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<br /> Any applicatian of rcnta edAll not curo ar waivc Qay dcfault or inv�lldato any othcr righc or remcdy o[Lender. This ._
<br /> � assignment af remts a1'the Property ehall termiaate when the debt securcd by the Secutity Iastrument ts paid in full. `, °
<br /> `�' 18. Forocbsuco pc000Auro. U Lender reyuires imme,�liate payment tn[uA under paragrnph 9,Lender may iavoke
<br /> � the powcr of sale and any other remadies Rermltted by applicAlsle IAw. l�ender shall be entitled to collect sll expenses �`
<br /> �;. iacurrecl in pursuing the remedies provided in thL�paregrsph 18,iaciuding,but not llmited to�rcasonable attorneys' _
<br /> •' ��; fces and aos�s of tltic evidenoc.
<br /> � If the�awcr uf sale ts tnvoked. Trustee shall rccord a nutdce oP default in each oounty in wbich any pan of the �
<br /> Properry is tocated and shall mall coples of sucd aoUce in the raenner prescribed by appll�blr!nw to Borrowce and �_
<br /> ;;� t o t h c o t h e r p c r s o n s prescribcd b y a p Qlipble law. A[ter the time[equired by eppUcable law,'IY�ustec,shall give publtc ; �
<br /> noUce of sala to che p ersons end ln tde manner prescdbed by applicable law.'I'rustee.w i t hout dcmaa d o n B o n o w e r, �
<br /> -- -- shall seQ Wc Property at pubUc auctlon ro We highcst biddcr at tde tlme and place and under thc tcrms dcslgnated � �
<br /> in We nutice of salc in oae�r mora parcets and ln any urder'YYustee dcterndnes. Trustee may postpone salc ot a1D �
<br /> '�' ut a:ty patcel of We Praporty by publlc announcemeat at the tlme and�lace of aay prevtously scheduled sale. Lender r
<br /> ' . or its designee mey purchasa tho Property at aay sale. �
<br /> � � Upon receipt of payment of tho prioc bid,Trustee shatl deliver to the purcGa,er Trustee's decd wnveying the �
<br /> �`ti:': � Property. 'I�o recltnls In the Trustec's deed shall be prlma facle cwldena of the truth of We statemeats niade therein. N
<br />,....h.!;._
<br /> " ' Tr�stee shall apply the proceeds of tUa sale in th�fotlowing order:(a)to all casts and expenses of cxercising e powe�x
<br />.}�,�.�fi�! ' o�salc�and tho sale,including Wc p�yment of the Trustec's fe,cs nctually incurred,not to exceed
<br /> :Y__� of WB principal amaunt oP the nou at thc dma of the deciaration of default, and rrssonable attomeys' fecs as
<br /> --?` � permitted by law; (b) to ali sums sec�reC by thi�Security Inscrumeat;aud(c)any excess co the person or persons
<br /> -•:�;;�_.�.
<br />,�,��� IegaUy entitled to IG
<br /> ' �'�:=;. If tha Lender's incerest in this Securiry Iastrument is held by tha Secret�ty aad We Secretary requUts immediate
<br /> � payment in full under parngraph 9,the Secretary may Invoke the nonjud3cial power of sale provlded ia the Single
<br />'��,- �� FamIly Mortgage Foreclosure A�et ot 1994('Aet')(12 U.S.0 3751 ec s�e. .) by requestIng a toreclosure commissioner
<br /> _ ��?� designated under the Act to mmmence toreclosure and to seU We Property as provIded in the Acc. Nothiag in the
<br /> ��.�� preooding sentence shsll depdve the Seaetary of aay rights otheiwlse avaikble to a Leader under thts paragrapb 18
<br /> -�_" or applicsble law.
<br /> '":�"��•� 19 R�000uve�nsoa Upoa payment of all sums secured by tl►�S Secudty Instrumen�Ixrt�der shall tequest'IYustce
<br /> --='�"� to reooavey We Properry aad ahail surrender this Secudty Instrument and all notes evideacing debt secured by thls
<br /> "-�'.,� Sec�uity Instn�ment to Trustee. Trustee shall reoonvay the Ptoperty wlthout warranty and wIthout charge w the petson
<br /> _=�:�, �r nercc►aa legally endtled to[� Such person or persons shall pay any recordation oasts.
<br /> ._:,��_��• `�p, �t[tate 11cu�tea Lender,at its optton,may frora t.me to drae remove Trustce and appoinc a suooGSSOr
<br /> :"�"r mutee co any Trvstee appolnted herew�der by an Inscrument reoorded in the county in widch this Savrlty Instrumet�t
<br /> -`-- is reoorded. Without conveyance of the Property,the suocessor tnutee ahall suaceod to au We title,power and dudos
<br /> v— . oonfernd upon Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> ' 21, g,eqKSt foc Notiors. Borsower requests that ooptes of We aottoes of defautt and asle be sent to Borrower's
<br /> address which is the Pmperty addras.
<br /> �, ?y gW as b tri�Secodty I�p� If one or more rider�are execuud by Bormw�er and r000ided togtther with
<br /> this Security Instrument,the oovennats oP each such r�der shall be iacorpnsatod iato ai►d sliall amend and suppkment.
<br /> _ the oavenants and agrGCmenu of tbb SecurIty Instcument as if t�e dder(s)wera a part of this Sect�rlty Ia�uumen�
<br /> —f [Check appllcable box(es)].
<br /> � a Condominium Ridcr a C3caduated Payment Rider � G�g�q��Y��r
<br /> _� .
<br /> 1 � Planned Unit Dcvelopmant Rider a Adjustable Rate Rider Rehabllitation Loan Rider
<br /> � a Noa-Owner Occupancy Rider � Other[Specify]
<br /> • BY SIdNINtt BEIAW,Botrower aocepts and agrees to the terms mntained in pages 1 through 6 of this Seourity
<br /> + Insuument and in any dder(s)exeated by Borrower and reoordcd with ic.
<br /> ;
<br /> � � � Uttio�/�� �.�1►`f�c,�t� ��� ��,�..D.t'A 9�_ �so�at)
<br /> -- , LUIS S. PRADO -Borcowcr NBLLX P -Boraow�er
<br /> --� �Seal) ���
<br /> -- _:� •Borrovver -Sormr�er
<br />_ =-��T'�
<br /> -:�`;,�� � rSeal
<br />-.-?��&� .B�oitowcr -Borcow�ei
<br /> ~=:���_:a�
<br /> -= �.�;� Witness: Witness:
<br /> _y�TM _
<br />_'e�-�`�~'�'s� --- ---
<br /> _=;�;;!-'�.
<br /> �'..-
<br /> ��s-."``•_
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<br /> .�� : . HBHRARlCA-PHA DHSD OF 1RIl3f —
<br /> ,• .. .,..� ao�,.�Ks�.esuK caoo�caurz Pagc 5 of 6
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