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<br /> � ' �. . _ . 97� sU'796o
<br /> ' 14. DEF AUI.T�TruxaCwU1 t'�e ldticfi�ilt�if apy�uty obUgated an the Sccured Debt fails to r�inlce payment whGn duc.Tnreror
<br /> ; wi11 be ind�fa i�a bt+bl�b'bc�Urit`anAe► e temu c�f this Secudry lnsuument or any o�her docwnent executed for the
<br /> • puipose uf d�:�4an!'Id�or gusu�ntying the Secured DebG A good faith belief by BeneHolary Wet Beneticiary at any
<br /> : ttme le inaecure w respect to any ptrson dr entlry obligatod on the Secured Aebe or that the prospect of any paytnent or
<br /> � the vdue of tbe Praperty ie impalred sh�ll�Iso canatitute u�evrnt of def4ult.
<br /> 1S. RE1t�fEDYES O1V DE�'AULT. In sonx: instanccs. fedcrn! and stnte law wiU requirc Heneticiary to provide Trustor with
<br /> -� , notice of the right to cure or mher noticee and nsnY establith time schedules far foreelosure actions. Subject to these ,,
<br /> ` liwitattoa�, It eny &neflciary may eccelerate tho Secured Debt and foreclose this Securiry lnstrument in a mAanor •�-
<br /> , .,,,w��+�' � provldod by law if rTrustor is ia dcfauit. -•-
<br /> .. ��: �
<br /> At the optlon of Beaeficiary. all or any put of the agroed fas and chnrges. accrued interest and princlpal shall become _
<br /> � immediately due and paynble, after giviug notice if requlred by 1nw. upon the occ:urrence of a defaWt or an ":
<br /> � l thereafter. In additlon,Beneficiary shell be eatltled to all the resnedtes pmvided by law.the terms of the Secured bt. _
<br /> �
<br /> � this Securlty Inst�noent and any related documeuts,including witbout limitatIon.the pc�wer to sell the Property. _
<br /> � If tLere is a default,Tmsta sh�ll, In addidon to aay other pertnitted remedy,at the re ueat of the HeneRciary,adve se R
<br /> and seU the Property as a whole or insepuate parcels at publk suction to the bighest bi�der for cash nnd oonvey sbsolute
<br /> dde free and clear of all dght,title and fnurest uf 1'rusror at auch time and place as Tnuta destgnaues.Trustee ahall give
<br /> appli�able law i�r►ceff gaththe time of t�he propo�s�afle�e �d a description of the properry to be sold as required by the -
<br /> y .i� -
<br /> Upon eale of tbe propertY and to the extent not pro6ihitcd hy law Trusta shall make and dellver a deed to t1►e ProP�rtY
<br /> •y sold which conveys absolute dde to the purchaser, and afte�r {irst paying all fees. charges and costs. ahall ay to
<br /> Beneficiary all moaeye advaaced for repairs, taxes� insureax. liens. assessmeats aifnd�py oto Tn�tor BeneS�ciaryt maY
<br /> � thereon, and the prjncipal and interest on the Secured Debt, paying the surplus, _-
<br /> purch�se the praperry,'Ihe recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be pr�na facie evIdence of the facts set forth therein.
<br /> •�"• pll ttmedies an distinct,cumulative and not exclusive, and the Beneficiary is entided to all remedles provided at law or
<br /> equiry. whether or aot e�cpressly set forth.The acceptance by Beneficiary of any sum in payaneut or partfal payment on the
<br /> Secwed Debt aRer We balan�ce is due or is acceleraud or after forxlosure praceedin8s are fl1�d sbaU pot �°nstituu a
<br /> a
<br /> def ult�Bea�efic�iary d,oes not waive Henefici�ary's rlg�ht tof la�ter cons�derthe event a default i�f it�wntinues o�r happens a8ains
<br /> pmhibiced bv 1aw.Trustor agrxs to pay all of Henefici 's expenses if Trustor braayhes any covenent in this Securlty
<br /> � . ,---- Insmunent.'t'ruscor will also pay on demaad any emoua�ivaui�ti hq P.cacf:c:s.;•fe• � re�from' reservina or
<br />_ othenvise protectjng the Property aad Beaeficlery'e secunty iatensrotvid�th�e te�tms�of the�Secured Debt.T date o�
<br /> payment unw paid�n fl�U at t�e highest inurest rate in effect�s p
<br /> to pa all costs and expenses incurred b Beneficlary in collectiag, enforcing or pmtect�g Beneficiary's righta wd
<br />-.t�-,'.:• . xe�es under this�e �Insnument shall�r pain uln'effect$uAndl�r�eleased.�'fY�swi eagroes to Qiooafta.�
<br /> � ather legal expensea.
<br /> ;�•:;.-:� �-� recordation costa of such release.
<br /> i..;,�'° ,
<br />-`:'�;�;,,. : l7. E1WIItONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARD()US $LJHSfANCES. As used ia this section. (1) Env�ronmwtal Law
<br />=�'�3``•�'°. aieans, without Iimitation, the Compnheasive Environmental Response, Compensation and LiabUiry Act(CBRCLA, 42
<br />.R�.ti;t?;'';.; U.S.C. 9601 et seq.), and all other faler�l,state aad local laws, regulatlons. ordinances, court orders, attomey g��
<br /> yrs;•: :y;.-' op inlons or interpretive leturs conceming the public health,safery,welfare,environm�ent or a hazardous substance;
<br />�;�'::'`4:h Hazu�doua S�batance means any to�ic, radtoactive or hazudous material� wasu, po Autant or conteminant which has
<br />�ru,:i�_�_'_.��:. ��edBucs which render the substance dengecaus or potend�lly dengerous to tlie public health, safety, welfare ar
<br />-����=�Y�' envlromm�t. 'Ihe term includes. without limitatioa� any substances definai as "hazardous au►ted�l•" "toxic substan�xn."
<br />�'�1'��y�� '�]���� "ha:udous waau"or"ha�ardaus substwce"under any Enviroeumentall-aw.
<br />�J F.f e•.;.:l�.{���
<br /> �:,';.",'� Tnistor npresenta.warrAnts�nd agcas that:
<br /> -`� A.Except as prevlously discloaed and ackaowlalged in wrlting to Beneflciary,no H�zardous Substanoe is or wlll be
<br /> located, etored or releaeed on ot in the PcoQerty. 'Thie nstricdon does not ap ly w small quaatiti�s of H�zudow
<br />"�`�.__� �msinunmce of the Pro
<br /> - -!� Substencea thst ai+e gener�lly ra:o to be ap ropriue for the nomul use P�'•
<br /> e�l
<br /> B.Bx t as prevtoualy dieclosed an �clmowlodg�ia wtiting to&aeficiuy.Tcustor nad every tenaat have beea,are,
<br />�,��� and�reit�ain in full oompli�uace with anyt�p�slicable Environmental Iaw.
<br /> --_�� C.Tzustor ehaU immedtauly aotify Beneficiuy if x releue or thn�teaed releaae of 4 Hazardous Substuice oocurs on,
<br />_-=��!� under or abouc the Pmperty a:there is a vlolatioa of any EnvironmenW 1.Aw coacern�n8 We ProPectY����AII
<br />=-�,:u�,��d� event,Tcustor shaU take aU tte r-ss�y nmedial action ln accordance with any Environw�tal Law.
<br /> D.Trustor shall lmmodiauly aotify Heaeficiary in writing as aoon as Truator has reasoa W beHeve thero isy y��g
<br />=��� or threatened iavestigation, claim, or proc�eding reluing to the release or threatenal release of aa H
<br /> ;�;,,�-�,-.,,. S�bstance or the violation of aay Enviroameutal Law.
<br /> �• 18. CONDEMNA'ixON.lYvswr will glve Benefictary pmmpt notice of auy pendiag or threatened action.by private ar public
<br /> u
<br />- endttes to purchase or take any or sU of the Property through condenmation,emi�aent doroain,or any other me�ns.Tivawr
<br />- � � suthoriie�Beneficiary to intervene In Tustor's nuae in any of the above descrEbed s�ctions or claims.TcueWr assigns to
<br /> � Beneficiary the proceeda of any award or clalm for damaga connecxed with a coademnuion or other t�king of all or u►y
<br /> part of the Prnpe�y Such proceods shall be a�nsidered paym�ents and wlll be applied as provided in this Security
<br /> - Insttumernt,'Ihis ass3gnment of procads is subject to the terms of any prtor mortgage, dad of m�st, securIty:�rament or
<br />_ � other lien docuc�xnt.
<br /> • �� 19. IIVSURANCE.Tivstor shall keep Property insured against losa by fire, flood,Weft and otheti•hazerds and riaks reasonably
<br /> 1, associated with the Property due to its type and tocation.'Ihis insurencx shall be mainteined in the amounts and for the
<br /> ��,�'� periods Wat Beneficlary ulres. The lns�uance catcier provi�the inaurance shall be chosen by Trustor subject to
<br /> _ _SLneficlary�s�proval. w�R�im�nia�a onti�nhqwnlayov�era�aeeto orutect&nefiaiary'e ri'gh�t�he Frope gry a000rdiag
<br />";-_-.-.--__- �---- -�--- awrc�ua.uvuv.: ..�°.i.�.��"'�� ' ' .
<br /> • � c � IO IIIC tCl1117 Of�SOCllLIty IIISSTUII]�M1t. r . - -
<br /> All insurancepolic[es and renewals shall bCecceptable to Beneflciary and shall include�staadard"mortgege ciause"aud,
<br /> - where applicable. "loss psya clause." Tcustor sh�ll immediately noti�y Beneficiary of cancellation or termiaatlon of the
<br />-� ;nsurance. Beq:ficiary shall have the right to hold the policies nnd rencwals. If &neficiary requires. Trustor shall
<br /> � im�medta e notice to th�euraa e carrier�anid Beuefieladry.&nefic ary may emake proof of los�s if notsm de stor�s ia ely by
<br /> Tcustor.
<br />� fpspe 3 0/41
<br /> � - A1A94 CMkR�SY�t�rm.Ina.St.C�ad.MN 11 A00.187•Y3411 Form PE•OT•N8 1 YR�/9E
<br /> ` ; , ,�ta�S:l l
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