br /> Note (togethec with Wis Security lnstrument) can be sold one or more times without prior notice tu <br /> Borrower. A sale might cesult in a change in[he entity (knowu as the "Loan Servicer") that collects Periodic <br /> Payments due under the Note and this Security ]nstrument and pert'oruis odier mongage loan servicing <br /> obligatious under the Note, this St�urity Instmment, and Applicable Law. There also utight be one or more <br /> changes of the Loan Servicer anrelated to a sale of the Note. If N�ere is a change of tl�e I�ian Servicer, <br /> Burrower will be given wcitten notice of the cliange which will state the name aud address of the new Loan <br /> Servicer, die address to wUicli payments should be nude aud any other infomution RESPA reyuires in <br /> coiwection with a nntice of t�ausfer of serviciiig. If the Note is sold and t6ereafter tlie Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loan Servicec other than the purchasex of the Note, the ruortgage loan servicing nbligations tn Borrowe�will <br /> remain with Hie L.oan Service�or be tiansferred to a successor C,oan Servicer and are not assumed by die <br /> Nore parchaser miless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower vor I.euder may commence,join, or be joiue� to any judicial action (as either au <br /> individual litigant nr the member of a class) tUat xrises from the o[her party's actions pursuant to this <br /> Securiry Instruuient or tUat alleges N�a[tUe otl�er party htts breached any provisiov of, or xiry duty owecl by <br /> reason of, tl�is Security Instrument, until such Borrower or Lende�has notitied the othec party (with sucU <br /> notice given in compliance with the requirements of Section 15)of such alleged breach and afforded the <br /> otlier party hereto a reasonable periocl after the giving of such notice to take cnrrective actiou. If Applicable <br /> Law provides a time perial which must elapse befure certain action can be taken, tliat time perial will be <br /> deemed to be xeasonable for purposes of this paragraph. Tl�e nopce of acceleration and opponuiuty ro cure <br /> given to Borcower pursuant to Section 22 ai�d the�wtice of aceeleretion given ro Boaower pursuaut ro <br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice a�d opportuniry to take corrective action provisions of this <br /> Section 20. <br /> 106ANE 00068]963240 September11,2012 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mx/iredEie Mac 11NIFORM iNSTRIIMENT WITH MEPS Form 3028�I01 <br /> VMP p VMP6AINE111105).00 <br /> Woirers Kluwer Financial Services Page 13 of 1] <br />
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