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<br /> , � � ASS�GNMENI' OF R�NTS RIDER . �7�Q�'�S
<br /> TH13 ASSIDNMENT OF RENTB RIOER h rMd�md�xacubd Ihl� 26th day of September , 199�j � md b
<br /> Inco►pont�d hto md fhall bs d�m�d to smmd �nd euppkment th• Mortpaye or Oaed of Trust, hora�neR�r rebnod to�t th� "S�curriyr
<br /> Inatrummt", ol th� s�rrN d�t� pNm by ths undorapn�d, hK�lnaftor ntsrrsd to ea tha "Borrower", to a�curo Borrow�r'e Fndobt�dn�s��
<br /> hsnin�rter ��krr�d to �e the•Non^,to UNITED NEBRA�KA BANK —
<br /> , hK�haftrr nt�rred lo as th� "Lmder", of th� earrM dtt� Nd covorinp th�
<br /> proporty Aezcribed In tha SecurHy instrurn�nt�nd bcnted at: �
<br /> Zfi20 N HANCOCK �RAND (SLAND NEBRASKA 68803 --
<br /> �erow�ry�aa�..q
<br /> WI7NESSETFi:
<br /> WHEFIEAS. Borcower and Lender have aqreed that eny rent5 and praflts attr�butable to the property shouid canstitute�dditbnal eeaurily
<br /> to tha LenWr tar Ihe payment of the Note;
<br /> NOW. THEREFORH, It Is apreod that tha Slourity Instrument shell be amended hereby and daemed to holude tho folbwhp provlsbns:
<br /> 1. �sstonm�nt of Ranta ond Lsnder Rentd CoAeotbn Rinhts. Bortower hereby absolutely and uncondRbnoly assqne�U rants, bswa
<br /> and protNs ol th�praperty to Bsn�fbkry. Lender ahall hwe the ripht,power and euthorky durinp tho oontlnuanca of tha S�eurMy I�sWrtNnt
<br /> to cafleot th�rwits, Isaues And profils of tho property and of any personat property bcated thereon wkh or witnout takhp poss�ssbn of th�
<br /> propwty afNcted hsreby. I.aider,huwevsr, hareby consonts to Barcower's oolleaHon and retention of suoh rents. Isauas and profits as th�y
<br /> accru� and bscortw payabl6, So bng es Borrower I9 not, at suoh tkne, N default with respect to payment of any indeblsdness eacund
<br /> h�reby,or in the performance of any aqreement herounder.
<br /> 2, Aaoolntmmt of Receiver. It any event of delauh In respeCt to the Securily Instrument sholl have ocourced and be continulnp,l.ender�
<br /> As a matter of rtpht and wRhout not�e to Borrowur or anyone clairnhp under Bonawer,and wfthout regard to the value of the tNSt estate or
<br /> th�ht�rast ol th�Borcowar thorein,shall hava Ihe tipht to epply to any court havinq Jurlsdiction to appoht a receiver ot the pr4porty.
<br /> 3. �pi ht to Pass�sabn. In caso of detauh in the payment of the said prinolpal Note or hterest, or any part thsraof,�e k�haU mature,
<br /> or h th� cIw of faibr� to koap or peAom► any ol the convenants or agreements contained in the Sacurky Instrum�nt, th�n th�Land�►,ks
<br /> suacKSOro or �ssipns, ahatl b� and Is hereby authori:ed and empowered to take knmedteie poas�asbn of the said pr�mis�t tMnh
<br /> d�.sC�bsd �nd to colMct th�rents therehom,tnd to epply ths procexds thereof to the payment of tho Nota.
<br /> 4. ��dfaatbn o1 Rsnts. Issues �nd ProMS. an ronts aaiioatod by Lan�iw i,� i��a r�.on.r sh:f!ris:pC�.`"d!!r_!!Q ppY1°!!'r n�th�cosu ,
<br /> o} mana��t of th� property end collectkn of ronts, holuding, but not limtted to, recefvers fees, premiums on nc�lvw's bonds md
<br /> nason�bls tttomoy's faes,and then to the sums secured by the Security Instrumant, Lender and the receiver sheN b�IiabM to�cCOUnt ony
<br /> tor thoss rents aotuaNy receNed.
<br /> fi. Constnictbn ot Provisions. Each al the provisians contaNed In this Asaignment of Rents Rider�nd ths Sacurfty InsWm�nt sMN,
<br /> unMss oth�rwiss specMioaly requked, be construed In acaordance with Nehraska law, and h the wrsnt any provkbn h�nY� of tMnkt
<br /> oont�lnad shaM ba d�termhed by a couR of competent Jurfsdbtbn to be unenforceabb, the sartw ahtU b� constru�d as thouph suah
<br /> un�nlaCS�bN provision wae not part heroof or thereo(.
<br /> 6. �fNct ol Rid�. Faccapt as speailioaly modNbd by or tnconsfstent wRh this Asoipnm�nt of Rmte FlW�r or by anp etMr appNcabM
<br /> ridar,dl of th�tMmf Ynd provisbns oontah6d tn lha Security Instrument shall conthue in IuN forca ond�f(�ct.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borcawer has executed thls Asbipnment ot Rents Rtdsr on the dAte fkst noted ehpve.
<br /> . �`(la��
<br /> ' eo«ow.�J MES A O'NEILL
<br /> Borrow�r - •—
<br /> � ss:
<br /> On this 26th day ot Seatember , 1997 , befo�a me, tho undarsqned, a Notnry PubNO duly comnksbr►�d�nd
<br /> i quaM�ed ta saa county,persona�y came JAMES A O'NEILI. .AN UNMAFIRIED iNDIVIDUAL ._
<br /> to
<br /> _' b� tAs Id�ntical parson(s)whosa name(s) Islere subscribed to the toragohg instrument, and he/sh�Jth�y acknowNdp� th��x�CUUon tlwnof
<br /> , to be hlslMr/tMir voluntary act end deed.
<br /> � Wkn�ss my hand and Notarial 9w1 at GRAND ISLAND R KA ab c�^hr�1M
<br /> ' data alonfaid.
<br /> ' / \ /I
<br /> No�. � C MdCELLAN-
<br /> / C
<br /> fyf -
<br /> -- My Commissbn vxplres: AUGUST 12 2000 �'��
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