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<br /> S�
<br /> �6. '�Y '+atS!4i.�:;�
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<br /> 16.Borrower'a Copy. Borrawcr shaU bo givcn ona conformed copy of thc Nota and of thia Soc�uity InstrumcnG =
<br /> 17.Tnnafer oP the Property or p Beneticlal Interest in 8arrower. 1f all or any paR of tha Property or eny inurest in it Ia
<br /> sold or Vnnaferre�(ar if a bcneflclnl intcrest in Borrawu is sold or tcansfcrrcd end Aorrowcr Is nat a nawrelperson) �vithout
<br /> � i,cncicr's prior wdaeri conscnt,L.cndu may.at itsop�on,roqulro immodlau paymcnt m full of ull sums secured by�hls Sccurity -
<br /> InstrumcnG Howcvar,this apdon shall not bo oxcrcisod by Lcnder if oxcrclao is grohibltcd by fcdcral law as of tho date of thia
<br /> Security InsuumcnG
<br /> ,,,�,,,, lf i,ender�ercises this opdon,Lender ahaU giva Borrower nodce of acceletadon.'Rie noUce shall provide ep�iod of not less
<br /> than 30 dnya from dw da�o tho notico i�delivaed or mailed wlthin which Borro�vu must pay aU sums socured by this Socurity
<br /> ' Inswmea�G If Borrawu f�ii�w p�y these sums prlor W the wcpiration of this period,L.cnder may invoka eny remedlcs peimitted
<br /> by this Sxurity Instrumu►t wlthout furlh�x notke or dcmand on Borrowcr.
<br /> - I8.Borro�rer'e Rl�ht to Rdeshta If Bosrowu mxts oertnin condidons, Banower shell hava th¢ dght to have
<br /> ' ' '� enfacement of this Secucity JnsWmait dtscontinua! et eny time prbr w tho earHet of: (a) 5 days(or such othu period as
<br /> ;� applkabk law may spxtfy fa roinuatemei►t)before sale of the Ptopetty pur:uent to any power of sale cantar►�od in tt►is Sacuriry
<br /> Insuumen�a(b)entry of a]udga►ent enforcing this Security Instrumen�'Itaso condidons aro thac Bomower.(a)pays I.ender all
<br /> sums which then would ba due widor th�s Sxuriry Insuumont ens!the Noce as if no accakradon hsd occnmed+N)cwKS any
<br /> defiwlt of any other covenants or agreeir►ents:(c) PaYs all expenses incurred in enforcing this Socurlty Instntment,including.but
<br /> not limitod w�reu9onabb attort�ys'fees�and(d)takes such xtioa as I.etrder nu reasonably roquire to assuro tdat the lien of this
<br /> u�
<br /> ' ' Socuriry Instr�meab I.endes's riRhts ia tta Pmpercy and Bocrowu's obltg to pay the sume securod by this Sacuriry
<br /> Inswment ahall continue w�changed.Upon reinstatr,moat by Horrowet, this Security Instrument ��d iha obligadons secured
<br /> � he[eby stu�ll remain fuUy effa�ve�if no accebrstbn had occnrrod.However,this dght to ninstate shall not apply in the case of
<br /> accelcradon undu paregraph 17.
<br /> 19.9�k ot Notei Cban`e ot Loan Servker. '1Le Note or a pactial interest in the Note (together wlth t!►1s Se�urity
<br /> Insdrument)msy be�oW oaa a mone t�me.c wlthout pr�notice w Bo�mwu.A sala may cesult in a change in the endty (kaown
<br /> ' , ag the"Loan Servker")that collocta monthly payments due undu tha Noco uad Ihis Sacurity Insocumen�There also may be ono or
<br /> � ' 't ��}�nges of the I.onn Savica uaroWAd W a sak of tha Note.If thue i�a chan e of the I.oan Servioer,Bomower wdi be
<br /> given writta�nodce of the cfange in aocorclanc4 wlth paregraph 14 nbo should be madele'llie nodce�wlll aLso contain an oy tha
<br /> addrass of the new L.o�n Servicu a�d tho address w which paymen
<br /> � infonnadon ro9�bY�PPlkabla law.
<br /> ?A.IIia�airdoua Substanas. Bamwu sball not c�ase or permit the presence, use. dlsposal. storege. or nlebse of any
<br /> .x Hazerdous Substonces on or in the Property.Borrowu shall not do,na sllow anyone else to do,anything affxtjng the Property
<br /> _ that Ls ia violation of any BnvlronmenW Iaw.The pcocod'm8 two senunees sh�U not apply to the presu►ce,nonasl rr�t�nl�s
<br /> - ;: ' Pmpa�cy of smatt quantl�es oc Hazardous Subsraaces duc e�a gencr�itr�a:�,�t u��appmpri:.te
<br />__ . ,. and w m�intenanca of the Prope:ty. �d,lawsait or othcr act3Oa by eny
<br /> �'� '. Borrowa shall promptly give L�da wriuen notke of any invc�sdgadon, cl�im,
<br />-`:.�, `, >:,� govanmenal or regulatoiy ency a privata parcy Involving the Propaty nnd eny H�ardous Substance or Bnvlmnmerrtal Law
<br /> '���-�;;;� �knowbdga.If Bomower kams,or is notified by�ny govanznerual or mgulatary anthorlry.tlut at►
<br /> : •�:,�..;, of which Somowu 6at�c
<br /> "�;`�,�;`::,:�� ranoval or othu remediutian of any Iiayuduus Substance affocdng the Propaty t�nocessary,8ormwar sholl promptly telce
<br /> _;,..;�+;;� nece,ssary nmedial�ctions in ac�cordance wIth Bnvirontna�tel Iaw.
<br /> �r���¢' As used fn this P�Ph 20� "Ha�rdous Substa��a+s" ero thosa subst�uices defu�ed a4 wxic or ha�aMous substancas by
<br /> Bavironmentei Uw aad tho follawing aub�unas: gavollne. kemseafo. otha Mmmabk or tonic pelrolwm pro•duct��to�cic
<br />:�.�.��' p�dcides and hubicides.volati3a solvents,moterlels caiu�ining asbescos or formaldehyde.end radioactive mataial� As used in
<br /> x�„�� this parigraqtt 20."Buvironmennl IAw"means fedual l�ws and lawa of tho jurisdictlon whue tho Pmpaty is locatAd ihatrelate
<br /> --_��� to health�sa3ety or envlronmemal protcctton.
<br /> � NON-UNIIaORM COVBNANfS.Barower end Lender further covcauu�t and agroe as folbwa:
<br /> -��"'� 21.Acoejarat�ioa;Remedks.Lender s6aU�ive natic�to HoPrower prior to aooekratbn tolbwins Borrower'e brac6 of
<br /> - �ny covena�t or a=reemat io t6� Security I�shumeat (Dat not prlar to acakratlon under para�rap6 17 un{eet
<br />-_._`.�;,:;� aPplia►pk I�w pmvida otMerwire).The notke e6W tpecify:(a)the det�ub;(b)tbe acdoA rtquired to cnre the delawlti(�)
<br /> �°'��`r� a d�te,aot lear t6au 30 d�r from t6e date t6e notjce ia�iven to Borrowa.by�rhk6 the det�uk mnst be cund: a�d�d)
<br /> --�--�---- th�t isilure to cure the dd�ult on nr before We date epecyied ie the aotice mMy rtaWt fa aocekration ot t6e sums aecored
<br /> --..,.,_� b�t6i�Searity Inatrumeet�nd eak o�the Property.The ootioe shall fhrt6dr inform Borrower at the ri=6t to refmtak
<br /> .—�""`� . atter�coder�tios �nd t6e�ht to brin��court acttoo to aseert tbe aoa�existeoce ot�detank or anr other defe�se ot
<br /> _'� Borrower to acakration tnd e�k.V the defn�k ie not cured on or before the date apecified ia t6e notia.i.eadee,�t ib
<br />��_�;a;;� option,mq require ir►medtate pa�nnent in tuU ot W aums eecured br thi� Securlty Inatrnment witl�out i�rtlier demssd
<br /> ----=_ *od m�y iovoke the powu of etk and any ot6er reanediea permitted by�pplicabk law.Lender e6aU be eatitled to eollect
<br />---_ = a�expenacs incurred in pursuin`t6e remedie�provWed in t6b pArasraph 21,includieg,bnt not Umited ta reaeonw6k
<br /> -�-°=- -= attornqs'teea and caels ot titk evideece.
<br /> --`�:� It We power ot sak b ievoked� 7lraatee ah�ll reoord a aiotice ot default tn eac�► county in whkh an�part ot tre
<br />-::�� ��;•.;., i�loaited and siu�ll mnil copiea ut sucb notioe in the m�nner preacribed by applicabk I�w to Borrower�nd to t6e
<br /> :..:�;,,,,i:� �
<br /> =`��:�;°;`� other peraoos prescribed br Applicable Inw.Atter the time required by�pplkabk Inw,'ISru�ta a6aU`ive pubiic notice ot
<br />` sa k to t 6e p e r e o n a a n d i n t 6 e m�n n e r p r e s c r i b e d b y a p p l i c�b l e l a w.T r u e t e e,without demand on Borrower,ehail edl tbe
<br /> _ �:.,:�T=' ikoperty at public auction to the hi�hest bidder at the time�nd puee And under the terms desiQuated in tbe�otice of sve
<br />::,_ : �.:.
<br /> �.,, . ,�
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