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<br /> THIS DEEO OF TRUST,Is mede as o1 fM 9lth day ot yQntstttitiar .18,�7 .by end emolp�� �
<br /> G
<br /> theTruator, Larrv W Fowlg d� Barba a A FowleLHusband A W1fe � `��
<br /> \
<br /> wtwss man�np�ddress is ���F Ha99e ►�re.��randl.s]nnd. Nv r�am—�ad� (hu�etn�russor',whether one or mo�e).
<br /> theTNStee Ejva Dnintc Ran SkiLl111"p01"dL�nn �
<br /> W�1038 1T18���f1Q 8�(@SS�S� ii n5ii i�^i �ia:� r••�BI��� NF 6AR09 �hel@�fl'T1L8iQe'�8fld
<br /> the Beneftdery, Fi vp Pni nts Bank
<br /> wlwsemaiu�gaddrosa�s 2015 N Bma�well Grand IsTand. yF fARf19-�507 (he�e��'�er�ds�I•
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,indud(np Lenders eztenslon oi crodit idandfled heretn to�� w Fow19
<br /> • n�..�....... • S�W�P
<br /> (herein'Borrawer� whether one or more)end the Uust herofn cr�ested.ths rocei�t
<br /> of whid�b heroby ecknowAed9ed�Truator hereby irrevocably grents,tranafera, axweye end assipns So Tn�atee, IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POYVER OF SALE�for the benefit and seC��rtty ot Lellder�un6er�nd wbject Oo ti�e ierms enti wrd�iione iw�ui�-io�wi:ai�-�-tii.il.o r.�!
<br /> propeAy deacxibed es tollowa:
<br /> Topether w8h aN Iwfldirys.improvements�fixtures. atreela. albys�Paasagewalrs.eaasments�rfphts�privilepee end epp�xMnar+as
<br /> bcatea n,ereon or in enyvdse pertatnrng a�eceto,and u,e ronts. �saues ana proMs,revera�ons and r�srrntndsrs a�erso�ana sa.�h v�
<br /> aonal pnopsrty mat�s attact�ed to the improvements eo aa w oonsdtute a flxd►ro,ind�,dtna,tx,t noc un�oed w.neatw,�and 000�xw squt�
<br /> rnen�end to�etAer wNh the hortbatead or snaritat Interesta,if any,wh�h tnteroats are hereby releoaed and waived�aM W whkh�kx*id-
<br /> in8 ropiac�ments end edditions thereW�Is t►ereby declared to be a paR ot the real estate aecurod by the Ilen M thb Oesd o(Trust and
<br /> �N of the forepolna be(nD rofemed b heroin as the'Propert�'.
<br /> Thia Des.�d Tn»t shaM eecuro(a)the payment M fhe prindpal eum and IMerost evidencsd by a promis�orY nols or crsdit aprse-
<br /> �t�� co�+omhpr 94�iq�7 _having a mat�urity date o�MBPGh 23. 1998
<br /> In the oriyinei princfpai amount oi s 45.020„50 , and any and all modiAcaUons.sxtsn�lons and rsnewds
<br /> tNereot or thereto and any and ell futuro adva►xes and readvancea w Borrower(or eny of them it mor+e tl�en one)hero�x�dsr Dw'suant
<br /> to one or more promiasaY ootes or cr�edit e�reemsnta (heroin called'Note'�;(b)the PeYmsnt oi other wrrn advanosd bY Lsnder to
<br /> protact the secutfty oi the Note:{o)the Psrformanca W ap covenants and agreernenta ot Trustor set torN heretn�and(d)eM pressnt and
<br /> future todebtedneas and obtigations ot Bor►ower(or eny oi them H more than one)b Lender whether Qiroct,k�dired,eb�oN�te or ooMie'
<br /> gent and wheUier edsirp by note,9uaronty►,ovebralt or otheiwiae.The Note.tl�is Deed of Tniat end eny aod aq othsr doaMr�enb that
<br /> eecure the Note or atherwiae executed in oonnecxbn therowlth, fnctuding without limitation guaranleea. aecurity aDreemonts and
<br /> aaaignmenb oi baaes and renta,shall be roferred to horeln as tfie'Loan Instnmienb'.
<br /> Trustor covenanb and agrees with Lender ea folbwa:
<br /> 1. PayrMM of Ind�bbdn�ss.Ali indebtedness securod hereby shall be paid when due.
<br /> 2. Tid�.Tn�stor Ia the owner o�the PropeAy,has the right and auHwdty to convey the PropeAy.and warrar�s that the Ibn aeat-
<br /> ed hereby{s a 8ret and piiar Iten on the Properry,except fa liena and encumbrances aet forth by Truslor in writk�g end delhrered to
<br /> Lander before executf�on of thts Deed ot Trust,and the execution and delivery of this Deed of Tnist daes not violate any contract or
<br /> other obligatbn to whlci�Trustor Is subJect.
<br /> 3.Tax�s.Ass�ssn�nb.To pay before delinquenoy all texes,apecial assessmenb and ell other charpes egatnst fhe Property
<br /> now or herearter fevted.
<br />— 4.Insunmet.To keep the Property inaured againat damape by ftre,hazards Included withtn the term'extended ooverege',and
<br /> such oNer hazerds es Lender may reQuire,in amounts and wilh companies erneptable to Lender, neming Lender ae an edditlonai
<br />= named insurad,with loss payable to the Lender.In case oi loas under such policie.�,the Lender Is autl�o�ized W adJust,coNect and
<br /> = coompromise,all daima thereunder and shell have the opUon o1 epptying ali or part of the insurance proveeds(I)to any indebtednbsa
<br />�— secured he�reby and in sucA oMer as Lender may dete�mtne,(if)to the Trustor to be used for tl�e repaf�a restoradon of the Ptoperty or
<br /> � (ilq to�any other puryose or obJect satlsisctory to Lender wfthout effecttnp the Iten of this Deed of Tmat for the full amount securod
<br /> = harehv befcre auch navment ever took p18Ce.Any epplicaUona of proceeds to indebtedneas ahait not exlend or poatpone the due date
<br /> � ot any payments under the Note,or cure any defautt thereunder a hereunQer. ,� .
<br /> 5.Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shad pay to Lender,In such manner es Lender may deaipnete,aufRdent r��
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they beoome due one or more of the tollowin�:(q all taxes,essessments end otl�er charpes ep�inst
<br /> the Property, (il)the premiums on the property insurence requlred hereunder,and (ili) the premiums on any mortpape inaurence �,',
<br /> required by Lender. '
<br /> 6.Malnt�nanc�, R�paln and Complianc�with Ltws.Trustor ahall keep the PropeAy in good condftton and repatr,ehall �,,,.
<br /> prompUy repair,or replace any improvoment which may be damaged or destroyed;shaN not oommit or pem�it any waste ar dciteriaa-
<br /> Uon of the Property;shall not remove,demdish or substenUal�y atter eny oi the:mprovementa on the Property,shatl not oommft.suffer -
<br /> or pertnit any act to be done In or upon the Properly in vioiation oi eny law,ordinanoe,or regulaUon:and ehall pay and promptly dia-
<br /> cha.rge at Trustor's oost and expense etl Ilens,oncumbrances and charpes levted,Imposdd or aoceased agalnst the Property or any
<br />„ part ther@of.
<br /> 7.Emin�nt Oomaln.Lender i3 hereby asslpned all�compensetion,ewards,damege�and other payments or relief(MrofnaRer
<br /> rrec Hsr�w�w�••+owm a.sM
<br /> O�tl�r+.rau�!w A Gaw�ratmi ru Sw�ip+IUwcr�on l�oaY�,Nbru
<br /> i
<br /> _.� . .. . .....
<br />