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<br /> DEED OF RECONVEYANCE C�7-�10�i�r
<br /> TNAT WHEREAB, all af the indebtedncsa secured by thc Truat Deed executed hy �
<br /> Brian R Summer� and Wandy S Su�ers, ae Husbaad and Wife , Tn�stor� to �
<br /> Bank of Wood River. P.O. Hox 487. Wood River, NL 68883 , Trustee, fa1' tlte �
<br /> bene6t of B�k of Wood River dba Heritage Bank Grand Island , the Bene�ciury
<br /> numed herein.dated Auguet 25, ,199?_.anJ rccordccl
<br /> Auguet 29. .199 � in thc oiYice of tho Register af Ucccls c�f
<br /> Hall Cnunty, Nebrnska as�ocument No. 9�'107113 has bcen pnid, nncl
<br /> said Beneficiary has been requested in writing ti�is Deed of Recomeyance be executed �n.i
<br /> deiivcrod as conf rmed by its endorsement bclow:
<br /> NOW THEItEFORE,in conaideration of such payment and and in accordance witn ii�e req��cst �
<br /> of the Bene�iciary named therein, the undersigned as Trustee does be these presents, grant,
<br /> remise,rclease and reconvey to the person or persons entiticd thereto all the interest and estate
<br /> dedved to said Trust'e by or through said Trust Deed in the follawing describai premises but ,
<br /> only as tv such pnmisea:
<br /> Lot S, Amick Acrsa East Subdiviaion, I�all County.� NE. .
<br /> ',•�
<br /> TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, iixlures, improvements and appu�tenances beiongi+�g ta
<br /> such pnmises.
<br /> bp'I'�i p; Septacnber 22. 1997
<br /> Crai aya , Praeid�nt
<br /> r }SS:
<br /> c COUNTY OF Haii
<br /> ' Before me, a Notary �'ublic qualified in said County� �1C1•sonaily
<br /> '' Ca1TIC (`r g,�(pbfPr
<br /> �r
<br /> Annk n voed R{ver dba Hp.�t�e Han1c �rA^� T•�ll+�
<br /> � a corporation known to me to be the same and idcntical person wl�o aigned tt�c forcgoing
<br /> ' --'-'--� .L_ ..:_.� .I.�..Yc�.. 1.� 1.:� ..t..«l�w. ..d ...a d.�rl .,P anitl
<br /> insicumeni� Aila ACRIIVVYIW�CU tttt'. cwc�.uuva� uav�w■ sv w ■.sv :v.w..�J �.. «.� ..��.. -. ---
<br /> -� corporation,und tliat its corporate seal was theret�affxed!�y its aatliority.
<br />_ Witness��y hand and Notarial Seal nf s?fOflA7�!/ a�o� ,19��.
<br /> � Mp�fMIF1rp M MM�
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