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<br />:'�'`�t�';y`:vt SEPTEMBER ,18 97 ,by and amonp o�
<br />_�•=.,.�;s;,.. TH13 DEED OF TRUST,is made as ot the 25TH day ot
<br />_�=;�,?,. \�
<br />_„n���j�
<br /> �"'-�`"•'�'�:�':. v�hose malling eddress Is 1502 HANCOCK AVE. GRAND ISLAND NE 688Q3 (hsrein•Trustor",whether one or more),
<br /> y:�'�r`����.'
<br />..�t�4 �
<br /> �xnt� herein"Trustee'),and
<br />--";.:�;i�e;:';, whose mailing eddress is� O BOX 1507 GRAND ISLAND NE 6880 — � —
<br /> _�.ti,�:.,.
<br />_,;��.f� the Beneflciary, PO
<br />--.���sa��
<br /> — whocemailingeddressls2015 N. BROADW�LI. AYE. GRAND IS�AND NE 6�803 lherein'Lender).
<br />--*u���;30 FOR VALUABLE CbNSIOERATION,including Lenders oxtenalon of credit identifled herein W
<br /> �`�s;� (herein"BoROwer.'whether one or mora)and the trust herein created,the recafpt
<br /> �.,.�::`'f!�
<br /> of which is Fwreby acknowledged, 7rustor hereby Ircevacably grents, transfers, canveYs and asslgns to Trustee,iN 7RIJST,WIT
<br /> ---_ �Uy��pF�T�t,E.iw ti�8;er+�ar�C�cosdty�f l..er.�+r.un�er Ancf RubJect to the tarms and canditlons herefnafter set forth,the real
<br /> —...� property descrlbed as tolbws:
<br /> Topether with ell bulldinpa,knprovements,flxturos.etroete,elbys,pessagewaYs.aaeemenls.d9��,Pfi'liepes and appu►tenences
<br /> Ixated thereon or In anywlse pertaining thereto, and the rents,Issues end proflts,rev�rolone�nd remefnders thereof,and nuch per-
<br /> sonal proparty thet is alteched ro the Improvementa eo es to constitute e tixturo,lncludf ng,but not Ilmlted to,heat(ng and 000linp equtp-
<br /> ment;end topsther with ths hon»stead or madtal intereats,if any,which interosta are heroby rolaasex!and weived;aq ot whid�,indud-
<br /> ing ropiecerrients and edditlona U►eroto, is Mroby declered ta be a paR oi tha reaf estate secured by the Iien d thls Deed of Trust and
<br /> aN ot the forspoinp belny rofsrred to hersin ae the"Property"•
<br /> Thls Dssd of Tnist sh�ll seairo(�)the p�yment ot the prindpal sum and Interoat avidanced by e promissory note or c►edK aproo-
<br /> msnt deted cFa rMaFQ� �q�? __ ,heving a maturity date ot,;,�„�pBER 1, 20�?--�
<br /> ��the aiginai princlpal amount of i 9,Z�nnn �n .and any and all moditicaUons,extenafons and renewals
<br /> thereot or theroto and any end W tuturo advaraes and roedvances to Borrower(or eny of them ff more then one)heroix�cier PursuMt
<br /> to one or moro promiaaory notee or crsdit ayroements(haroM called'Note').(b)the peYn�nt of other suma edvanced b!►Lecxlsr 10
<br /> qntea the security ot the Note;(c)the Performence M ell covenants end agroemenb otTruabor set forth hereln;end(d)aN prosent and
<br /> tuturo Mdsbtedrx+sa end ot�tgatlona oi Borr+ewer(or eny oi them H more than one)to Lender whether diroet,Indkect�eb�owte or�'
<br /> gent and whettiet a�talnp by no6e,9uarenty.overdreR or othe�w(se.The Note.thfs Deed of Tnat and any end all uther doaxr�ents that
<br /> secure the Nots or otherwtae executed In connectlon therewlth,inciudinp wfthout limitatton guarentee�,secudty►eproerne�ta and
<br /> assignments a1lea�ee end renb,shaN be refertsd to herein as the'Loan Instrumenb'.
<br /> Truabr covenanb and agreea with Lender ea fdbwa:
<br /> 1. PaymtM of Ind�bt�dn�ss.All N�debtedness secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> 2. TMN.Tnistor is the owner oi the Properly�hea the�ight and authority to ca►vey the Property,and warrents that tha lien crost
<br /> ed hereby ts e 6rat and prbr Ibn an the Property�except tor Ilena end encumbrences set foAF�by T�ustor in writing and delivered to
<br /> Lender before executbn of thls Deed oi Trust,and the executfon end delivery oi this Deed of Trust does not violete sny oo�tract or
<br /> other obligaUon to which Trusta Is nubject.
<br /> 3.T�xy,AssKSrrNnb.To pay before deNnquency ail taxes,special assessments end all other charges against the Property
<br /> now or haroafter levied.
<br /> 4.Insur�fw.To keep the Properly Insured egainst damage by flre,hazerds Induded withln the tertn'extended coverege',and
<br /> ��°�� such oll�er hazerds es Lender may requlre,In emounb and wfth companias accepteae to Lander,naming Lender as s�additione�
<br /> named Insured,wlth bss PaYeble to the Ler�ler.In caae of bss under such polk�es.�e Lender is authorized to edjust.oollecR and
<br /> opmprom{se,a1�clelms thereurber and ahall have the opUon of applying ell or part o11he inwrance pmceeds(1)W any ir►sieDtednesa
<br /> secured hereby and in auch arder as Lender may determine,(11)to the Tnastor to be used fortlia repair or restoratbn of the Property cx
<br /> pii)for any other purpose or oblect seUsfactory to Lender without aitecUnp the Iten of Ihis Oead ot Trust for th9 full amount secured
<br /> hereby beforo auch payrnent ever took place.Any eppi�atbns of proceeds to indebtedness shall not axtend or postpor�e the due dete
<br /> - Ot 8�lyl�IT101I15 uIl(i!!t u11T i�ano�vi w:v m: w�t.x Mwn..rvfnr rv harAtlMRr.
<br /> �w...v�.......��..r-. _.
<br /> ---- 6.Escrow.Upon wrltten demend by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender, in such manner es Lender may designate,suf8ciant
<br /> —�� sums to enable Lender to pay es they become due one or more oi the tollowing:(q all taxes,assessments and oiher charges egak�at
<br /> -°-=='--�"e� the Property,(tl)the premtums on the property inauranee requtred hereunder,end(I�) the premiums on eny mortgage insurence
<br /> ��- � required by Lender.
<br /> .'`�,�' 6. MatM�nmco, Rtpain and Complitnc�vrtth L.�ws.Trustor shail koep the Propacry fn good oonditk�n and repair, shall
<br />_.— „�.-� promptiy repoir,or replace any Improvement whk,h may be damaged or destroyed;shali notcorrn'nit or pemi(t any waste nr deteriora-
<br /> -=F�a-us� tlon oi the Properry;shali not romove,demolish or substenHally after any of the improvemenls on the Property;sha�l►wt commit,suffer
<br /> --•:�+"�' or permft eny ect to be done In or upon the Property in violaHon ot any taw,ordinance,or regulatlon;end shali pey and promptiy dfs-
<br /> '�`'''�='4' ��' charpe at Tn�stcx's cost end expense all Ilens, encumbrences and charpes levied,imposed or accessed egainst the Property or any
<br /> -��'�`�.y+� � part thereof.
<br /> l;:••,;; 7. Emintnt Domain. Lender Is hereby assigned all compensatlon,ewards,damages and other payments or relief(hereinaiter
<br /> ,'"_"ti,�•.',�, Nec�eit�awM�rro..an..e+ss .� �'�i' ..t:
<br /> ±'' o+9rw�n�ru/+aewmwnter.roe+wa���,.�"r.
<br />