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<br /> "Proceeds')In connectbn wlth condemnatlon or other teklrtp oi the Property or part lhereot,or lor conve�ence in Iieu of condemnetion.
<br /> l.ender ehall be entltled et Ite option to commence,nppear In end proaecute I�Ite own name any ecNon cr proceadinga,end ahali elso
<br /> be entflied to make any compromlee or eattlement In connectlon wllh euch teking a damaga. In the event eny portlon of tha Pro{�erly Is
<br /> so taken or dam�yed,Lend�r sh�ll heve Ihe optlon In ita eole And ebsoluta�1lscrotlan,lo epply ell euch proceede, atter deduclina
<br /> theretrom all coste�nd expensei Incurred by It In connsction with euch Proceeds,upon ony indabtednes�secured horeby nnd In euch
<br /> order ee l.ender m�y delermins,ar to epply�II�uch Proceede,aRer euch deduoGon�,to the re�laratlon of tha Property upon such con•
<br /> dltbne ae I.endar m�y detemine.Any appllc�llon of Procaed�to Indebtodne�e shall not extend or poatponn the due deto oi any pay-
<br /> ments under!he Nate,or cure sny deUult thereunder a hsreunder.Any unapplled funda shall be pald lo Trustot.
<br /> 8.P�rMrmmc�by t.�nd�r. Upon the occurrence of en Event of Oefault hereunder, a IT any ect la taken or legnl proceeding
<br /> cflmmenced wi�{ch malerlally ai(ectR Lender's Interesl In the Property,Lender mey In Ita own discrellon,but wlthout obligatlon to do so,
<br /> and without notice to a dsmend upon Tru�lor md without relea�inq Truitar trom eny obiqatbn. do any act which Truator haa eproed
<br /> but felied to do and mey also do any other act It deem� necessery ta protxt the eecurity hareof. Trustor shal�, immodlately upon
<br /> demand therefor by�ender,pey to Lender eil coate end expenses Incurred and sums expended by Lender In connectlon wlth the exer-
<br /> clse by Lender oi the foregoing rights,togather wlth intereat thereon et tha defeuit reta provided In the Note,whtch ehell be addod to
<br /> the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender ahall not incur any Ilebiltty beceuse of enything It mey do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 9. Huardous M�t�ri�ls.Trustor shell keep the Property in complfeoce with all eppNcable laws, ordinancea and regulatbns
<br /> relaUng to Industrfei hygfene or environmentat protectton(cotlectivety referred to herein es "Envtronmentel Lawa').Trustor shall keep
<br /> the Property iree irom atl substencea deemed to be hazerdous�r toxic under any Environmental Laws(collecUvely refeRed to herein
<br /> as'Hazardous Materials').Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lendor that there ere no Hazardous Meterlais on or under the
<br /> Property.Trustor hereby agrees to tndemnify and hotd harmless Lender,(ts directore,officers,employees and agents,and eny eucces-
<br /> sors to Lenders interest,from end against any and ail cietms,damagea,bssas and IlabiNUee a�sing in connection with the presence,
<br /> use,diaposal or transport oi any Hezardous Materiels on,under,irom or about the Prope�ty.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.Assipnment ot R�nt�.Truator horeby assigns to Lender,end g►ants Lender e secu�ity i�terost in,all present,future and
<br /> after adsing rents,Issues and profits of the Properry;provlded that Trustor ehaN,undl the occurtence of an Event of Default,hereunder,
<br /> have the right to collect and retaln such renta,Issues and proflts as they become due and payabie.Upon the occurrence ot an Event of
<br /> qefault,Lender may,eilher In person or by agent,with or without bdnging any action or proceading,or by A�eceiver appointed by a
<br /> caurt and without rega�to the adequacy of Its securiry,enter upon and teke possesslon of the Property,or any part thereof,In its own
<br /> name or in the name of the Trustee,end do any acts which it deems neoessary or deskable to preservo the value,ma�COtability or
<br /> rentebility of tho Properly,or any part thereof or Interest therein,or to Increase the income therefrom or protect the aecurity hereof and,
<br /> with or w(thout taking possession of the Property,sue for or otherwiae cotlect the rents, tssuesend proflta thereof,includfng those pest
<br /> due end unpaid,by noUtying tenants to make payments to Lencier.Lender may apply rents, tssues and proflts,less coats and expens-
<br /> es of operadon and collectlon including ettomey's tees,to any indebtedness aecured hereby,al1 h such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mine.The entering upon and taking possession oi the Property,the callection ot such rents,Issues and proflts,and the epplk;ation
<br /> thereot es etoreseid shall not cure or watve any defauft or noUce ot default hereunder or InvaYd�te any act done tn response to auch
<br /> defeult or pursuant to such notice of defauft and,notwithstanding the cont(nuenoe In possession of the properly or the collectton,
<br /> recatpt e�xl applk��tion oi rents,Issues or profita,Trostee and Lender shall bo endded to exerdsa evAry dght provided for in eny of the
<br /> Loen inatniments or by law apon occurrence ot eny EveM oT DafauR,induding without Iimitation the right to exerdae tfie power of eale.
<br /> Further,LerxiePs riphts ertd remedies under thia paregraph shall be cumulative with,end In no way a Ilmitadon on,Lenders dghts and
<br /> remedtea under any asaignment ot leaaea end renta recorded againat tha Property.Lender, Tmstee and the recelver shaA be Ileble to
<br /> account only for tlase ronts actuaNy received.
<br /> 11.Ewnb ot Otfauk.The foilowing shall canaUtute an Event ot Detauft under this Deed ot Trust
<br /> (a)Failure to pay any Inatalimant oi prfndpal or Interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A broech of or default unde►any provisfon contafned tn the Note,Mis Deed of Tiust,eny M the Loan instruments,or sny
<br /> other Nen a encumbrance uP���KY
<br /> (c)A writ oi execution or etfschment or any simllar proceaa ahall be enterad apain�t Trustor which shall beoon�e a Hen on
<br /> the Property or enY portton thereof or Interest theroln;
<br /> (d)7'here aheN be 1Nad by or agetntt Trustor or Borrower en actlon under eny p►esent or Nturo federal,atek+or olhe�atatuEe,
<br /> law a�ul�tion rol�tlnp to bankruPtcyr,Insohren�y or other relbf for debton;o�r thers eh�N be appointed sny Uusteo,roc�ivx a
<br /> liquid�tor d Trwtw or Borrower or of ell or any part ot the Propeity,or the rente.fasues or protits thereol.or Trusta or&xrowsr
<br /> eheN make anY OenR�l east9nment far the benefd of credkoro;
<br /> (e)The sab,b�nafar,lea�e,esalpnment,oonveyenoe or fuMer encumbranoe d ell a any psrt oi or any Mterssi M the
<br /> Pnoperty.eHhervoluMarily or fnvoluntariy,without the express eakten oonaent of Lender: provided that Trusbr ahaN be pem�it-
<br /> ted Eo execute a les�e of the Properry thet doea not conteln en optlon M purchaae and the tertn oi whlch doea not ettceed ona
<br /> Y�
<br /> (A llbmdorxnent of the Property;or
<br /> (4)ii Trustor h�not an individual,the issuance,eab.transfer.ssafpnment,convayance o►enaumbrenca d moro than(H a
<br /> corporation)a lofal of peroent ot ita laaued and outamnd(ng atodc. or(if a partr�e►ship)�totel W per
<br /> ant of partne�ehtp(nteneats.or(H a Iimited NabNfty canpany)e total of percent of the Nmited Itabilily com�a�
<br /> ny frKenssb or vding�(yhte durin�ths period 1Ms Deed ot Truat rerr�elns a Ilen on the prop�Ay.
<br /> 12.R�trNdNs;A�c�Nratlon Upon Dtfault.In ths event of aoy Event of Qeiault Lender r�nay,without ra�ce except es roquksd
<br /> by Isw,declene d k�debtsdrwss securod heteby to De dus arld peyat�fe and the same ehaD tliereupon beaome due and peyebis wifM
<br /> out anY Preaentrnen�de�nand�Protest or nolice of eny kind.TFieroa(ter Lencler may:
<br /> (�)Oarwr�d that Trustee ex�r�ciae the POWER OF SALE pranted fbrein,end TnssMs ahall thsreaftsr cau�Tnwlors tnbr-
<br /> a eat In the Property b be edd and tlie proceeda to be dlsUibuted,ap In the m�nner provide8 In the Nebraske Tnist Dseds Ik�
<br /> ; �b��any and AN riphts provided for{n any of the Loan Irahuments a by law upon oxuRence of any Event of
<br /> " (c}Conxr�encs an action to foneclose thta Deed ot Trust as a matgape.appointe rooeiver.or spedflcally eniorne any d tM
<br /> covsnante her�eot
<br /> No tsmedy her�etn co�terrod upon or rosorved to Trustee or Lender la intended to be�xduaive of any Wher remedy herein,tn the Loan
<br /> Ins�xnents or by law provided or pem�itted�but each ahaN be amulafiv�e,shaY be in addition b eYery olher�bmedy piven her��de�,
<br /> fn tbe Loan Instr�xnenb or now or hereaRer exiatkg at law or In equily or by stetute,and rr�y be exenci�ed oonc�xrsnty.bdeper�daNN
<br /> or auoce3ivsly.
<br /> tA Tn�. Th�Tnntaw msv n�1en at anv ttrtf�tiiihevd r��ea nnA��neiur.nnv n!nnu Nn,.rw1...W....,�......�..r...t..�s....�
<br /> Gsssor or substitub Tn�sLee.Tnutee ehaN not bs Hable b any ptrly.kidudk�wfUwtd limltation l.ender�Borrower�Trualor a any Put`
<br /> chaer ol an Pro{�ey.tor any bss or damage onts�s aue co reckls.:or wiMf�,�n�isoonauex.aoa sh�N r,ot be rsqu�rea�o caks e�y ecnoe
<br /> in oonnec�ion wiM the enfornement oi thls Deed of Tniat unless IndemnHied. In wrifk�.for aN oosb�compensati�on or expensea which
<br /> aab�renHts�heroln�: postpor�e1 the asi�o aN aor �becoms e putcheaer at any sale of the Pe�operty Qudic181 or under the power ot
<br /> �^Y P«Uon of ths PropsrtY� as Pmvided bY law; or aeN the Property as a w�wle,or In
<br /> eeprrete paroels a lots et Trustea's diseretbn. '
<br /> 14.Fs�s and Exp�nNS.In Hw event Tnistes aeNs the Properry by sxenciae ot power of sale,Tnistes shsll be eotltled to epply �
<br /> eny sab prooeeds 6rat to paynnent oi eN coab end expenses of ex�ncfskg po�wer d sela,Indudng eN Tnistee's fees,end Lender'a and
<br /> Trustee's aqomey'e fee�. actualy Incurred to exteM permitted by applicaDl� lew.In the event Bortow�er or Truslor exsrctne any�t •
<br /> provided by I�w to�uro an Evsnt M Oefauh,Lender shaN be entltled to�eeovsr irom Trustor eN aaab end expsnses actualy Incurted ae
<br /> e rsault of Tn�stare defauft,kidudir�vrktwut Ifmitallon alI Trustes's and attomey's fees,to the extent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> 75.Futun Adv�efc��. Upon rsqt�at of Bortowar.Lendar may�st ka optbn,make additfonel end fuWro ad�rances end road-
<br /> vanoe�to 6arovrer.Such ed�rancas and roadvancea�wilh Interoat tMreon.a1�aN be securod Dy thfs Deed d Trust At no tirtie ah�W Ms
<br /> • i
<br />