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<br /> ��i smo�,r►R a�,e i„a.bce�..c�,roa ay n��s aa.d a rnn���wt fncludinp sume a�nced e P�Qre ter.��of thia beed ol
<br /> Tnist,exceed the o�ipine�P�r►c►Pal amount stated hsreln,or s
<br /> 1g.Alisa�llanwu�ProvlNon�.
<br /> (�)Borrow�r Not R�N�wd.Extena{on of the tlme tor payment or modlflcat�on oi emoAfzatbn of the numf securad by thi►
<br /> Deed o1 Tnist pranted by lendar to any aucceasor In Interest ol8orrower sha�l not opetate to ralease,In any manner.ihe Il�b�l�
<br /> ry ot the oripinel Borrower end IBonowe►'s tuccssx�s In intsrost. Lendsr ahall not be raqulred to commence Proaesdk►�t
<br /> spslnst euch suocetsar or rotuss to sxtend tims ia payment or otherwi�s maify emcxlizatlon ot ths eurtn sscurod by thh
<br /> Deed ot Truet by re�son ot any demanda msde by lhe oripinal B�rowsr�nd BoR�we�s succeseo��n interest.
<br /> (b)L�nd�►'s Pow�rs.Widtout aMsctMp the IhbNn�or ony ou�.r�«wn i�.a.ror n�.�yn,.nc a W►y oauwuon�,.r.�n�•
<br /> tloned,end without ef(ectiny the Ilen or charpe ol th Desd ol Ttust upon my portbn d the PrcMrty nct then or tMr+blo+o
<br /> sRy peran�so lisbfs,r(1)sxtsnd ths mat�W�ttY�or�It�r My M utlngtem�s oirony i�tifpatlons,(IU)prent othe���(w �
<br /> role�se or reconvey�or esuae to bs rebased or r000nwytsd st my tlme et Lenders opUon any paroel, parion or NI d ttw
<br /> Property,(v)uke or rokseo any WMr a sdditbnal tecudty M►any ob��petton heroin mentloned.or(vfI make comPo�ftions a
<br /> other orranpcme�b wRh debtas In rolstion thento.
<br /> (c)FarMsnnc�by L�r Not a W�Iwr.My tabeKance by Lsnder in�x�iat�an�►�i9ht or romedY haraunder.a otM
<br /> snMss aliorded by eppl�abb Iaw,shall not be e M►alver of a produde the exerciae of any sucfi right or romedy.The P►ocum'
<br /> ats�hs mshxity oi the IndrsW��r�ess�scursd by this'Deed oi T�by Lender ahall not be a waHer or Lendsre�ight b s�calar•
<br /> (d)Suce�ssas�nd Assi�ns Bound�Jdnt sod S�wral Llabiltty�CN�tiOm.The cove�enb and aprsemsnb herefn r.or►� �
<br /> tained ehall�Ind�a�d the dphts hereunder ehall Inure W. the respsctiw suaessors and assipns oi Lender end Trusta. all
<br /> ca+venaets and sgreements of Trustor ehell bs joint end severnl.The csPtlon�snd headin9a d tha pa►aprspha ot N►�a Dsed d ,
<br /> Truat aro Eor oonvenlence only end aro not to be uaed to Interpret or dellne the Provlsio�s hero°�•
<br /> le)R�4w+t to�Notk�•Th°Wrtbs hersby roQusat that s oopy of�ny notice d default herounder end a copy of�ny notia
<br /> of sab hereunder be meiled W aach party to this Deed ot Tnist et the addross set fo�th above in the manner P►es�xibed bY �
<br /> appucabis law.Except tcr any other rtotice�e4uNed under applkxbie law W be piven In snother msnnsr.anY notks Pro+rid�d fa �
<br /> in thia Deed of Trust shall be given by maiting such nolloe bY certllbd maU eddresaed to the°the�parUes.et the addteu► �et
<br /> fohh above.My nottce prov�ded for In thla Daed d Tnistt shaM be effective upon mailfng in Iha manner deafpnaDed haein.II �
<br /> Tnutor is rtwre tfian one person,nodoe sent to the address set foM above ahall be notk�to all such peraons•��,��
<br /> (p Msp�ctlon.Lender m�y mske or causs to be m�de roasonabb entriss upon end Inapectlona of tha P
<br /> that Lerxier shait give Tniator noUce prior to eny such f napectlon speciMinB roeaonable cws��°r��OD��r��� �
<br /> est in tAe Property.
<br /> (g)Rswnwyanc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by thia Deed of 1'rust,Lender shaN request Truatee to reoonveY the
<br /> PropeTty and shail surrender this Oaed of T�ust and all notea evidencing indebtedness securod by this Deed ot TNSt W
<br /> Tnn`ee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property�wittaut warrenry and witlwut charge to ths pe►aon or Ps�aa►s bpaMy aNjtled
<br /> tt�ereto.Trustor shail pay ell costa oi►econdatbn,H eny.
<br /> (h)P�rsonal Prop�rty:S�cutity A�MrrNM.As odditionat eecurity tor the peyment ot the Note�Trualor haet►Y praMs
<br /> Lender under!he Nebraake Unifonm Commerolal Cade a secu�ity intereat in ell Qxturea.equiDment,ar�d od�perao�N P��h
<br /> uaed In oonnection with the roal astete or improvements loceted thereon.end not°the^�is°d��'°d°f d°°rt�sd 1°b°a p�t d
<br /> the reel estete e6CUred heroby.Thls instrument ShaN be oonatruea es e Securiiy l+�iootiis�si urs�ar:.:'�d�L�e.Ss�!!r_!!�!e►
<br /> shaN have aq the ri�hts end remeciie�of a securod ParlY under aaid Code in edditlon to tha ri�hta and romedba croeDed under
<br /> and ao�orded tha Lender pursuant M this Deed o1 Truak Pro'�that Lender'a righta and remedtes under tlils psrapraph sh�N
<br /> be cumulatfva with,end in no way s�imkation on.Lender's dghts and romediea unda�any othsr aecurily ogneen'b�t sip��ec!by
<br /> Borrow�er ot Truator.
<br /> (Q Lkns u�d Encumixanc�s.Trustor heteDy warrants end roproasnta fhat thers ts no dsfault under tl�s proviefons of anY
<br /> mptgrge.deed ot hust,leaae or purohase co�act descriWng all or a�y psrt ot the Propsrly.a other oo�tr�ct,iratrtune�t a
<br /> agroement constltuti�a Iien or eacumbrance apalnst all or any pa�t oi the Property(coltectfvehl,"Ltens��exKfkq as of tlie
<br /> date p(tbis Dssd ot Trust,end that any end ell exlsUng L1eos romein unmodNled except es di�oad to�e��de�in Tn��ds wrN-
<br /> ten discloaure of Ilena and encumbrancea provided tor he�ein.Truator ahail timely perform dl of TruatoPs obllp�tloM,
<br /> oovenenffi.reprsaentaUona and warrentles under any and aN extsUng and tulura Lbna,ahaM pr�on'iply faward b L��t1er ooPl�
<br /> oi eli notices of delauft sent In oonnecflon wNh an9 and all existlng or futur�l.bm,and ehsA not wMho�d Lsnders prior wrilMn
<br /> caiee+�t in any meoner modil�►1he Provisio�s oi or alcw eny tuturo advanoes��der sny existkp or luwro Ilsns.
<br /> U��pp��atlon o/PaynMnN.Unless ofherrriae re4ulrsd by law.aums pNd M Lend�t hereurtd�r�inckidin0 wktwut Nn�it�tlon
<br /> L�end�er to the�amoix�ita due�a owing irum 7rustp�s�Borrowar In auch�or�es Lender In e s�dircrMion d�d�ir�
<br /> ede.
<br /> (k)�v�rabllky.M�ny Drovisbn d this Osed d Tn,st�on8kds with appllcsbie Uw a is decl�nd kwaYd or othsnwfaa usNn-
<br /> face�ble.sud�eontlk:!or knralWHy shall not affect tt�e otlxr ProvF+bns of th{s D�sd d Tnnt or 1!w Noa wl�ich an bs giwn
<br /> eliact without the conllictinp Provtsbn�and to th{s end the provisbna oi this Deed M Tnist and ths Na�e ero d�dKed b b�aw-
<br /> erayie.
<br /> the�l�sart�e pereon(s�those terms ea uaed IB n�lhis�l�etJilot Tnist shall be Intercha �npeabb end when fhe Tnisto�and Bon+aver ue
<br /> (m)Ciov�rMoY La�w.This Deed ot Truat aheU be govemed b!►the lawa of the State d Netxaake•
<br /> TruaOOr has executed thls Deed ot Trust as of the date written ebove.
<br /> Larry N Fow1e, Husband __— T��
<br />— Tn,ator � � •
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<br /> - Tn�etor T��
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