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<br /> J:;;��� 2a.EYwib e/OM�uk. EacA o/m�lo/l�owlnp occurrancN ahall conatltut��n�wnt o/ddiult Mnunder, /hM�ilta c�lbd m'Ewnt of
<br /> .;s De%ult'J: -
<br /> "•� N!Tiwtor thaJl/dl to psY whrn du�rny pdnclpal,lntaNt,or pdncipal�nd lnt�rnst on th�/ndobtedness, [
<br /> IbJ Any w�n�nry of tlN�mid�6y Tiwtor h�n/n shall D�untru�, �°
<br /> � .�. fol Trustor ahal/bll to oba�rva o►p�rlo►m�ny ol th�cov�nsnts,apn�m�nts,or condiNons!n rh/a O�sd ol Tiust,
<br /> fdJ Any np►�.r�nbtlon or w+r�nry m�d�b y Tiustoi on any l/n�ncla/tt�t�m�nta oi r�poiti aubmitt�d ro dN►Nlcliry by o►on b�haN ol
<br /> :, . .,. +t� Tiustor aAa!/prow lsla�oi m�tNlNly ml.tl��dinp, _.
<br />� ;; ;� f�l Truator ih�ll/NI to palarm or obtev��ny of th�COVMMtJ,conditJons or�yr��m�nt+contalmd!n,o�bindinD upon Tiustor und�r�n y
<br /> � bu1ldlny Joan ayrum�nt,a�curlty+yresmnnt,ban ayr��m�nt,llmnc/ny at�t�rn�nt,0/My OMI/ID/IM7Mt,I/►df/YIRMf 0/dOCUMMf
<br /> � ex�cut�d by Tiustor in conniction with�ho loon evidancad b y!ho b'ota, �
<br /> a'-�_-°--° pl A t�ust��,ac�lvw or/Iquld�for o1 th�Tiust P�ope►ty o�01 Tiustoi ahall b�appolnhd,or�ny al th�cr�d1M►s ol�iusto►thN/lil��
<br /> �::F`""��
<br /> �"'�� wh�tth�r fid�nl or at ts,�nd if such'oidar o►p�tlNon shall�t b�dlsch a�d oi dl:ml yd w�hlnit��I30/�iys aftN the dlb/on•w, _
<br /> '�"_'_'�il
<br /> which such ord��ar p�Udon wea fil�d,
<br /> � fy/Tiwtor aM!!llls e petlNon pwauant ro the Fedw�l Bsnkruptcy Code or any almlh�/�w,led��ef or atat�, or 17 Tiwror ihd/b��d/udy�d
<br /> a bankiupt or b�d�c%nd lnro/vent or aha//msk�an urlynm�nt!or tM b�n�lit ol c�edltors,or shNl idmlt Jn wdt/ny!ts Jniblllry ta
<br /> , � peylts d�bts u th�y b�com�due,or ahi/l cons�nt ro th��ppolntm�nt o1�rscNvn ol N!or any part of th�7rust Prop�rtY. ^
<br /> .-,qry���� (hJ Fina!judpm�nt 1or th�paymwi�ol mon�y shall be nndersd ap�lnst Tiwtoi�nd Tiustor ah�Jl not dlacharp�tho rwma,or vius�It to be
<br /> ���;,; dlscAaryod,witAln thlrty 1901 dsys afte�th��ntry therwf,or shd/not�pp�sl thadiom oi fiom th�adN,d�o�N or prooeu eipon
<br /> ?- �Y whlch or pwsuant to wh/chaa/d Judymsnt wu pnnted,bnsed,or entered,�nd ssaws�stsy of�xecuNon p�ndlny such eppsil,
<br /> -�'� IJ1 7rustoi ahNf tsl/or conv�y tM Tiutt Prop�rtY,o►sny pan thasol,o�any/ntuest thaNn,or shal/b�dlvat�d oflte tlda,o�anylnt�rut
<br /> v��r�� MM�ln,fn any minna oi w�y, wAiMN rolu�carlry oi lnvo/unbNly,wlMout th�wi1K�n coni�nt ol&n�Acl�ry bWnp 1Jrst had�nd
<br /> ="�� obts/nsd,o�
<br /> ^ 1/1 N Tiuttor la�corpontkn o�Qwtmrship and mnra tAan/llty pnc�nt f�0%)ol th�ahana or ba►�flclN/�te�sts!n auM corpo�aUon or
<br /> ;�,�-� p�rtnNahlp,m ths cu�miYbs,ahi!/b�tr�ufimd or conwy�d,wA�tAa vo/unt�rily orinvo/unbd/y, wlthout th�wdtten con��nt of
<br /> �'4�0� B�n�ncl�ry bdny llrst Aad�nd obt�inod. "
<br /> .�!'i�.�fi:Y��
<br /> ,�; �T7.Acc�ll�r�t�on o/p�,►t;Fenc�wur�e�. Upon Ms occuinnce of any Evmt of Default,oi any dm�thN��ftM,Bm�t/cl�►y miY.�t!ti opdoa,
<br /> ''r':�;��� �° d�clars d/th�/ndobtsdnsss s�cund harby immodlafely dus and paya6/e and the aam�ahil/bwr lnbrsst�t th�dN�ult nt�,Jl�ny,+�t/arth!n
<br /> t..-':,�,i
<br /> _��—.,• ths Not�,or athawlse st th�hiyhut nh psimittad by l�w,and,lnssp�cUvs o9�vhsthsi B�neficJsry�x�►cAres++1d opdon,R may st!ts opUnn
<br />._ =;;.E:tiJ� eredln It��+M dt•n.«nn,,;wirho�tinv turthsi noNca or d�mend ro or upon Tiwto�,alo ons or inor�o/th�hol/owinD:
<br />--=- -= fal Bw►sNc/uy maY�nter upa�,tsk�poasea+lon ol,manays�nd ope�it�th�Tiust Propury or sny part thsr�ol,•mak�iepNrs ano
<br /> a-�:"�''" �It�r�Hons ind do nny�crs whTch Bsnsflclery ds�ms prope�to prot�ct tho a�cudty tha�of,and dthr►wlth or wlthout t�klnp
<br /> posswulor�,!n ita own n�rsw,s�e loi or othwwise coll�ct ind r�csivs rents.lssuu�nd proflts,!ncludiny thw�pa*t dus�nd unpdd,and
<br />_°��=�,��,��:i: apply th�sams,less costs�nd�xp�nsss of operetlon snd collicdon,lncludiny�nuonabb�ttom�y 11Nr end B�n�flcl�y's cosfs,upon th�
<br /> /nd�bt�dn�ss ascwed ha�,Dy�nd!n such oidr as B�n�tic/ary may d�t�rmin�. lJpon rpuat of B�n�Ncl+ry,Tiusror ahdl �saNnb/��nd
<br /> u�,�j� ahal/m�ks svN/�b/s ta Benellclary+ny o/the Tiust Prop�rty which has b��n�smovsd. 71�e sntnlny upon and t�ldny po.:auahn o/the
<br /> Tiust Prop�y,th�colhcdon ot any ieau,lsiu�s�nd proNts,and th�appllc�don thsaof as alorosaJd,shd/not cur�o�waiv�u�y d�fiult
<br /> thrr_tafara ar t!lererftrr_^�r_�rfn.:nr wflicf�ny notic�of defiult or nodo�of aal�ha�unda o�lnwUdat�anY�ct don�pureuant[o anY
<br /> --- auch nodce.Notwlthstandlnp B�roBcJary'a conHnuinc�in poss�sahn oi nntpt�nd appllc�Nan o/rrnts,ltsu�s or porm,B�n�nciarY F+:l�
<br /> ------- b��ntiWd to urwcls��v�vydyht provJd�d lor ln thls D�sd of Trust or 6y law upon or dta th�occwranc�ot an Ev�nt af D�l�u1t,
<br /> --� . lnc/uaYby Me rlqht to�xarcb�fh�pows�of sal�.An y of th��ctlona rdar�d to!n thls panyaph may b�t�l�c�n by B�ndre/ary�t tuch Hm�
<br /> u Bw►.Ac;ary mnY d�tamin�wlthout i�y+rd ro th��d�quacy o1 any arcu�Jry fo►th�Md�bt�dnwrs a�cw�d h�nbY•
<br /> Ib)B�n�llday ahal/,wlthout i�yird ta ths ad�qu�cy o{�ny a�cwlty Iar Me/nd�bt�dnrta ascur�d h�r�by,b��ndd�d to G►��ppolnbn�nt
<br />-- of a r�c�JvN by�ny coart haviny jurlsdlctlon,wlMout notice,ro bk�posa�stJon ol,pvobct,�nd ir�n�Fe thi Tnut PYop�rtY�nd opn�t�
<br /> � M�iar»��nd coM�ct th�i�ntt, lsauw+r�nd proNts th�r�hom.
<br /> � (c/B�n�Nci�ry r»�y bilnp�ny�cNon!n�ny court o/comp�t�nt Judsdlct/an ta for�cbss thla D��d ol Tiwt o��n/orc��ny o/th�covN+ants
<br /> hN�of.
<br /> = fdl B�n�flc/ary may M�ot to caw� th�Tiust Piopsrty oi any part thenof to 6e ao/d undw ths pcwsr ofaN�,�nd In auch w�nt,
<br /> B�neNcJNy or Tiusfs�ahall plve such nodce ol dsl�n/t ind noNcs of sN��s m�y bs th�n nqulred by l�w.Th�rNfb►,upon Me�xpJiidon
<br /> of auch Um��nd th�pTvJny o/such nodc�of i�/�as may then b�iequ/i�d by liw, Tiustee,�t th�dm��nd pJ�c�sprclN�d b y th�nodc�
<br /> ;; of aa/i,ahsN a�lf auch Tiust PhopMt y oi�ny�t thsreol specl/!ed by B�n�Nclary,�t publ/c+ruodon ro th�h/yihat blddrr for cutr!n I�w1u0
<br /> �` mon�y of th�Unit�d StatWOl Amr/ca.Upon r�aNpt of psyment ot th�p►!c�bJd,Tiuste�thaN apply th�p►ocMds In M�foAbwk�D urdwr
<br /> }: (q to de�cost ind�xprn:�r of�xNClslnp M�powa of aal��nd of tAs as/e,lncludlnp but not Nmlt�d to,bwtN'+fi�r o►not mon thr+
<br /> 1 b00.00 p/us anrhaN af on�pan+►t ol ths rross sN�prlc�,�nd r�onsbl��trom�y fiw+, fJll to th�/ndr6t�ah�ra,�r►d f�if)Mr�xcwu,!(
<br /> �ny to th�person or pMSOnt f•y.�y.nrld�d M�nro.
<br /> � An costi�nd�xp�nsN/neun�d Ey BanNlc%ry/n�nforclnp�r+y d�At und�r ihls O��d of Tiwt/nc/udiny wlthout Jlinit�t/on,alubaat or dW fi�t,
<br /> �pprNsN fi�a,pnniums foi ddllnsunnc�, �aom�y/a�s�nd comt costa,th+ll b��nd conaNtuts/nd�6t�dn�sa s�eund Aa�by.
<br /> ' 2d.D�d�e ol 7rt+�rtrR Tiusror�prses rh�t:
<br /> ` !il Oud�s and oWiystlons of Tiust��aha//b�d�tMminM iolNy by th��xpr�s,t prov/tlona o/thls D�M of 71utt�nd Ti�atM ahaMno[b�11�61�
<br /> 'i �xc�pt/or fh�pwl�rmanc�of such datl�s�nd obNyatlons�s�r�ap�cHlcNfy a�t fonh hrnln,�nd no lmplY�d cawmnts o►obNp�tlons tAaN
<br /> , b�lmpo��d upon Trust��,
<br /> ; fbl No provl:lon ol thJs D�ed ol Tiwt ahall reqWie Trust��ro�xp�nd or rlsk!ts own funds,or othawl:�lnew�ny NnanNN obllpeticn!n rh�
<br /> — pM/o�manc�of�n y of!ts Outlas Aneunder or ln th�sx�rcis�of�ny oflta rlphta or powws,
<br /> -° (c/Tiush�m�y consult w/th counsN o/Jla own chooslny�nd tho�dvls�of such countd al�wl!b�full and compl�t��uMod=edan�rrd _
<br /> `= ? prot�cHon!n th�rwrpect ol�ny+cdon tak�n or suN�nd by it Mnurtdsr in pood/�rIM�nd�Ni�nc�thrwon,a►d
<br /> fd1 TiwtN aha/!not be O�ble lor�ny�cdon tekm by it!n pood filth and isasonobty b�lbv�d by!t[o b�authonrr�d or wlthin!ta dlscrodon or
<br /> --- Nphta o�pow�ro conhned upon!t by thls De�d of Tiust.
<br /> �� . �y,3Ky�r*y,Aprwn�nt�nd qxWn fAfn� 7hls Dnd of Tiust ahu!consdtub�a�cuNty aprs�m�r►t�nd flxtui�fiNnD trndr tA�provlslons of M�
<br /> ---� '— I N�br�sk�Uniform Comm�icls!Cod�w(th rsapact to thoss Nxtuns ducdbed/n M�pnimblws hsrrof as consNtutiny�part oi th�Tiust
<br /> m`?s�:',T� , Propary,roy�the�with s//othaiprops+ty of Trustor slth�r s!m!!�r or dia.r/mll�r to th�a�r»�,now o�h�r�aR�n c��t�d�t oron th��iwt Phvprh.
<br /> `_�-y::••-:i._
<br /> �.::r::ti,.'r'r
<br /> ``�•�L�h'•� 30.Futun AdvNxw.Upon requuf af Trusto►Bsn�Nc/sry,at BenefJcl�ry'a opUon,prior to fulf�econvsyanc�o/th�Tiust Prop�rty Ey Tiustwr to
<br />-=.�.�.'.•°'i'K`
<br /> Tivaror may msh�/uturs�dvincw[o Tiustor.Such/atun advinco.s,wlth lnfNU[th�r�on,ehd/b�a�cw�d by thls De�d ot TnuR At rro hhw
<br /> ,�:�-�'�S`�`� ahsll Me pdncipN�mounf of th�hdsbbdness sscur�d by this Desd of Tiust,not inc/udlnp autns�dwncrd to Arot�ct M�i�cwity,�xc��d th�
<br /> -.�;�r,�J� � ror�/aum ol d �00.000.0_O__ .Advnnc�.t ol disbwaun�nts mad�by 8aldlcl�ry tn prot�ct th�a�cwiry,und�r Nu twm,t
<br />.��r�•R h�rwf,whll�dlsoredonary,shaNnot b�d�om�d ro b�opdortd�dv�ncwt.
<br /> -r'•,.�i;_ . 3f.R�cenwYU�w.Upon payinlnt of�Il lndabtedn�sa a�cuwd by thl:Da�d of Tiust,B�n�Nclary aha!!ipu�st Trustw ta nconv�Y th�Trvst
<br /> _ =' Property�nd aAsq sunend�►thls Dosd ol Tiu,*t and N/notss�vld�nclnp I»d�Dtsoh�ss a�cur�o by rimia und oi ir+ai iv Tiwi..•%►ii�i:�'w',�.
<br /> -'��?=;�•���• rsconvsy th�Tiust PYOperty wlfhou[w�nanry snd withovt charp�to the person or persona l�poly�►ttiNraf 1h�nto.SucA pwsai or pnsans shd/
<br /> - "����"' ��� �" psy s!!costs of iecordidan,N eny.
<br /> . .i�..::i ..
<br /> ry, I. .
<br /> :� . , 32.Subrd�nrt�TrwtN Benefic/ny, et l�a option,m�y Jrom tlms to Nm�iemov�Tiuste�and�ppofnt�Succ�uoi Tiusta to�ny Trtrst�e
<br />:.:y�;�� . eppolntsd h�reunder 6y an lnstnrm�nt ncord�d in tho caunty in whlch Mls O�sd of Tnrst+�recoid�d. Wi?hout conwYanc�ot M�Tiust Phvpwty.
<br /> '+ , ;, ' the Suacessor Tiustee shall succesd to ap tkle,powsi�nd dutis:conhrred upon Tiust�s ANMn�nd by�ppllabl�l�w.
<br /> ' ` 33.Mke�n�ons IPip6h o/einMlcliry.Bsmhclary msy at eny Nme sad/rom Nme to Um�, wiMout notic�, cons�nt to Mr msk/ny of�nY plrt ol
<br /> � �^•`' M�Tiust Propsrty or ths crest�on o!�ny ouemsnt thvroon or�ny covensnh nsMct/ny us�or occup�ncy Mw�of or�piN to�ItM o►�m�nd th�
<br /> � �'" ts�ms of Mls Deed o/Trust Any psrsond p►ops�ty rsmalnlny upon th�liust Aropary alte►M�Tiust Rop�rty hss bHn pou�.ta�d oi occupl�d
<br /> • ,� by Ben�ficiary,ita�prnt or any purchuK folbwiny Trast�i a s�l�,loroc%suro,or und�r�n y drrd/n li�u of Tiust��++sal�or lorrdosun,sAMI
<br /> , �. b�wnduslv�ty pnsum�d to hav�b��n�bandon�d 6y Tiustor.
<br /> Paye 4 of b
<br /> Nf f7WJdMTQIJ�lbf6T61TJl
<br />