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<br /> . Conllbts wRh appifceblo law, suCh conflic!shAll not 8tfect other prpvislons o� Ihts Socurity Instrument o���wh h Cen b�
<br /> gNen eHeot wNhout lhe con(lictlnp provf�ion. To this en0 lhY provislon5 of th15 SeCU��ty In�tr��mpnt end fhe Nol� ar� Gclared lo
<br /> be eeverobfo.
<br /> ��. 8orrov+rer'a Copy. BOrrOw@r Shell be given One ConiOrmed Copy ot lhe NOte and ol Ihis SeCUrity InbtNmMt.
<br /> 16. liazardoua Substencea. Borrower sheli n0t Cnuse or perm�i the presence, use, disposal, storage,or reiwss ol
<br /> ony Hasardous Substences on or in Ihe Property. 6orrower shnn nat do, nor allow nnyone else to do, anythinq �fl�ct„p th�
<br /> Ptoperty thet is in vl01ati0n Of eny Environmental Law. The prece0�ng twa BentenCes shell not eppty t0 ths presmcs, uae, a
<br /> stanye on the Property of small qu�ntitios ot Hau►rdous Substences thet are peneralry recoyn�ed to be approprltb to normN
<br /> residentlal uses and to malntenance ol the Property.
<br /> Borcower Shall promptiy p(ve Lender written notfce ol any invesligation, claim, demqnd, lawsuit qr othN aCtbn by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party hvotiinp the Property and any Hazardous Substsnce or Envkonmantal Law ol
<br /> whiCh Borrower has aCtual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notifled by Bny yovernmentel or rppul�tory authOrky, th�t any
<br /> removal Or otAer �emedlation of any Hnzardous Substances aHecting the Property Is necessary, Borrower shall prompty tike��
<br /> necesaary ranedial actions in accordence with Envtronmental Law,
<br /> AS used In this paragraph 16, "Hezardous Substances'ere those substances tlefined as toxb or harardous aubstane�s by
<br /> Environmental Law and the followhg substances: gnsoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxlc pevoleum produots, toxlC
<br /> pest►cldes and herbicfdes,vo�atlle soHe�ts, materlals conteining esbestos or forma(dehyde, and radloactive materials. As used h
<br /> the paraqraph i6, "Envkonmentel Law' means federal sws and lew6 of the jurisdictbn where the Property ts bceted that rel�la
<br /> to heBRh,safety or gnvkonmental proteCtton.
<br /> , NON•UNIFORM GOVENANTS. 8orrower and Lc+nder furlher covenant and agree as toliows:
<br /> , 17. AsSignment of Renta.Bortower unconditionally ussigns and transfers to Lendfrr all the rents and revenues of the
<br /> Property.Borrower authorizes Lender or LenGer'S agents to Co11eCt the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of tho
<br /> Property to pay the rents to Lende�or Lender's agents. However, prior to Lender's notice to Bonower of 8orrowers breech o�
<br /> . any aovenant or agreement tn the Secu�ity Instrument, Borrower shall collect end receive all rents and revenues of the Properry
<br /> as trustee tor the benefit of lender and Borrower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absolute assfpnment and not an
<br /> essi�nment tor additbnal security only.
<br /> ` If Lender gives notiCe of breach to Bortower: (a) ail rents recelvetl by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trust6e fpr
<br /> benefit of Lender only, to he epplied to the sums seCUred by the 5ecurity Instrument; (b)Lender shall be ent�tled to colieCt and
<br /> receive all ot the rents of the Property; end (c) each tenant of the Property sha�l pay all rents due and unpatd to Lendar or
<br /> Lenders agent on Lender's wrltten demand to the tenant.
<br /> t ,y Botrowar has not executed any prior essignment of the rents and has not and will not peAartn any act th8t would prwent
<br /> ':;1 Lander hom exercisinp its rights under t�is Paragraph 17.
<br /> '. Lender sno11 not be requfred to enter upon,take Control of or matntain the Property before or after qain9 notice of bre�ch to
<br /> � Borrower. However,Lender or a Judkally appotnted receber may do so at any time there IS a breach. My epplication of ronta
<br /> � � shetl not cure or weNe eny de}auft or Invalidate sny other right or remedy of Lender. 7his essgnment of rents of the Properly
<br /> >
<br /> ; ehafl tarminete when the debt Secured by thg Security Instrument is paid In futl.
<br /> � 18. Forecloaure Procedure. If Lender re ufrea immediate e ment in tull under Para r h 9,
<br /> �.� Lender mey invake the power of sele and any other rem dlea permttted by appiicsblelaw.
<br /> Lender ahall be entitled to coileet all exp�enaea incurred in purauing the remedies grovtded in
<br /> thla Paraqraph 18, Including, but not Iimited to, reeaonabie attorneys' feea and coats ot title
<br /> �,� evidence.
<br /> If the power oi sele is Invoked, Trustee ahall record a nottee of defeult tn each county In
<br /> � which any part of the Property Is located end ahell mail coptea oi such notice tn th� manner
<br /> preacribed by epplfcable Isw to Borrower and to thc other per4ona preacribed by applicabl� law.
<br /> , t After the time requlred by applicable law, T�uatee shall qive public notice of sate to the pee►aons
<br /> end tn the menner preacrtbed by appltceble law. Trustee, wfthout demand on Barrower, ahall sell
<br /> the Property et public euction to the higheat bidder at the ttme and plece ��d under the terma
<br /> � ' deaf�nated In the notice ot aate in one or more paraels end tn any order Trustee determine�,
<br /> � Truatee may postpone sale of ell or eny parcel of the Property by public announcement at the
<br /> f ttme and lace oi an revtvusl scheduled sale. Lender or Its desi nee ma
<br /> p Y p y y y purchase the
<br /> Property at eny aale.
<br /> '�"'; Upon receipt ot payment of the prtce bld, Truatee shell �dellver to the pu�cheae� Trustee'�
<br /> deed eonveying the Property.The recitela in the Truatee's deed ahall be prlma facfe evidencs oi
<br /> � thc truth of the statements made the�eln. Trustee ahall Apply the proceed� oi the sds in the
<br /> ' followin� order: (a) to ell costs end expenses of exerclain� the power of sale� and the eeile,
<br /> inctuding the psyment of the Truatee'a feea ectually (ncurred, nat to exceed 3 �6
<br /> . of the princtpal amount of the note et the time of the dealarbUon oi default, and reaanable
<br /> ettorneys' fees es permitted by law; (b) to all sums secured by this Secu�ity InsVument; end (c)
<br /> eny exceas to the person or persona legelly entitled to it. . -
<br /> If the Lender'a interest in thie Security Instrument is held by the Secretary and the Secretary
<br /> requires immediate payment in tull under Paragre�h 9, the Secr!�tAry may invoke the honjudlclal
<br /> power oi sale provided tn the Single Femtly Mortgege Foreclosure Act of 1994 ("Act") (12 U.S.C.
<br /> � 3751 e��q.) by requesting a foreclosure commissioner dealgnated under the Act to commence
<br /> . fAl�nln���� �nd M s�ll �1.� D.w..�.a. � ..IJ�.a ]� u.� �'� u��4t..r !� u.� r �.u.��. �
<br /> '�'��'� '� .�•• .. .... ...�....y c�'v �iv�tMOM n� u�v �va ��v��o��y m a�v p?vircvttty ostiivita:c
<br /> shatt deprive the Secretary of any righte otherwise evaileble to e Lender under this Peragreph 18
<br /> or eppltcable law.
<br /> 19. Reconveyance. Upon ppyment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, �ender sn.0 request TrusceB to
<br /> reconvey the Property end shali surrender this SeCUrity Instrument and ell noted evltlenCinp debt soCUnd by thts SACU�ky
<br /> Instrument to TNStee.Trusle9 shall retonvey the PropeRy wilhout w¢rranty and without Churye to the par6on or per6on9 kp811y
<br /> entitted to k. Such person or persons shail pay any recordation costs.
<br /> Fse+a�nno iaw� Paq• n��s _
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