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� <br />�rr �0�207937 <br />A tmct of land comprisiag a part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N 1/2 NW I/4) of Se.ction Thirty <br />Five (35), Townslup Eleven (17.) Narfbi, Range Ten (I�) West of the 6th P.M., Rall County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beainn�ing at the Suuthes�sst corner of sa3d North Half of the Northwest Quarter {1�T 7./2 NW 1/4); thence Wes#erlp, <br />alang and upon the South Iine of said North Half of the Norfhwest Quarter (N 1/21�TW 1/4), a distance of Nine <br />H�ndred Forty Four and Two Hundredths (944.Q2) feet; thence deflecting right'89 siegrees 36' 50 and running <br />Nortlierly parallel with the East line of sa�tfl North Haif of the Northwesti Qnartez (N I/Z NW a./4), $ di�staace of <br />Four Hundred Sigty One and 11T'uAety Three Hundredths (461.93) feet; thence defiecting right 9U degrees 26' 25, <br />�nd ranning Easterly, a d.istanca of 1�T'uie Hundred Forty Four and Three Hundredths (944.03) feet to a go3nt on <br />the East li�ne of said No�et� gaIf of t�e l�Torthwest Quarter (N 1/2 N6V I14); thence Sontherly alon� and upon the <br />E�st Iine of said Narth Half of the Northwest Quarter (N I121�'W 114), a distance of Fonr Hnndred Sigiy One and <br />Four Hundredths (461.fl4) feet to the.point of beginning. � <br />