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<br /> ' APPL�1 001-70822019 i:
<br /> �, ,�• ML# 0000000000 -
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<br /> 1-4 FAM ILY RIDER 9��p'�':�!��
<br /> .=''?����� A�em�nt at Reate
<br />..''� THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER le m�{o Ihlr �6TR �y of SBPTEMSBR , 1997 �and is
<br /> J� incorporated lnto and shull ho dccmod to wnend wxl�upplcancnt the Mortgage,Dad of Trust or Securlty Deed(d�e
<br /> � "Secudty Inswment")of tha narno data given hy the undcr�ignod(tho"Boaower")to saure Bonrower's Note to
<br />- (thc"I.cnder")
<br />- of tho same dato snd covcring tho Property dcacrlbad in tho Socurity Instrumcnt and located at:
<br /> � ' 4110 HORBESHAE pLACE
<br /> �. pRAND I$LAND, N..BRABI(.. 6880
<br />- • ., lPropeny Addnol
<br />;`-=���;-� 1-4 FAIVQLY COVENANTS. In Addidon w Iho coven�nia�nd aQroemcnte made in tho Securlry Instn�ment,
<br /> Boirowu end L.ender furthu covensint snd�groo ae tollowe:
<br /> � ,r Property described in the Sxurlty Inatcument�the folbwln�itemi�re adtbd w Uie Propaty doscrtpdon,attd shall
<br /> � elso consdwta tha Property covered by tho Socurity Ynswmen�bulWiri�m�ICrI�L,appliences and goods of overy
<br />�,- nswre whataoevu now or hueaftex loc�tod ln,on,a wod,or intendod W bo u�od in cunnection wlth tt►e Property,
<br />�;;�,:;i�, including�but not limited W�thoaa fa the pwpc�es af supplyin�ar di�Wbutin�headng�a�oling�$lectr3city.Bav�
<br /> _. . waw,a'u and ligh� firo oroventlon ac�d oadnguiahlnR�DPauw.�ocutitY�nd aca�ts control apparatus�Piwnbing,
<br />�r;�c�ei�•;+ I�1I1 Illbl�WB�CC IiC86G1, water closw,einki,r�nRa. �tovee,rofrlycr�ta��dl�hw�uhere,dlapo
<br /> SC��W84Zl�tE,dtyl78�
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<br />�-�;��c•� awninge.atorm windawa�twrm doori�ecroon��b14�ds�th�da�curuint�nd curWn c+odi�awched micrors.cabinets,
<br /> s���fp,�• panelling aad awchect flaor coverings now a hereafta �tuchod W 1ho Pcopeny. �ll of which, including
<br />�,�;i°;�.
<br />'•���'�`�°' repl�cementa and addltbna thereto�sh�ll be deemed to ba md rem�fn a prt nt tha Propa�ty covaod by the Securlty
<br /> •' InsnuumenG All of the foregoing togeUxs with tho Property darcrfbed in 1ha Securlty In�trumen�t(a tha ba9e1w1d
<br />-�-;u �' aaaio if tha Socuricy Insaument ls on a lea�etwld) uo rofarod w in thb 1-A Ramily Rider and tha Secudcy
<br /> --- Insltumenl at tha"P�topa'ty."
<br /> �.,;__,�' A.U3�OF PRQP�ERTY;COMPLIANCE VYITH LAW. Bcxmwer �hall not �eelt, �groe to or make t
<br />-==-��' changa in tho uae of the I�t�operty or ita zonin� clusUlcatbn�unle�f i.encta�hsi�rood in writing w tha chaange.
<br />�.�,�� Bocrowu slnll comply wIth aU laws, ardimuues. aQuietionY �nd roqultements of �ny �ovanmaiul body
<br />-....-_===°�.-'�' appllcabb to the Propaty.
<br />-_-:.;�,��, C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Bxccpt�s pexmiqod by[odcnl I�w�Barowa sfull not allow any lkn Infaia
<br /> "—"u.� w ihe Security Instrument w be pafocted�alntt tho Propaty wilhout L.cedat'�ptbr wtfn�at pamistioe.
<br /> �._,-:,:.,�■ D.R�NT II.OSS Ih13URANCE. Barowu�hall m�inWn lnr,u�nce a�sinq ront b�t in�ddltbn w the othct
<br /> ""� ha7�rds fa wldch ins�ronco�S roquira�by Unitorm Cavo�nt 3.
<br /> - _ �."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REpVSTATL"DELB7'ltD. Untform Cova�ant 18 i�debted.
<br /> __-�.":;� F.BORROWER'S OCCUPASiCY. Unka� L�Ict �nd Bort�owcr othawiso yroo in wtiting� the fint
<br />�-�,.;,;E:��� sentence ln Unifu�m Covenant 6 concuain� Borcower'� oocupmcy af tho Property b doletod. A11 rur�ining
<br /> -- �= covenant�and ygcaments set fath in Unifam Covaant 6 s1uQ rem�ln in etfx�
<br />�:�
<br />—T��� MULTISTATE 1•�FAAIILY RIDER-F�nnl�MaHFrwdl�IIA�o Untto��n In�tru��el I��rni 1170�/�7
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