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<br /> � .' B. All ILturc advsncca from Dcncilcliuy to Truetor or athcr Nturc+oblig�ttoni of Truetor sn E3eneflclery under �ny —
<br /> � promlesory reou, contract,auar�nty, ar athrr evldcnce af dcbt cxi�tln�nuw�r executc� aRcr thle Dccd of'Itiu�t -
<br /> �� whether or not thla�eed of�'ru�t i�epeciflcally ceferrat ta(n tha evldc�nce af det�t.
<br /> , � C. All oblig�tiom Trustor owc� to Bcncficitry. whicb now cxitt or may I�tcr �rl�e, to the cxtcnt nat prohibtted by
<br /> taw, lncluding, but not Umitod to, lf�bilitiee for ovetdraRn rcl�ting w eny depoatt �ccount agrameat bet��oen
<br /> Truscor aad Beaciiciary.
<br /> „ `.�' D. All addidonal sums advanced aad expeasea Incurnd by Beneflciary for imuring,preaerving or oWerwise pmtoctin� �
<br /> ihe Property and ite vdue�ad aay other eums udvencod aad expeases Incurmd by Beneflciury under the terme of
<br /> thie Doed of Tcuet, plus iatereat at the highest rnte in effect, fcoai time to tlaec� aa pmvided W the EvldGnce of
<br />, -.:;;-;,��� Debt.
<br /> .,�„ , : . E. Trustor's perforn�aaca under the teraia of any instnunent evidenciag a debt by Truator to Heucfir,fary and eny Dad
<br /> : _ of Trust securing,guarentying,ar otherwise relatiug to the debt.
<br /> ,�: � .
<br /> • If mon than one penon signs tbis Dced of Trust as Trustor, each Trustor agras that this Dad of Trust will secure all
<br /> � fiit��re advances aad [ucure obligations dzscrlbed above that are gtvea co or incurred by any one or more Trnstor,or eay _
<br /> ��'� one or more Trustor and othe�s. 'Ihia Doed of Trast will not secure ury other debt if 8eneficiary fails,wittt respect to such
<br /> �= . other debt,to rnake any nqul�ed disclosure about this Deed of Trust or If Beaeftciary fails to givc any required aotice of
<br /> � the dghQ of resaission.
<br /> ��
<br /> -,��: ? S. PAYMENTB.Trustor agrees to u�ake all payments oa the Secured Debt when due and in arcordnnce with the tem�a of the
<br /> � ` -'�� Evidence of Debt or this Aad of Trust.
<br /> ,:�� .
<br /> �.. .:.r�:: _
<br /> ;. 6. WARRANT'Y OF TPl'LE.Trustor covenents that Trustor ls lawfully szized of the estate coaveyed by thie Deed of Ttust
<br /> ' �,,��, , � and h�s the dght to iirevocably grant,convey and sell to Trusta,ia tsust.with power of sale,the Property and aunnte
<br /> �•;�:: . . th:�t the�roperty is unencumbered,except for encwnbrances of record.
<br /> ,,;.r,•;..
<br /> '' 7. CLADYIS AGAWSP TT!'LE. TYustor wfll pay all ta�ces,assessmenta.liens.eacumbruiees,lease payments.grow�d eeata,
<br /> . • �����i•t-: utilities, and other charges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary may reyuire Trustor to provide to�3weficiary
<br />- ;: .,,�: copies of all aodces that auch amounts are due aud the rcceipts evidencing Tru,stor's payment. Trustor will defend tide W
<br /> � : , f,`, the Property against any clsiima that would lrr�pair the lien of Wia Dad of Trust.TrueWs agneea to Rselgn to Barefictary.ae
<br /> - ,.•'):�°.;� requested by HeneSclary, any �ights, claims or defensea which Tcuswr may hava against partles aho suppl�labor or
<br /> .,� .�a maurials to improve or maiutain the Property.
<br /> •f�,.;
<br />':%,,.:;;,'`:;`
<br />'r:.c��F�•,:.'•:�:._,_ • �' 8. �Ri�R CF1rinR�'V INTERE.STS. With regard to any other mortRtt�c. doed of pvst. secudty agrcement or other lien
<br /> ���'`%��`��" � document that created a prior securlty inter�st or r„ncumbruice on the Property and Wat may have prIorlty ovar thie Deod
<br /> •--_�;. :(�; ,, .
<br />_:�_�:.;:�.:,=�;:: af T'rusc.Tn,sco�ag�s:
<br />__�_'�:�,'/���k;` A. To maice all payments wben due and to perfarm or comply with all coveaants.
<br /> - �•�---� B. To pmmptly deliver w Beaefictary any notic,es thac Trustor receives from the holder.
<br /> '°�`,-� C. Not to m�ke or permtt any modification or eateasioa of,and not to requeat or aooept tny future advanca undec aay
<br /> :-��,el�}Fil=!�
<br /> -_- cwu or�gc�enunt saated by.th¢other mortgage,deed of uuat or aecurlty�grea�eat uNas Beneficiary coateaa
<br /> ••----- in writing.
<br /> - ==�- 9. DiJE ON SALE OR ENCilI�ID1tANCE.Brneficfary may,At ite opdon,doclu�e tt�entLre b�l�noe of tt�e Secuc�ed Debt ta
<br /> -- be immediuely due aAd pay�ble upon tLe creuion of fuiy lien,eacumbr�ace.taasfa,or ule�or contract for tn�of the�
<br /> -- on the Property. However.tf tt►e Pro�xiry includa 'fnutor's msidenc�e. thi�eectloa shall be atbject W the t�cidioa
<br /> impoied by federnl l�w(12 C.F.R.591),m applic�ble.Por the purpoee�of tbit�xtion.tbo tenn"Pmpeety"a1�o Wcluda
<br /> aay inte�ceat w�Il or my part of the Pmpesty.Thi�ooveoant eluU iun wIth tbe Propeity wd d�ll rea�la ia effect until tbe
<br /> Secured Debt ia paid In iWl�nd this Deed of Truat b teleued.
<br /> 10.TRANSFER OF AN aVTEItEST IN THE GRANTOR. If 1Yustor is an eadry othe�th�a a natuN pereon(wch�s�
<br /> wrporntion or other org�airulon), Baieficiary mty danuid immediate paymeaQ if(1) a beaeficW inta+a�t in Tnutor i�
<br /> aold or transferrcd; (2) then is a chaage ia either the ideatity or number of manbere of a pacmere6ip; or(3)tha+e is i
<br /> -�-� change ia ownership of mon W�a 25 perowt of the votiag stock of a ooipondon. However,Beneflei�ty may not dememd
<br /> — pryarnt in the above situationa if it ia prohtbitod by law as of the date of thia Deed of Truat.
<br /> �_� il.ENTITY WARRAIVTIFS AND ItEPRE6�NTATTON3. if Tcnator ia an e.nHty other thm a nadu�l pe�son(e�cL�s a
<br /> -- — oorporatioa or other org�nintion). TmsWr m�lcee to&aeficluy t6e followin�warr�ntiea aad repiaeatations svhkh�tWl
<br /> _-_;�� be contiauiag a�long as the 5ecurod Debt mm�iaa ouutaoding:
<br /> A. Tru:tor te an eatity wt�ich ie duly organize� aM v�lidly eaiping ia tl�e Tcustor'� shte of incotpon�tfon (or
<br /> _, �.2.��`� organ(z�don).Tcusta is ia good standing in all stuea ia which Tnutor tranttcta busineat. Ttwtor hu tLe powa
<br /> -.=M1r�� and Quthorlty to own[he Property and to cury on ita bustne� as aow bdng wnducted �nd, i►s �ppUcable. it
<br /> .:-n�:��,:., qwlified to do so in e�ch state in whicb Tzuator operates.
<br /> -�:_;-'�:=�.��. B. The exaa►tion, delivery and perfo�a�a of this Deod of Tmst by Tmstor�nd the obligation evidenoed by the
<br />-_ '� Evidence of Debt ate wtthin the power of Tcuator. have been duly authorjzed. have rexived all nooeasary
<br /> � . - govemmeatal approv�l. aad will not violue a�y pmviaion of law,or orda of ooutt or govunmmtai ageocy.
<br /> - �, C. Otber than disclosod ia writing Tcuswr has aot chinged its name withia the last tat yeus wd tw not used any
<br /> other trade or ficdtioua name.Without Beoeficiary's prior wcltun conae�nt. Tn�ator cbd not and will not usa any
<br /> ' t� other name aad will preseive its existing n�me.trade nemea and franchises unNl the��t�satiefled.
<br /> _ ���
<br /> .:�_ #�. 12.and make a�11 reoairs that�are reasonablv��nocess�rv. Ttuato�wll�ON&neficl Fm�uotioe o�y loa�d�mate W
<br /> '�.''r�' the P[operty.'i'mstor will kap the Property fcoe of noxious wceda and gcassea.Tntrtor wfll aot initl�tc.join ia or conkat
<br /> • � to any change ln any pdvate resMctive ooveapnt, wning onlimnce or oWa public or pdvate naMction limiting or
<br /> � defining the uses which may be made of the Property or any put of the Properly,without Beneflciary's prior written
<br /> consent. Trustor wlil notify Beaeficiary of all demanda, prooeedings,claiau, an,d acdona against Tn�stor or�ay othet°
<br /> owner made under law�r regulation regardiag nse,ownership and occupancy of the Property.TYustor wtll wmply wlth�ll
<br /> � legal requiamtnts and restrictions. whether public or private,wiW ne.spxt to the use of tLe Pmperty.Tcustor aleo agroa
<br /> � that the nature of the occupanc.y and use will not change without Brneflclery'e prlor aritten oonaent.
<br /> No portion of the Property wiU be rernoved, demolis6ed or matezlally alterod without Benefictary's pdor writtea 000scat
<br /> except that Tn�stor has the right to remove items of personal pmpecty comprieing a part of the Prnperty that beeome wom
<br /> . . we.�ore
<br /> _ 01893 9�nken 6�ratMn�,tnc..St.Ctoud.MN It�E00987•4JI11 Pam AOlCO�OT.HB 8/1�fYE
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