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♦ . <br />. <br />�0�24�1 <br />« <br />� <br />� _ �S I$�' ��° _.. <br />A tract af lend rnmpNSing pert ot Lota Two (Zh T4ree f3), Fmffteen (14) end 3lateea (ib�� e{I in the <br />Ream6divlelon ot &ock Fonr (4) S�ond AddlHon to Holcom6s Highwsy Hames Snbd[vlaioa in the City <br />ot Graud Islsad, Hel1 Connty, Nebraeka, more partlealaeiy described as follows: Beginniog at a polnt <br />oa tlre weat Hne of eatd Lot lrvo (2), eald point beiog 1Ve+�aty FeEt {t4.0) SoaNt nf t6e NorWwest coraer <br />ol eaid I.ot Trvo (2)i tLence eoaWerlp along the west Une of eald Lota Zko {2} and 7�ree (3)� a distance <br />of One Hendred Five (105.0) fce� thenco easterky along a Une lNtbean (IS.0) [at north of aed paraUel <br />to the soath llae ot seld Lot Thcee (3), a dtefance of One Hondred 7�Lrty 'lbrce ead Nluety Four <br />H�dredths (13394) feet, to We easCerly Ilne ot eald Lot 19�ree C3); tLance norfgwa�arly elw�g the <br />eaeteriy Uoe of setd I.ot three C3), s dtetaace of Siaty Foar� and 81xty Five Aandndt6s (64.65) feet, to the <br />Northeast cornv of astd Iuf T6ree C3); Wen¢a northesat�Iy, a distanae ot Fody Fonr and Sev�nty Efght <br />H�dmltLe (44.78) [oet, to a pelnt wWcL ie 7Yveuly (20.0) feot uurt4weate�iY at right augla to the <br />eout6�fy lina of eaid Lot Fourteen (14? and Nfaety Flve (95.0) feet eoaWwestdiy flrom tl� <br />inteesatl� of eatd !ot line wlth We aouthw�terly line ot CocLln Stres� the�e nocWeaeta�y aleog e <br />line of 'lkeaty (2Q.0) Peet nott6wsetetly ftom and puratlel to We aoatheasteHq tlne of seid I.ot Fonrtaa <br />a dletanae of Nlae aud Fttteen Handredths (9.L4) keu th�ance vre�erly along a llae �reaty (20.0) t� <br />eout6 of end parsllel to the aorfh liue ot pld Lota 1�v dZ) and fita[een (1� a dieterice of Oae Huniisd <br />8av�teen and �iity'Ihree Hundredffie (11733) teet to tLe pincs o[ begtoniog <br />