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<br /> � S.Hasnrd ar Property Insur�nce. Borrowcr shalA koep tha improvcmcnts now cxisting on c�rcaAcr crccted on iha Propercy
<br /> insurcd a�n�nst loss by firc, hazards included within tha tccm"cxtcndcd cavcrngc" und any uthcr ha��rds, including floods or
<br /> �,�+'� flooding.for whkh Lendu requires insurar►co,'I1►is 1nsu�rence shall bc maintainccl in the amounla u��d for thc periods that I.ender ,
<br /> ��q�.��insurance c�rier providing thc insurance shell ix choscn by Sorrowcr subjoct to L.cndcr's approval whicb stisll not
<br /> • be unreasonably wlthheld. If Borrower fails to maintaln coverage descdbcd abovc, Lcndcr may,at LcndePs opdon,�btain
<br /> � �'w� coverage to pmtoct LendePs rights in the Property in accordance wiih paragraph 7.
<br /> j pll insuranca poGcies and renewals shall be acc,eptabk t,o Lendu and shall include a standar c�o�der all rcxci ts of�d
<br /> '� huve the�B d renewal nodces�In the event foss,Borru��all give prompe oulce to the lnsurance carder und L.ender.i.endex _-
<br /> ;� premiums aa =�
<br /> may make proof of loss�f not made promptly by Borrowu. eh���P������on or npair of the ��-`
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otlieiv►ise agrcx in wr�d�g,i���A�O�S -
<br /> pmpetty damaged,iE the mscora[ion or npair is economknlly teasibte and Lender's securtty is not lessenad.If lied the sums -�
<br />. repsir is not economically feagibk or Lender's securtty would be kssencd,the insurance proceeds ahall be aPP
<br /> secured by this Security Insaument, whether or not then due. wlUt any oacess paid to Borrower.If Borrowa abandons the
<br /> property,or dces nat answcr within 30 days a nodce from 1,u�der that the inswa�►ce cturkr has offered r a�Y��•�� �
<br /> � Lender may co l lect t he insurance proccxds.Lender may us� the procoe.ds w npair or restore the Property
<br /> by thi.g Socutiry Instnrnent,wtiether or not theA due.Thc 30-diy period wlil begin when ihe notice is glvcn.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ag�in wri�ng.�►Y aPAU�Qn of praccxds co principal shall not extend or postpone
<br />" + �y the due date of the monthly payme�►ts referred w 1n ParagaPb 1 aad����8°���ount of the payments.If under pa�agrapt►
<br /> ."3t 21 ihe Property is acquired by Lender,Sorrower's right� ten of thee sums secured by tfu�'s 3ecurlty Instrument Im�mediately -
<br /> pmperty prior w the acquisition shalt pass w I.endu w ih
<br />-� prior to the acquisldon. • I;orrower's Loan Applicatbn;I.aseholds.
<br /> 6.�ccupancy�Preseiwntion,Maintenance stnd Protectbn otthe Property,
<br /> Borrowu shall occupy.establish�and use the Pmputy a�Barowa's principal residence within aiuty days after thu execudon of
<br /> � ;,. a, this Security Instnune�nt and sh�ell continue to occupy tho Property�v Bomower's yrii►cipal residence for at least one year afber the
<br /> ;._� : ,.r -
<br /> iwua r,f�xu�a3, • �� L��S "�herwise a¢recc in wridng, which consent shall aot be unreasonably withheld, or unless ,
<br /> ��,:..:.'. . extenuadn8 circumstanas exist whicb are bayond Borrowes'a control. Borrower ahall not destroy,cle�nage or imPair ii�c Fi.'�'�y.
<br /> T;: ��:,.;,:`. aliow the Propa'tY co Qeterlorato,or commlt waste on the Propaty.Borrowu shell be in default if any forfeiwre ecHon or
<br />=�'�"���,, .`. proce�eding,wtietlxr civU or criminal.is beBun that in 1.enda's g°°d fdth judgment could result in forfeidue of the Property or
<br />�,�,;�,-�. - o����Y�p�ir the lien cceated by this Securlay Instn�ment or Ireudet's securlty int�st.Bocrowu may cun sach a
<br /> =•�'v� �. h 18,by caus�g the actbn or procecding w ba dismissed with a tullng that. jn
<br />�-�.;.,,-. .
<br /> �,--�:� default aad reinstue. as pmvided in para�aP
<br /> �:�^��� Lender's good faith detarnination,precludas fodeiture of the Borrowa's interast In tha Property or otha matari�l itrip�t of
<br /> a�:�.�::�1`r� the liea creatod by this Sec�uity Instrument or Leader'a security intuest.Horrowa shall also be in def�wlt if Borrowu,during the
<br />"r`"r wp,� loan y�pplication pmce,�,gave materjallY false or inaccwete h�fornwtioa or stacements w Lender(or faikd w provide Lendet with
<br />-�.�,_.. ,..
<br />-°�`'='���i an mutertal informada►) in connection with the loan ovidenced by tha Noto, includir�g, but not WnitAd to. reprrsui �s
<br />_-�-�-��r�:.v� Y as a al nsidence.I f t h i s Sec�u l t y Insnvment is on a lea�ehoW,Borrower
<br />-_���'� conceming gorcower's occupancy of the PmpertY P�P �,���old end the fee titk sha11
<br /> -.�-"� sh�l1 camply wlth�Il ihe Pmvisions of the kase.If Borrowa acquires fee dtle to the Pro
<br /> -.��,� noc merge uniess I.enda agrees w the mer8a in wridng. ts contained in
<br />=�•�:� 7.Protection ot Lender s Rigmta In t6e Praperty.If Bomowa fdls to perform the coveaants and agroenxn
<br />- - � this Sacurlty Instiuument,or them is a lcgel procading t�at may aignificantly affect Lunder's dghts in the T'roPatY (such as a
<br /> .--�- = pr0000ding in bank�uptcY.Probate•for condemnatlon or fodefture or to enforce lawa or ngulatioces)�then I�xkr may do and PaY
<br /> -��'°�' for wt�atcvu is nxaSS�Y to Pmtect the value of the Pro�x�ty and L.�nd�r's r3ghts in the Property.L�kr's octbns m�y include
<br />--=° PaYU►B enY sums secured by a tien which has priodry over this Secacity Tnsaument,aPP��6 in court.PaYinB rea�ebk
<br />_- - atcorneYs� fees and entaing on the Pro(�ercY to make repairs. Allhough I�dec may take actlot► undu thLr psragraph 7,Lender
<br /> "-� does not h�ve w do so. � ��me addidonal debt of Bom�wa socucod by this Seciuity
<br /> ,�,�,.��=:�' My amounts disbursed by[,cndcr undec this paragre►ph
<br /> L�swmen�Unless Bocrowec and Lendex agrc�e w otlur tams of payment, thesa amounts shall bear interest from the date of
<br />—.,.,�.,;�� disbucsement at Ua Noto rnte and shall be payabk.with in taest.upon notice fiom Lender to Somoaes r�q�estinB PaYma►t�
<br />��;;�r� "� 8.Mortsage Jnsunna. If Lenda required mortgago insurenc�e ac a condidoe i�urenceg in eff�If ufor bne►Y reaSOn thee
<br /> � Insuumei►t, Bor[owu sha11 pay the premiums requirod a maintain the mortgeg iums required w
<br />��Y-"�.� - mort888a insur�r►ce coverage required by Lcr�der lapses a cN..ases tn be in effect,Borcower shall pay the Pnm
<br />-';;:,�-+- ., obtain coverage subsnntislly eq�ivalent w the mortBage �SUrance pcuviously in effoct,at a cost substandally equivnknt to the
<br />;�,_., .. ;
<br /> •...'�'� cost to Borrowex of Ihe mortAage insurance pnviously �effat, from an alt�emata moctgage insura approvod by Lenda.
<br />`�'-.�••...�i�,` substendally Wuivalent mortgage insurance covecage is iwt avatleble,Sorrower ahall pay to Lender each month a sum equel to
<br /> . ; •�. .,.;
<br />�.'�. on�twelfth of the ycady mortgage insursuice Prem�um bcing paid by Bonowu when the insuranx cflverage lapsed or w
<br /> - _�' ,r<< ; be in effecG L.ender wW accept, use and retait►thesa paymerits as a toss reserve in lieu nf matgage insurance. Loss reserve
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