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<br /> ������ THi8 DEED OF TRU3T,is made as of the 24TH day of SEPTEMBER ,19 97 .by arxi amony
<br />:;".� -- \
<br /> iheTrustor,,1,ARRY E SGHMIDT. A SINGL�,_PERSON ' o
<br /> -� whose maiiing address is P 0 BOX 2081 GRANO ISLAND NE 68802 (hereln•Trustor,whether one ormore),
<br />-�'° whosemailingaddressis P 0 BOX 1507 6RA�l^ TCtA\it1 �ir aas�n9 (hereln'Trustee7,and
<br /> - theeeneflciary, FIVE POINTS BANK
<br /> _ whose mel�ing address Is 2015 N BROADWELL GRANO ISLANO NE 68803 (herein"Lende�.
<br /> FOR LARRYBEE CSCHMIp�TION,Including Lender's extenalon of credlt tdent�ied herein to
<br /> (harein'Borrower,"whether one or more)and the Guat heroln croeted,the recelpt
<br /> of which Is heroby acknowledped, Trustor hereby I►rovocably prents, lrenafero,conveys and esaipns to Trustes, IN TRUST,WITF!
<br /> POWER OF S11LE,tor ths beneflt end eecuriry oi lsnder,undsr antl subJsct oo me tem►s erxi candiaons iriiaii�fi+.i so:i�tr:.11so s�;.!
<br /> ProPa�Y deecribed aa follows:
<br /> Topether wkt�all buildlr�e,improvemente,flxturos,atreets,albya,passepeways,easementa,rtghts,privileyes and appurtenances
<br /> located thereon or in a�ywiee peRalninp theroto,end the ronte,lasues end profits,reversiona and rertielnders tl�ered. and euch p�r-
<br /> sonal property thet Is etteched to the improvementa so as to constltute a Tlxtu�e,InGuding,but not ilmited to,heating end coo0np equip-
<br /> mant;and together with tha homestead a madtal interests,if any,which interests are hereby released end waived;ed of which,Includ-
<br /> ing replacements and edditi�ona thereto,is hereby deciered to be e part ot the real estete secured by the Ilen ot th(s beed oi Tmst and
<br /> all of the toreDoin�beinp refemed to herein aa fhe'Properlyr.
<br /> Thia Deed of Truat shall securo(e)the payment of tha principal sum end intereat svidenced bY a prom�s�ry note or credit aproa-
<br /> ment deted SEPTEMBER 24, 19,Q7 ,having e matu�ity dete o� MARGH 24. 1998
<br /> In the original principal emount of s 5n-noo_g0 .and any and ell modiftcatbna,extenalons and ronevr�is
<br /> ther�eot or theroto end any and ell future advances and resdvancea to Borcower(or eny ot them if more than one)hereunder Wrsuent
<br /> to one or more prom(asory notas or credit agreemente(herein called'Note');(b)the paYment of other sums advanoed by La►der bo
<br /> protect the securtly of the Note;(c)the perfortnance of all covenanta and agreements d Trustor set forfh heretn;and(d)all pn�sent end
<br /> future indebtednees end obllgatlons ol8orrower(or eny of them H more than one)to Lendar whether�dlrect,Indirect,absduts or contln-
<br /> gent end nfiether edsinp by note,guaranty,overd�aft a otherwiae.The Note,this Deed ot Trust and eny and all other documants that
<br /> secure the Note or otherwiae executed�n connection therewith,Including without Ilmitetion guarantees,aecurity egreements end
<br /> assignmenta ot leases and rents,ahall be retemed to herefn ea the'loan InsWmenta'.
<br /> Trustor covenanb end aflreea with Lander ae fdbws:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt oi IntNbt�dn�ss.All indebtednesa sacurad hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> 2. Tfd�.Truslor ia the owner of the Properly,has the rtght and authodty to convey the Property,end warranta that the lien creat-
<br /> ed hereby la a firat end prlor Iten on the Properly,except for Ilens and encumbrence�set forth by T�ustor In writing and delivered to
<br /> Lender before execuUon of thie Deed of Tn�st, end the execuUon and deifvery oi this Deod of Trust doea not vfolate any contrac!or
<br /> other obligatbn to whtch Trustor ts subject.
<br /> 3.Tax�s,Ass�ssm�nb.To pay before delinquency atl texes,special assessments and all other Giarpes againet the Property
<br /> now or hereafter levied.
<br /> 4.Insunnc�.To keep the Property�naured a8alnst damage by flre,hazerds Included withln the term'extanded coverepe",and
<br /> � such other hazards es Lender may requlra,In emounts end with companlea acceptable to Lender,naming Lender ea an edditional
<br /> named fnsured,with loss payeble to the Lender.In case of toss under auch pollGes,the Lender is authorized to adjust,�olbct end
<br /> comprom�se,ell claims thereunder end shall have the optton of epplying all or paR ot the Insurance prooeeds(I)to eny Indebtsdness
<br /> secured hereby end fn such order as Lender may detertntne,(il)to the Tniator to be used for the repalr or restoratlon of the PropeRy o�
<br /> (flq tor eny other puryosa or obJect satlsfactory to Lender without aitecttnq the Iien of this Deed of Truat for the full emount tecurod
<br /> harebv bafore such navment ever touk place.Any appilcatbns of proceeda to Indebtedness shall not extencf or postpone the due dete
<br /> ot eny payments under the Note,or cure eny detautt thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> __..-. 5.Escrow. Upon wrttten demend by Lender, 7rustor shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may destgnate,suffident
<br /> — sums to enabie Lender to pay es they become due one or more of the fol�owfng:(f)all texea,assessrnenta and other charges egeinst
<br />- — the PropeRy. (If) the premtums on the property inauran�n required hereunder,end(Ifi) the premlums on any mortgaga Inaurence
<br /> -y�=� required by Lender.
<br />-�� 8. Matntm�nc�, R�pain and Compllaac� with Lawi.Trustor shall keep the Nropcsrty in good conditlon end repalr; ahell
<br /> �"�''� promptly repalr,or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;shail not commlt or pem�it a�y waste or deteriore-
<br /> ��:-;�:;� tton ot the Property;shali not remove,demdlsh or substantlally alter any oi the Improvements on the Properly;ehall not commlt,suffer
<br /> or permit any act to be done In or upon tho Property In vblation ot any law,ordinance,or regulaUon;and shall pay and prompUy dfs-
<br />.,:�� charge at TrustoPs cost end expense all Itens,encumbrances and charges levied,imposed or accessed against the Properly o�eny
<br /> part thereof.
<br /> '��� 7. Emin�nt Domaln.Lender is hereby asaignecl all compensadon,awards,demagea and other payments or rellei(heref�atte�
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