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<br /> ' B.All thture advAnces from 13en�ft��ar�r othtc evidence of deb cxxu led by'Ituatar in fevor of Beaefi i�ry eaecuteyd �-;��
<br /> , promiesory note�wauact,guarwtY o
<br /> _ �Wis�curity Insuurnent whether or not thia Securlc3►1pBtru�r�ent is specifically refcnaced. If more th�n one ;.�N
<br /> pereon Rigns thia Security Inetn�mnt. each Trustor�grae that tbie Socurity Inetrument wiU socure �Il ti�Nre -
<br /> advAacq Aad funue obllgufons t1iat ue glvea to or incurrod by any one or mon Trustor,or aay oae or mora'Pruitor ��,'::
<br /> � ' and othere. All future adv�ncd tad ott�er future obligulons ue sxured by thie Security Instcucnent evcn though All _
<br /> or part may not yet be advanced. All��Sec�Inscdru�m�eart sha�ll c�obinstitut�e a ccmuui ntme t oima�ke addidone�or
<br /> >��:� of this Saurity Iastxurnent. Nothing in �Y
<br /> fhture loans or advanees i�eny auwunt.Any su�h�°m��t must be agrad to in a sepArate writiag. T.
<br /> , � C.AU obligations Trustor owes to Beaeflclary.wbich mAY laur arlse,to the extent not prohiblted by law including N,,-
<br /> m
<br />�,� but not limited to, Ilabilitiea for overdrafts relatinB to eny deposit account agreeasent becween '�'rustos aa
<br /> Beneficlary. p �--r
<br />:;�� � D.All additloaal sums advaac.e�1 aad expenses lncurred bq Beneficiary for insiuin8. reservtng ar othenvise protecdaB
<br /> u_,
<br /> the Property and its value and eny otIier swns a.dvaaced and eapens�s is►curred bY Beneflciary under the term4 of this _�:°
<br /> Se�uriry Instrument. �.
<br /> This Security Instruu�ent will not secure any otlur debt 'tf Btneftciary fails to give any re9u�red notice of the right cf
<br />- . :escission.
<br /> � 5. PAIf MEN'i'S.Thistor agroes tt►at all pay ts under the Sxured Debt wlll be paid whea due and ia accoidanrx with tR�e -
<br /> " MEN
<br />_ ' �; , terms of the Secured Debt�nd this Security�Insuittnent.
<br />`.� �'"'�`�'r OF T1TLE. Trustor warcanta that'Tiu�tar ia or will be lAwti�Uy seizod of the estate convey�ccl by thia
<br /> .::�,�I;'...;,:'�; 6. WARRANTX a Tcusta,in uust,withpower of _
<br /> �.�".�;:,:���.� Sxudly Iusirument and has the right to irrevocably graut. convey,and sell the PropertY
<br /> �'� sale.Tcustor also werrants that the Properiy is unencumb�red.except for encumbrances of record.
<br />- . ,,.
<br />:,,':; �•�
<br />_ . 7. FRIOR SECUItI'1'Y INfERF.S�9.With regard to any other mortgage.deed of uuat,seauity a8re�ent or o er ea -
<br /> Pr Trustor a
<br /> .. * , document that created a prlor security interest or eneumbrauke o w�ith�ll c�ovyeiw►ts. �.
<br /> . .- .,.. A.To m�ke all psymente whea due and to perfonn or comply
<br /> '" ' B.To prompdy deliver to Beaeficiaty u►y noticra thtt TnG+tor recetves from the holder.
<br />_ '�::;,, -,� � C.Not to �llowEalni ad��twithout�B�eaaeflcfary's prlor wrfttea�con�xa�t�e �vanc�s under any note or�gns►nent
<br />:y.r ; secured by tb
<br /> encumbraaces.Ieau psymenu��rourrd cenu�
<br /> ����. 8. CLAIMS AGAINST T1TI•E.Truatur will pty all wc�wes��ciiry msy uite'Crwtor to pmvide to Bet�flcUuY
<br />"�"'��' �nd ather cbtrga reluing w the Fropett5► �
<br />-_.� :.,�. util(tiea�
<br />�°'''' i'� coples of�11 nottces tlu��ucl►un°�°cs u'�due�nd the reatpu evideacin�Tnutor r p�ymeat• '1'cuetor wlil defead tlQe to
<br />��;�'``:�: the Property ABainst uiy cldms that would Icr�air the Ilea of thia Secudty I�utrumeat. Trwtor agras ta�I�t to
<br />-=":.:'�';-� � �.-uef3ctsr�.s�r_�ne�ced bv Beneflcfary.aay righte.clvinnt or defe�a Tcustor m�y isave agdnst putiee wbo supplylabor
<br />�"?'.���.1 or materta�e w ms�atain or imPmve rhe Prope�ty.
<br /> ��;�;�:•�- �at ite o don�declan the endre btlance of the Securod Debt w
<br /> �:�,, 9. BUE ON SAY.E OR ENCiJ10IDRANCE•Bene�ciary may y
<br /> _- _ _ be inunedietely due��►�Ytb�is s�itbjxt W the�resMctloas imposed bY fe�eral law(IZ C. R 59�1�,_es�licab el.Tbit
<br /> -- sile of the PropertY. � shell remala in effect until thc Se�urod Debt ie paid in fiul and thia Sxu�ity
<br /> _ - coven�nt a h a l l nw w i t h t h e�p e rt Y
<br /> _ ._.___— Ineutiment is released.
<br /> _ '_-- �rv rl1TiD1TION.ALTERATIONS AND INSPEGTION. Truator will k the Prope�cy in e o o d c o o d i d o n
<br />_ -__-= 10. PRQP'�__ w�st�, i t. �
<br /> ._- _ a a d m i l c e a l l a i t e that �o����th P co p e t y r f r o e o f n o x i o�i�a�w�sr�l�g r�a s a. Tcuetor a�tiut the
<br /> - --- d e t e r l oratioa of�P►o p�Y��1 �t����l y�6 e ��o u t B e n e B c i 's p�for writtea consent.Truator w l l l noc
<br /> ----- n�ture of the occupu�cY d
<br /> -�y p e m i i t�n Y c h u i 8 e 9 n R ny d�s�cmceodin 8s,�cl a i m s•�wd a c t i o n t�a 8 a i n s�ci��°�d�o f�a ny los�saor�d a m w Be to t�he
<br /> — notify Bc�eficiary of all P �IId
<br />--.,-�'�.�` Propercy.
<br /> '"��°��t &aeRci or Beaeflciuy's a enta may�at Beneficiary's option,enter the Pcoperty at my nasonable time for the Wrp�
<br /> ---A . of inspo�8 �e ��'� �eflciuy sha11 give Trustor nodce at the time of or before�an �don s ( s
<br /> nasonable��purpoae for the on. Any inapectlon of tt�e Property 8�1 � �ntkely for Heae�icl�Y's� t md
<br /> ____.— �atOr wiU ln Ao way nly on�Rcitry's insP°�ti°°•
<br /> ��^ 11. AU'THORPI'Y TO P'ERFURM.If Tmswr fails tom�n or�cau�se tdhem to b�e perforem�ed. T�ruatoi�appufn��Be�nefki�rY�
<br /> --- Inemiment� Beneflci�.ry a�ay. withuut notice� pe ��t n��for perfomnna,BeaeficiuY a dght tope omn for
<br /> ---_ " accomey ia fpct to eign Trustor'e aame or pay wy ��aot reclude BeaeUG�i�ry' f�
<br /> Tiustor sE�ll not create tn oblig�dun Wpedorm. and Heneficluy's failure co perfo P
<br />=�����-� exercisiwg any of Beaeflciary's other rigfits under the law or thls Security I�►strumcat.If my c�nat octi o°�°t&ne�
<br /> - ---�-�. ie diacoatiaued or not carrled on in a reaaonable�nner,Bone6ciuY ttu►y take all stePs na�essary P
<br /> --�.-_„_� eecurity inurest ia the Property.lncluding comptetion of the construct[ou.
<br /> �:.�,°,���� 1y in nust for thc
<br /> =_;�=.�� 1Z. ASSIGNMEIVT OF LEAbTS AND RENTS.Truswr�tle�uid int�ere�it'in ind to y��e�l eaisH�ng or futun le�fes�
<br />�.�:,�:.; bencfit of Beaeficlary,as addition�l x�urity aU the ri�ht� lacluding
<br /> ���s subleaaes.aad eny other writteu or vecbal agrameate for the uae and oeeu�aney�faaY �tion of the Pcoperty.
<br />-�_:�>��'� �" any eatenatons n�aew�ls, modificatione or subatitadons of such agramen (ell w ss'I.eas�s")A°d renm�;°au�
<br />-y`'` and profits (alI refeccod to as "Renta"). Trustor will promptlY provide Henefieiary with tnie and co�rect co la of all
<br />��'�,";�'�.�_: ' eaisting and future Leases.Truswr may collect,recelve,eqioy and use the Rents su long as'IYus�or is not in de�ault uader
<br /> r.=�; • . . the terms of thie Securiry Inatnuneat.
<br />��. ` . �. Trustor acknowledges that this asaignment te perfectod upon the recordin8 of this Deed of TYust and that Beaetkiary ia
<br />=:' entided w nodfy �thacon�on defau�ltnw 11QBen�sftclary nod�fTcus ordand�Tivato�r'�s�teaante and makecdema�nd th�t eill
<br />�_ &neRciary agroes Y
<br /> thture Renta be paid direcdp to tBeneflssasion�aad willn�iv�e any R��tat�n fuuat for�Beaeflci �aad wiW not�c�nfi�ci�ry
<br /> any payment of Rente ia 7'rusco 1�O epp1ied t•"►���
<br /> �`t the ReIIiB wlth eay olher_fimds_Any�uIIt�B c^oll�tved'nnl e�b Iaadlordit n%nt la Tmstor�als�o a�gras����r
<br />_ .�� �
<br /> .�- • �::,�::�: wanancs wac no aeisuic�,��a�:�,W��----_�-• -��- licable law.
<br />-_� •• require auy tenaat to wmply with the terms of the Lcasa snd apP
<br />-;� witli the
<br /> . � I 13. LEASEHOLDS; CONDOMIIVIL7MS �'��Don a�lea5eholdEIf�tbe Pro�perty� includes a unit in 8�°n t��oz a
<br /> , � provistons of any lease if this Securlcy�
<br /> � � planned unit developinent,Truswr wlll perform all of Tnistor's duties under the covcnanta,bY-laws,or reguladons of the
<br /> � condominium or placmod w►it developmeat.
<br />- fp�ye 2 of 41
<br />- 01984 B�nka�BY«ems,Ine..Sc CIaW.MN 11�600387•23411 Fam RE•OT•N[12/2�IA6
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